name the tree steps to do the selection
- preselection or screening
- selection
- hiring
présélection : 4 étapes
- réception of __
- 1st screening based of ______ profile
- 2nd screening based of ____ interview
- ____ for interview
- cv
- selection
- phone
- appointment
what does a 15/20 minutes phone interview verify ?
name 3 out of 5 things
- professional experience
- language skills
- motivation
- availability
- salary expectations
during the selection there is 6 étapes, from selection committee to global evaluation, name those between ;
- face to face ____
- selection ___
- verification of ______
- verification of ____ file
- interview
- tests
- referrals
- judiciary
how many people are on the selection committee ?
2-3 people (including supervisor and employee)
is this question okay for face to face interview and why ?
you don’t have a problem with shift work right ?
no because it is biased and these is a leading question
true or false : face to face interview can verify competencies and can know if the experience pretend in resume is fake
2 other creative idea for face to face interview
scenarios and role play
why types of test can be use as selection tools ?
- knowledge or achievement
- performance
- personallity
- pysichal skills
- mental capacity
reference check :
- ____ permission form candidate
- _____ information from interview
what does it need to announce the decision to the candidate ?
- ____ or in ____
- _____ for accepting the offer
- start ___
verbally writing
start date
orientation (welcome and onboard your new employee) : why is it important ?
name 2 of 5 things
- first impression matter, employee engagement
- reduces errors and save time
- reduces employee turnover
- reduces employee anxiety
- fosters organizational culture
what to ensure about the new employee during orientation :
- are quickly able to ____ their work efficiently
- are clearly informed of their ____, benefits and duties
- have a clear picture of ____ in their department and the company in general
- create harmonious ____ within their teams
- perform
rights - operations
- relationships
is that a mistakes to avoid ?
Bombarding the new hire with facts, figures, names, and faces, into one seven-hour day
name 4 reason why sometimes we end up hiring the wrong person for the right position ?
- incomplete analysis
- ppr definition of the KSAO
- wrong choice of recruitment source
- inadequate screening
- instructured interview
- wrong questions asked
- perceptual biases
- no reference check
- poor listening and or too much talking
results from improper hiring
name 3
- complaints to humain rights commission
- tarnish public image
- inability to attract the best candidate
- loss of clients
- decreasing competitiveness
- slowing down your progression
- frustration with existing employees
- cost $$$