class 6 Flashcards
The following are measures of central tendency except:
a. Mean
b. Cumulative percentage
c. Median
d. Mode
What are the median and mode in this distribution (sorted from lowest to highest)?
6, 8, 8, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 16
a. 10 and 8, respectively
b. 12 and 10, respectively
c. 11 and 12, respectively
d. 10 and 12, respectively
True or false: A distribution may have multiple modes and medians, but only one mean.
Complete the sentence: The middle score in a distribution is known as the ___________.
a. mean
b. median
c. mode
d. halfway
True or false: The mean, median, and mode can never all be the same.
True or false: The mean always corresponds to the value associated with one specific cases in the sample under examination.
True or false: When the number of cases in a sample is odd, the median always corresponds to the value associated with one specific case.
Complete the sentence: For nominal-level variables, the ______ is the only measure that can be
a. mode
b. median
c. mean
d. trimmed mean
Complete the sentence: The ____________is the preferred measure of central tendency when a
dataset has outliers.
a. Median
b. mean
c. skewness
d. tail
True or false. Skewness refers to the symmetry of a variable’s distribution.
Complete the sentence: The _____________ is the value in a dataset that occurs most
a. mode
b. mean
c. median
d. majority
The mean is a descriptive statistic useful:
a. for summarizing interval scale measures
b. For summarizing nominal variables scale measures
c. For summarizing ordinal variables
d. All of the above
True or false: When the mean is greater than the mode, the distribution is negatively skewed.
True or false: The mean is an accurate measure for describing skewed distributions.
Which type of central tendency is always located in the middle of a distribution?
a. mode
b. median
c. mean
d. cumulative percentage
Suppose you knew the day of the month on which each of your classmates was born. The most
frequently occurring day of birth is called:
a. frequent
b. mode
c. mean
d. median
The median value of a variable is ______.
a. the most commonly occurring value
b. the average value
c. the upper limit value
d. the middle value
Which of the following variables has a median value?
a. marital status
b. gender
c. percentage of eligible voters casting ballots in the United States
d. ethnicity of eligible voters in the United States
A researcher studies presidential approval polls and finds the following values: 46, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52. What is the median approval rating?
a. 48
b. 48.5
c. 49
d. 49.5
Suppose a researcher studying attitudes on gun control finds 40 percent of respondents in favour and 40 percent of respondents opposed and the remaining 20 percent uncertain. The distribution of responses would be referred to as ______.
a. multimodal
b. bimodal
c. unimodal
d. modal