class 5 health euqity Flashcards
what is health equity
means that all people can reach their full health potential and are not disadvantaged from attaining it because of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, social class, socioeconomic status, or other socially determined circumstance意味着所有人都能充分发挥其健康潜力,不会因为种族、民族、宗教、性别、年龄、社会阶层、社会经济地位或其他社会决定的环境而处于不利地位
people lower income has higher risk for diabetes
access to health food
levels of intervention
upstream: decrease the causes of the causes(law, policy, regulations)
midstream: change the causes(direct support)
downstream: change the effects of the causes(medical interventions)
what is SODH
social determinants of health, The circumstances in which people are born into, grow up, live, work, and age, and the systems put in place to deal with illness
* These circumstances are, in turn, shaped by a wider set of forces: economics, social policies, and politics
what are health inequities
socially produced
infair and unjust
approaches to support health euqity
universal strategies
targeted strategies
targeting with universalism
proportionate universalism
what are the universal strategies to support health equity
are directed to the entire population based
on the belief that each member of society should have access to the same services to maintain or improve health是基于社会每个成员都应该获得相同的服务以维持或改善健康的信念而针对全体人口的吗
what are the targeted strategies
apply to prioritized sub-groups to address
identified specific needs
why target with universalism?
is a blended approach that can be
accomplished either by developing specific strategies to address inequities in the SDOH or by adjusting universal interventions to increase accessibility for certain groups 是一种混合方法,既可以通过制定具体战略来解决SDOH中的不公平现象,也可以通过调整普遍干预措施以增加某些群体的可及性来实现
why we need proportionate universalism
to level up the health gradient,
programs and policies must include a range of responses for different levels of disadvantage (i.e., those who are most in need receive greater and more intensive services and programs) 为了提高健康梯度,方案和政策必须包括针对不同程度劣势的一系列对策(即,最需要帮助的人获得更多和更密集的服务和方案)。
what are the target populatuions
They are populations at risk of adverse health outcomes, and for whom public health interventions may be reasonably considered to have a substantial impact at the population level他们是面临不利健康结果风险的人群,对他们来说,公共卫生干预措施可以合理地被认为在人口层面产生重大影响
WHAT are the priority populations
Priority populations are populations at risk of adverse health outcomes due to socially produced inequities, and for whom public health interventions may be reasonably considered to have a substantial impact at the population level重点人群是由于社会造成的不平等而面临不利健康结果风险的人群,对他们来说,公共卫生干预措施可以合理地被认为在人口一级产生重大影响
Things for concern when engaging priority poulations
- Health professionals should refer to these populations with labels that
they use themselves - Describing them as “high needs’, ‘disadvantaged’, ‘vulnerable’, etc. can
be stigmatizing - Achieving cultural safety (beyond cultural awareness) is key to meaningful
engagement with priority populations - An even better approach is cultural humility
what is cultural humility?
A process of self-reflection to understand personal and systemic biases and to develop and maintain respectful processes and relationships based on mutual trust
It involves humbly acknowledging oneself as a learner when it comes to understanding another’s experience
In addition, the professional 1. does not assume that their norms are ‘correct’ or universal
2. acknowledges that they, too, have cultural values that are affecting the situation
how should professionals behave in case of cultural humility?
- does not assume that their norms are ‘correct’ or universal
- acknowledges that they, too, have cultural values that are affecting the situation
planning of a program
- Ensure priority populations are meaningfully engaged in planning the program
- Consider positive and negative impacts of the program on this population
- Use community organizations that are already working with the relevant population
implement of a program
- Consider how to reduce barriers to access (e.g., translation, transportation, childcare)
- Ensure appropriate reading or comprehension level for program materials
- Ensure alignment with complementary programs inside and outside the health sector
evaluation of a program
Consider data collection methods that are acceptable to diverse groups
Share results with relevant groups including priority populations
Consider language preferences and cultural specifics for communication