CLASS #4 - Week of 9918Comm ManChap. #2, 4,5&6, FFP–Member in Distress,AUC#159,180,200&202,Dunn Chap4&6,PAIDs1-11,2-13,3-13&2-17, BISPChap4 Add#4 (Vacates) BC Chris Paolicelli Flashcards
CLASS #4 - Week of 9918Communication ManChap. #2, 4, 5 & 6, FFP – Missing Member in Distress, , AUC# 159, 180, 200 & 202, Dunn – Chap. 4 & 6, PAIDs 1-11, 2-13, 3-13 & 2-17, BISP – Ref. 1.1, Chap. 4 Add #4 (Vacates)Instructor BC Chris Paolicelli
1) The FDNY has developed a Workplace Violence Prevention Policy in order to prevent and minimize instances of violence in the workplace between Department employees and all persons with whom they come in contact in the course of conducting their assigned tasks. Choose an incorrect statement regarding this policy. (PA/ID 1-2011 1.4, 1.5, 1.6)A) Any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding workplace violence prevention or this policy should be addressed to the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator, FDNY OSHA UnitB) In the event of a workplace violence emergency, employees are instructed to first report the emergency to their supervisor or the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator, and then call 911.C) A copy of the written Workplace Violence Prevention Policy is available on the FDNYIntranet.D) A member may request a hard copy of this policy from a supervisor or the FDNY OSHA Unit.
- B1.6 In the event of a workplace violence emergency, employees are instructed to first report the emergency by calling 911, and then report to their supervisor or the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator, as described in Section 10 of the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy.
2) During a day tour in Battalion 99, a Captain states to you that he had to recently secure an Order of Protection against a family member. He is concerned that the family member may attempt to contact him at the firehouse. You would be correct to advise the Captain to submit a copy of the Order of Protection to whom? (PA/ID 1-2011 9.1)A) Bureau of Fire InvestigationB) Bureau of Investigations and Trials (BITS)C) OSHA UnitD) Chief of Operations
- A9.1 An employee who has secured an Order of Protection and is concerned that the person from whom protection has been sought may attempt to contact the employee at his/her work location should submit a copy of such Order to the Bureau of Fire Investigation.
3) BC Thomas has just received a Workplace Violence Report from a Lieutenant in the engine company that shares quarters with the Battalion. BC Thomas takes the following actions. In which was he correct? (PA/ID 1-2011 11.1.1, 11.1.2, 11.1.3)1. He forwarded the report through the chain of command to the FDNY Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator.2. Since he believed this matter was very likely to lead to a violent incident, he requested the guidance of the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator.3. He temporarily re-assigned one of the members involved to another firehouse after consulting with his chain of command.A) 1 onlyB) 1 and 2 onlyC) 1 and 3 onlyD) Correct in 1,2 and 3
- D11.1 Forwarding the Workplace Violence Report11.1.1 Every supervisor who has received a Workplace Violence Report (or a verbal report) shall ensure that it is forwarded via the chain of command to the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator. All supervisors within the chain of command shall ensure that the report is forwarded on an expedited basis.11.1.2 The supervisor shall affirmatively seek the guidance of the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator on matters that are very likely to lead to an incident of workplace violence.
4) The FDNY prohibits hazing/bullying of any of its employees by another employee, while on and off duty. Once informed or made aware of any such incident or allegation, all officers and supervisors must report the incident, in writing, up the chain of command to whom?(PA/ID 1-2013 4.4)A) Fire CommissionerB) Chief of DepartmentC) Chief of OperationsD) Borough Commander
- B4.4 Any incidents or allegations of hazing or bullying shall be reported by supervisory personnel, in writing, up the chain of command to the Chief of Department. The Chief of Department, in consultation with and working in conjunction with BITs, will determine what action is appropriate following a reported incident of hazing/bullying, and whether such action shall be taken within the chain of command or by BITs.
5) While visiting a firehouse for drill the topic of bullying/hazing comes up. Members of the firehouse made the following statements. Which statement should you have corrected?(PA/ID 1-2013 3.1, 4.2, 4.7)A) No FDNY member may consent to be a victim of hazing / bullying.B) Employees have the option to submit a report anonymously to BITS or EEO.C) Any supervisor who has been made aware of any acts of hazing must advise the victim of the services available to them by BHS and CSU.D) Any reported hazing/bullying incident that would also be considered a crime will be reported by the FDNY to BITS. Additionally, every officer has an affirmative obligation to report, directly and without delay, to BITS any and all information concerning conduct involving criminal activity.
- D4.6 Any reported hazing/bullying incident that would also be considered a crime will be reported by the FDNY directly to the Department of Investigation. Additionally, every officer and employee has an affirmative obligation to report, directly and without delay, to the Inspector General any and all information concerning conduct involving criminal activity. Notifications should be made directly to the Inspector General’s Office at 212-825-2402.
6) No Department related social media site or application is to be created or maintained, except as authorized by which of the following? (PA/ID 2-2013 4.1.2)A) Fire Commissioner and Office of Public InformationB) Chief of Department and Office of Public InformationC) Fire Commissioner and Chief of DepartmentD) Chief of Department and Chief of Operations
- A4.1.2No Department-related social media site or application is to be created or maintained, except as authorized by the Fire Commissioner and OPI. This includes pages and sites dedicated to individual companies, EMS stations, civilian bureaus, affiliated organizations, photo sharing groups, etc. Requests for authorization are to be submitted to OPI via the Website/Social Media Registration Form attached to this policy.
7) How many of the following statements are correct regarding the FDNY Social Media Policy? (PA/ID 2-2013 5.2)1. Members participating in social media are subject to all applicable Department and City policies even when using social media while off duty.2. Members shall never post photographs of themselves in uniform.3. Members may not offer merchandise featuring the FDNY logo or name for sale on social media, except through licensed vendors as authorized by the Fire Commissioner.4. Members are prohibited from taking photographs, videotaping or recording audio while working unless authorized to do so by the Office of Public Information.5. Employees should never use their City email addresses when participating in social media.A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
- C (1,3,4,5)5.2.5 FDNY personnel shall not post photographs of themselves in uniform, unless the uniform was worn during an event for which a uniform is required. FDNY personnel are prohibited from posting a photograph of themselves if, at the time, the wearing of a uniform is prohibited. These prohibitions will not apply to photographs taken at official Department ceremonies (e.g., promotions, Medal Day). Employees must ensure that any photographs posted on social media sites pursuant to this exception must comply with the regulations set forth in Section 5.2.2 above.
8) FDNY employees are prohibited from engaging in any type of social media contact with minors with whom they interact in the course of the FDNY employment unless authorized by a Department Assistant Commissioner (or higher rank) or ______________. (PA/ID 2-1013 5.2.8)A) Their Company Commander (or higher rank)B) A Battalion Chief (or higher rank)C) A Deputy Chief (or higher rank)D) The Office of Public Information
- C5.2.8 Employees are prohibited from engaging in any type of social media contact (e.g., “friending,” or “following”) with minors with whom they interact in the course of their FDNY employment, unless specifically authorized by a Department Assistant Commissioner (or higher rank) or Deputy Chief (or higher rank). Such unauthorized communications may be deemed inappropriate and create an appearance of impropriety.
9) The FDNY Professional Workplace Policy requires Battalion Chiefs to confer with every assigned Company Commander to discuss items that will contribute to a positive working environment among unit personnel (i.e. supportive leadership, anti-hazing/bullying, etc.). How often are Chiefs required to hold these discussions? (PA/ID 2-2017)A) WeeklyB) MonthlyC) QuarterlyD) Semi-annually
- B1.1 Battalion Commanders shall, at least once each month, confer with every assigned Company Commander regarding maintaining a professional workplace. The conference shall include, but not limited to, a discussion on such items that will contribute to a positive working environment among unit personnel (i.e. supportive leadership; professional ethic; anti-hazing/bullying; previous, ongoing or potential inter-personal disputes; and other important Department initiatives.) Items that require immediate attention and notification shall be reported accordingly.
1) An Incident History Printout is a written chronological record of an operation or incident, which lists the receipt and transmission of an alarm, the units that were dispatched, and information received by the dispatcher at the scene. It can be used by Chief Officers in preparation of fire reports. Within ____ days of any incident this report can be received on theteleprinter in quarters by contacting ___________. (Communications Ch.2 2.3.2)A) 5 / Borough DispatcherB) 5 / Field Communications UnitC) 10 / Borough DispatcherD) 10 / Field Communications Unit
- BWithin five days of the occurrence of any incident, an Incident History Printout can be received on the teleprinter in quarters. To obtain the Incident History Printout contact the Field Communications Unit.
2) BC Harris, working in Battalion 16, has just received a response ticket to respond to a 3rdalarm fire in a multiple dwelling. He notices his unit is listed as “BC16P” on the ticket. BCHarris would be correct to believe he is responding as which unit to this fire?(Communications Ch.2 Page 37)A) Resource Unit LeaderB) Safety OfficerC) Staging Area ManagerD) Communications Unit Leader
- CBattalion Chief High Rise UnitC Communications Unit LeaderD Tech Decon Task Force LeaderF Foam CoordinatorH Hi-Rise Roof ChiefK Division Task ForceP Staging Area ManagerR Resources Unit LeaderS Safety OfficerT Transit Liaison Officer
3) On a hot summer night you are working in Battalion 40 when you arrive at the scene of an active manhole fire. You decide to request the response of a “FireIce Unit”. After this unit is assigned you should expect to see which suffix following the unit on the response ticket?(Communications Ch.2 Page 37)A) FB) TC) CD) I
- DC CFR-D EngineD Tech Decon Task Force EngineF FAST Unit F FAST UnitH Haz Mat Tech Unit I FireIce Unit K Division Task ForceL Lobby Control Unit N High Rise NozzleP High Pressure Engine S Communications Unit T Transport Backup UnitW Water - Ice Rescue UnitY Systems Control Unit
4) BC Walsh is working in Battalion 7 and transmits a 10-76/2nd Alarm for a fire on the 15th floor of a 30-story high-rise office building. Additional units are dispatched as per the following response ticket:———To Fill 10-76———–E014L L20F BC06R BC08SBOX 0123 - 456 7th AveW 34 ST W 35 STC=Commercial Fire 25th FloorIncident #8908/14/18 153012Based on this information, BC Walsh would be incorrect to believe which one of the following choices? (Communications Ch.2 Page 37, ICS Chap.2 Addendums 2,4 and 5, High Rise Office 5.3.1B)A) The officer of Engine 14 should take a position at the elevator lobby and will operate on the Tactical ChannelB) Ladder 20 will be assigned to the Fire Sector Supervisor.C) The Chief in Battalion 6 will operate on the Command Channel and cannot be used forfirefighting purposes.D) The Chief in Battalion 8 will operate on the Tactical Channel and his/her aide should switch to the Command Channel.
- C The Resources Unit Leader shall operate on the Tactical Channel. The Resources Unit Leader assigned firefighter shall have his handie-talkie on the Command Channel for relay of messages to the Incident Commander
5) CIDS information is available to responding units via the teleprinter or MDT dispatch message. Choose an incorrect statement regarding CIDS information.(Communications Ch. 4 4.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.3, 4.4.2B)A) Chiefs receiving CIDS messages beginning with the FD designation “PG” shall refer to such guidelines when necessary while responding to and managing incidents at these locations.B) The address and/or Special Name/Place of the building is the key to the CIDS program.C) CIDS data can only be provided if the address and/or Special Name/Place of the building is known.D) If a building has a single address posted, but has multiple addresses listed in the FDNY BIS or FDNY Map Applications, prepare a CIDS for each address listed in the application. List the other addresses as “AKA” in the “Transmitted Data” portion of each CIDS entry.
- DSingle Building - Multi-Number Address Range Posted - Multiple Addresses and/or Address Range(s) Found During Research- When a single building has an address range posted on the building, Example“100-112 Williams Ave.”, the unit officer must enter a CIDS message for the first and last posted address numbers of such range. The combinednumber 100-112 should also be included in the “Transmitted Data” portion of each CIDS entry (Example- “AKA 100-112 Williams Ave.”). The unitofficer shall determine if additional CIDS entries are required for any other applicable addresses or AKA’s associated with the building. See the 2nd & 3rd paragraphs of section 4.4.2.Note: The above example only applies when an address range is posted on the building
6) While sitting in your Battalion office, a brand new Lieutenant who is working in the engine walks in and asks you for help in filling out a CIDS entry correctly. You state the following points to him. In which point made were you incorrect? (Communications Ch. 44.4.1, 4.4.2D)A) To ensure clarity and readability of the message, do not split words at the end of a line.B) If the building is newly constructed, or undergoing a major renovation, the year the building was constructed or renovated must be included at the end of the entry.C) Grammatically correct sentences are not required.D) Use dashes to separate thoughts or information. There is no need to skip a space if you use a dash.
- B If submitting or approving officers deem necessary, and space allows, the date the building was constructed or altered can also be included within the “transmitted data” to provide insight into the construction techniques used
7) Battalion Chief Jones is covering a 9x6 tour in Battalion 57 when he is called to a building that a unit is conducting BISP at. The building is a 4-story brownstone that has been renovated using metal “C” joists throughout. When entering a CIDS entry for this building, the officer would be correct to identify this building with which one of the following construction classes?(Communications Ch.4 Page 7)A) CL2LW B) CL3 C) CL3LW D) CL4LW
- C A Non-Fireproof structure renovated or repaired usingany type of structural Light-Weight materials would beclassified as CL3LW.
8) A Battalion Chief receives a phone call from a Captain working in a Ladder Company in her Battalion. The Captain states he has just entered a CIDS entry into the eCIDS application for “Immediate Entry” due to numerous imminently hazardous conditions found. After viewing the pending eCIDS, what step should the BC now take to have the entry entered immediately?(Communications Ch.4 4.3.3)A) Approve the entry, and then phone the administrative DC to inform the Chief of the pending immediate CIDS.B) Approve the entry, and then phone the BISP Unit to inform them of the pending immediate CIDS.C) Approve the entry, and then phone FDOC to inform them of the pending immediate CIDS.D) Approve the entry. No further action is required; the CIDS entry will automatically be entered into the system.
- A Upon notification, the administrative BC shall enter the eCIDS application to view the pending immediate CIDS. If approved, the BC shall notify the administrative DC by phone to inform the Chief of the pending immediate CIDS.
9) A second alarm has been transmitted for a commercial fire in the Rockaways. Battalion 47is the Incident Commander and Battalion 39 has been assigned as the All-Hands Chief.Battalions 54, 51 and 58 have been assigned, in this order, on the 2nd Alarm. The BC in Battalion54 should know that he will be assigned what duty? (Communications Ch.5 5.6)A) Resource Unit LeaderB) Safety OfficerC) A Sector/Group SupervisorD) Staging Area Manager
- C* 3rd Battalion Chief shall be designated as a Sector/Group Supervisor. (2nd Alarm Chief)
10) All recommendations for unit alarm assignment changes shall be submitted through the chain of command to the ____________ for final endorsement. (Communications Ch.55.5.3C1)A) Chief of CommunicationsB) Chief of PlanningC) Chief of OperationsD) Chief of Department
- D1. All recommendations for unit alarm assignment changes shall be submitted through the chain of command to the Chief of Department for final endorsement. BC and DC endorsements are required. If the change is approved, it will be forwarded to the Alarm Assignment Unit.
11) While attending a Division Conference, the topic of understaffed and reduced staffed unit response policy is discussed. The following statements were made during the conversation. Which statement made was incorrect? (Communications Ch.6 6.9.1, AUC 287 8.2.2)A) A reduced staffed ladder company responding to an alarm shall transmit to the dispatcher “We are responding with 4 firefighters”.B) If the two initially assigned ladder companies report that they are responding with 4 firefighters, a 3rd ladder company will be assigned on the initial alarm.C) If the two initially assigned ladder companies report they are responding with 4 firefighters and a 10-75 is transmitted, a 3rd ladder company will be assigned for firefighting and a 4th ladder designated the FAST Unit D) When notified that a company is responding understaffed (less than 4 firefighters) the dispatcher shall special call another unit (Engine for Engine, Ladder for Ladder) to respond in addition to the understaffed unit. The total 1st Alarm response shall not exceed 4 Engines and 4 Ladders.
- B6.9.1Ladder Companies with 4 Firefighter Staffing• An additional Ladder Company (above the Fast Truck) shall be assigned to a 10-75 when both of the two initially assigned Ladder Companies report responding with 4 firefighters.• The additional Ladder Company shall be the 3rd Ladder Company, and the 4th Ladder Company shall be designated as the Fast Truck.
12) BC Scott is working in Battalion 17 when the dispatcher announces that “Fallback Step 3” has been implemented due to the heavy volume of incidents occurring in the borough. BC Scott would be correct to think all of the following response protocols will now occur except for which one? (Communications Ch.6 6.4.3C)A) 3 Engines, 1 Ladder and 1 BC will respond to initial structural responses.B) On a verified second source, 3 Engines, 2 Ladders and 1 BC will respond to structural responses.C) 1 Engine and 1 Ladder will respond to odors of gas or similar odors.D) Minimum responses, based on CIDS or Box numbers, will still receive the required minimum response.
- D• Minimum responses, based on CIDS or Box numbers, are suspended. Responses will be based on information received.NOTE:FALLBACK procedures may be instituted step-by-step, or Step 2 or 3 could be opted for at the outset.
13) From the choices listed below, choose an incorrect statement regarding Battalion Chiefs having their alarms transmitted to a quarters other than their own. (Communications Ch.2 2.12.4)A) Chiefs may have their alarms forwarded to another quarters when visiting for more than 15 minutes.B) Upon arrival at the quarters being visited, the dispatcher is notified by radio or telephone that the Battalion is 10-9 at the quarters of the visited unit.C) When the Battalion receives an alarm via the teleprinter at the quarters that is being visited, the house watch firefighter must acknowledge the alarm on the teleprinter display or via telephone.D) When leaving the quarters where the Chief has been visiting, the signal 10-8 Code 1 must be given verbally to the dispatcher.
- CAcknowledgments, however, must be made via radio or MDT.
1) You are working in Battalion 22 on a 6x9 tour and respond to a private dwelling fire. When you arrive the 1st due OV firefighter reports to you that he entered a 2nd floor window alone after hearing a victim in a bedroom. The victim was removed to EMS and the fire is extinguished. Since an individual member acting alone conducted this rescue, you, as the IC, must forward a report detailing the full particulars to whom? (MMID Ch.1 1.4)A) The Chief of DepartmentB) The Chief of OperationsC) The Chief of SafetyD) The Chief of Training
- BNote: In all incidents of such individual action, the Incident Commander shall forward areport detailing the full particulars to the Chief of Operations. A thorough review of eachof these incidents will be conducted.
2) At working fires, a Safety Team must be available at all times. The FAST Unit will serve as the Safety Team. Prior to the arrival of the Fast Unit, the Safety Team will normally be made up of which of the following? (MMID Ch.1 2.1)A) The Control firefighters of the 1st and 2nd arriving engines.B) The Backup and Control firefighters of the 2nd arriving engine.C) The Control firefighter of the 1st arriving engine and the LCC of the 1st arriving ladder.D) The LCC and OV of the 1st arriving ladder.
- B2.1.1 The Safety Team shall normally be made up of the Backup and Control firefighters of the second arriving engine. However, there will be times when entry into an IDLH atmosphere is necessary prior to the arrival of the first two engine companies.
3) Each ___________ has been issued a Firefighter Removal Training Kit, which includes amannequin outfitted in condemned bunker gear, a personal harness and an SCBA harness withcylinder. (MMID Ch. 2 Add.2 1.1)A) Borough CommandB) DivisionC) BattalionD) Firehouse
- C1.1 Each Battalion has been issued a Firefighter Removal Training Kit which includes thefollowing equipment: Mannequin outfitted in condemned bunker gear and personal harness. SCBA harness with cylinder.
4) BC Kennedy is the IC at a fire in the cellar of a brownstone building when the Can FF of the 1st Ladder Company transmits a MAYDAY message stating he is lost in the cellar. BC Kennedy assigns the FAST Unit into the building to assist the lost firefighter. BC Kennedy must now take all but which one of the following actions? (MMID Ch.4 2.3)A) Notify the dispatcher that the FAST Unit has been put to work and request a replacement FAST Unit.B) Transmit a Signal 10-66 over the Department Radio.C) Announce over the handie-talkie tactical channel that the FAST Unit has been put to work, and all units shall continue with their present assignment.D) Establish a Safety Team until the arrival of the replacement FAST Unit.
- B2.3 The IC shall immediately notify the dispatcher when the FAST unit is being put to work, and request a replacement FAST unit. The IC shall transmit Signal 10-66 if necessary. The IC shall also announce over the handi-talkie tactical channel, that the FAST unit has been assigned to address the member in distress and all units shall continue with their present assignment. Prior to the arrival of the replacement FAST unit, a Safety team shall be established.
5) Prior to the arrival of the FAST Unit, the IC shall designate any of the following for possible assistance or rescue:1. Safety Team2. Companies in reserve3. Companies available for immediate reassignment4. Members available for immediate reassignment5. Uncommitted chauffeurs or full and light duty aides.How many of the above are correct?A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
- C#s 1, 2, 3, 43.1 Prior to the arrival of the FAST unit, the IC shall designate any of the following forpossible assistance or rescue: Safety Team. Companies in reserve. Companies available for immediate reassignment. Members available for immediate reassignment. Uncommitted chauffeurs or full duty aides.
6) BC Lincoln, the IC at a fire in a rowframe building, hears the following transmission “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, we have an unconscious member down on the first floor”. BC Lincoln takes the following actions. In which action was he incorrect? (MMID Ch.4 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6)A) Immediately acknowledges the MAYDAY message, and verifies the injured member’s identity with the member assigned to the EFAS.B) Ensured the operating units continue fire suppression efforts.C) Conferred with the FAST Unit regarding a plan of action.D) Consulted with NYPD supervisor for police escort to hospital, if necessary.
- A5.1 When a MayDay/Urgent has been transmitted for a member in distress, the Incident Commander shall: Prior to acknowledging the MayDay/Urgent transmission, pause momentarily to obtain the transmitting member’s Internal Radio Identification Code, which may be obtained from either the Battalion HT or FAST Radio.Additionally, the identity of the member transmitting the message should be verified by the member assigned to monitor the Emergency Fireground Accountability System (EFAS). Gain control of the HT frequency as per Communications Manual Chapter 9 and direct that all non-essential HT traffic cease.
7) Choose an incorrect statement regarding the activation of the Emergency Alert Button(EAB) on the handie-talkie. (MMID Ch.4 6.4, Communications Ch.11 2.7.2)A) The output will increase from 2 to 5 watts.B) It will produce a distinctive set of Beacon tones on the affected member’s HT.C) If within range, the company, position, and name of the member who pressed the EAB immediately displays in the EFAS.D) The Beacon tones will sound at regular intervals (every 4 seconds), unless an incoming message is transmitted. The Beacon tones will sound immediately after the incoming message is complete.
- D The activation of the Emergency Alert Button on their HT will increase the output from 2 to 5 watts. It will also produce a distinctive set of Beacon tones on the effected member’s HT. Be advised, the Beacon tones take priority over received audio; that is, the HT that transmitted the emergency will cut off incoming transmissions to the member in distress in order to sound the beacon at regular intervals (every 4 seconds).
8) The officer of an engine company extinguishing a fire in a taxpayer has just notified you, the IC that a member from her company is missing. You take the following actions. In which were you correct? (MMID Ch.4 6.8)1. Obtained the last know location, assigned unit, name and assignment of the missing member.2. Attempted to contact the member.3. Inquire on the Tactical Channel if any member knows the location of the missing member, ensuring only positive responses are given.A) 1,2 and 3B) 1 and 2 onlyC) 1 and 3 onlyD) 2 and 3 only
- D6.8 The IC shall consider the following when notified of a Missing Member: Obtain the following from the member transmitting the May Day: Last known location or reference point. Unit member is working in that tour. Name of affected member. Assignment (e.g., roof, nozzle) If the identity of the member is known, attempt to contact the member. Inquire on the tactical channel if any member knows the location of the missing member. The IC shall request only positive responses to be given. Conduct a roll call.
9) You are working a 9x6 tour in Battalion 4 and respond to a fire on the 1st floor of an OldLaw Tenement. There are numerous people on the front fire escapes self-evacuating. You decideto use the FAST Truck to assist the removal of these occupants, knowing that you will now haveto send a detailed report of these duties to whom? (MMID Ch.4 8.1)A) Chief of DepartmentB) Chief of OperationsC) Borough Commander or Command ChiefD) Division Commander
- BAdditionally, the IC who ordered the FAST unit intooperation shall forward a detailed report of such duties via the chain of command to the Chief of Operations. This report shall include the circumstances necessitating the use of the FAST unit and all actions taken by the FAST unit.
10) At a large warehouse fire a 10-66 has been transmitted by the IC due to a member who hasbecome trapped in the cellar. The IC would be correct to take all but which one of the following actions? (MMID Ch.5)A) After putting the original FAST Unit into operation, announce to the dispatcher the identity of the temporary FAST Unit pending the arrival of the additional FAST Unit.B) Since no Chief Officer is available, assign the officer from a Squad Company as the temporary FAST Group Supervisor.C) Instruct the FAST Group Supervisor to report directly to the Operations Post.D) Have the members assigned to the FAST Group operate on hand-talkie channel 16, ensuring two members monitor the Primary Tactical and Command channels.
- C2.2.2 On transmission of the signal 10-66, an additional FAST Unit will be assigned tothe incident. Announce to the dispatcher via Department radio the identity of thetemporary FAST Unit pending the arrival of the additional FAST Unit. Thisnewly assigned FAST Unit is responsible for the remainder of the operation, andis not to be assigned to the on-going rescue effort, except at the specific directionof the IC.2.2.3 If a Chief Officer is not available initially, a SOC Unit Officer may temporarily be designated the FAST Group Supervisor.The FAST Group Supervisor shall report directly tothe IC.2.2.8 The IC shall consider having members assigned to the FAST Group operate on a different HT channel from the rest of the operation (Emergency Channel 16). The FAST Group Supervisor, Firefighter Removal Officer, Firefighter Locator Officer and units under their command shall operate on this channel, while designating two members to monitor the Primary Tactical Channel, (Channel 1) and the Command Channel (Channel 2), if established, for any other developing situations or emergency transmissions.
11) Of the following units assigned on a Signal 10-66, how many should not report to and stage at the Staging Area? (MMID Ch.5 3.2)1. Communications Unit2. Rescue Company3. Squad Company4. FAST Unit5. SOC Support Ladder6. CFR EngineA) 6B) 5C) 4D) 3
- B (2,3,4,5,6)3.2 On transmission of the next higher alarm, which is part of signal 10-66, all units other than Rescue, Squad, SOC Support Ladder, FAST Unit, and CFR Engine, shall be directed by the dispatcher to report to and remain at a Staging Area until ordered to the scene (under the supervision of a Staging Area Manager). This Staging Area may be the same as a staging area established for any multiple alarm.
12) You are responding on a Signal 10-66 that was transmitted for a missing member in a highrisefire. When you arrive the IC informs you that you are being assigned as the “Firefighter Locator Officer” and a FAST Group has been established. As the “Firefighter Locator Officer” you would be correct to take all but which one of the following actions? (MMIDChap.5 2.2.8, 2.4.1, Chap.5 Add.1 2.1)A) Operate on the Primary Command Channel and have your Aide monitor Channel 16.B) Coordinate all efforts to establish the missing member’s last seen point.C) Assist the Resource Unit Leader in conducting a roll call of the units.D) Coordinate with the Medical Branch Director as to the descriptions, identity, and location of all members who have been removed from the scene by EMS.
- A2.2.8 The IC shall consider having members assigned to the FAST Group operate on a different HT channel from the rest of the operation (Emergency Channel 16). The FAST Group Supervisor, Firefighter Removal Officer, Firefighter Locator Officer and units under their command shall operate on this channel, while designating two members to monitor the Primary Tactical Channel, (Channel 1) and the Command Channel (Channel 2), if established, for any other developing situations or emergency transmissions.
1) When the weather conditions indicate that a severe storm is likely to strike NYC, the FDNY operational plan is divided into two phases. Phase A is designated the Activation Phase and Phase B is designated the Implementation Phase. When Phase A is instituted Battalion Chiefs shall ensure all but which one of the following actions are taken? (AUC 159 5.2.3)A) Battalion Chiefs shall visit all units to determine readiness and serviceability of all apparatus and special equipment.B) Ensure all apparatus and vehicle fuel tanks are maintained full.C) Ensure all units assigned portable dewatering pumps have the pumps placed on the apparatus 24 hours prior to the predicted storm.D) Ensure required evacuation of units take place before storm conditions prevent safe movement of apparatus.
- C• All units assigned portable dewatering pumps shall ensure that such pumps are placed on the apparatus, in the space previously determined for this purpose, 48 hours prior to the predicted storms impact.
2) A dispersal site is a location other than a firehouse where flooded companies can be dispatched from during a storm emergency. Units located at dispersal sites shall be visited how often by a Chief Officer when practical? (AUC 159 5.3.8)A) Every 6 hoursB) Once during each tourC) Once every 24 hoursD) Once every 48 hours
- BUnits located at dispersal sites (a site other than a firehouse):o Shall maintain communications with the borough dispatcher.o Shall be visited at least once during each tour by a Chief Officer. When not practicable, telephone contact shall be established.o Officers in command of such units shall keep records of all activities while away from quarters. Complete reports are to be prepared upon return to quarters.o All additional units shall be identified as determined by the Chief of Operations/Command Chief after consulting with the Bureau of Fire Communications.
3) Battalion Chiefs, as well as Deputy Chiefs and Company Officers must be aware of flooding conditions in their response areas. Surveys shall be made to determine developing conditions. Battalion Chiefs shall evaluate conditions by personal survey and unit advisement and report the findings to ____________ at __________ intervals. (AUC 159 5.3.9)A) Division office/ 3 hourB) Division office/ 12 hourC) FDOC/ 3 hourD) FDOC/ 12 hour
- A Deputy Chiefs, Battalion Chiefs, and Company Officers shall be aware offlooding conditions in their response areas. Surveys shall be made todetermine developing conditions. Battalion Chiefs shall evaluate conditionsby personal survey and unit advisement and report the following to Divisionheadquarters at three-hour intervals:o Main arteries impassable (by name)o Response areas floodedo Large areas or special hazards which are inaccessibleo Action taken to alleviate conditionso Possible relocation of units to Host Companies
4) You are working a 9x6 tour when reports of severe storms striking NYC overnight are transmitted. You decide to quickly review the possibility of Reconnaissance Teams being used with the units in your quarters. The following statements are made regarding these Teams. In how many were you correct? (AUC 159 5.4.1)1. The teams mission is to provide information to the Branch Director/Deputy Chief2. Information should include locations of victims and resources necessary for rescue.3. These teams should only engage in extrication/rescue activity if there is an imminent lifehazard(s).4. Teams should be comprised of 2-4 members, who are mobile and easily identifiable to the general public.5. These teams should travel light and be capable of moving about their assigned areas via land and water.A) 2B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
- B (1,2,5)These teams should not engage in extrication/rescue activity. Reconnaissance is triage, not rescue.With this in mind, these teams should be comprised of 2-4 members each, who are both mobile, yet inconspicuous to the general public.
5) During or after major storms, power blackouts or other complex incidents, Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) Task Forces may be activated. These Task Forces may be used for responses such as trees/wires down, elevator incidents and flooding conditions. The RRV Task Forces will be assigned to a Sector/Group Supervisor. Which choice below should be used as the primary means of communication between the Task Force, Sector/Group Supervisor and Incident Command Post? (AUC 159 Add.8 4.1)A) Department RadioB) Cell phonesC) 800 MHz radiosD) Department Administrative Radios (DARS)
- D Primary Communications: The primary method of communications shall be the Department Administrative Radio System (DARS).o DARS radios are 400 MHz, UHF handheld radios.o Task forces operating in each borough shall switch their DARS radio to the designated frequency for that borough.o DARS radios do not interfere with transmissions of normally assigned HT’s.o Each Borough Command is supplied with fifteen radios and chargers.
6) During flood and severe storm emergencies, the FDNY will be called upon to provide dewatering operations. Chief Officers must not reduce unit availability to an unsatisfactory level by committing a large number of units to a dewatering operation. During a severe storm, units can be committed to dewatering operations in all but which one of the following situations?(AUC 159 Add.9 2.3)A) Where lives are endangered, such as hospitals and nursing homesB) Where failure to dewater will create a serious fire hazard such as water rising near live electrical equipment.C) Where any property damage can be averted with a reasonable commitment of resources.D) Where major traffic conditions can be alleviated by immediately beginning the dewatering of major streets and highways.
- C Where extensive property damage can be averted with a reasonable commitment of resources.
7) Who must approve assignments of units above a first alarm for dewatering operations?(AUC 159 Add.9 2.4)A) Battalion ChiefB) Deputy ChiefC) Supervising DispatcherD) Staff Chief
- Bo Assignment of units above a first alarm assignment for dewatering operations must be approved by a Deputy Chief.
8) BC McHale is the IC at the scene of a smoking manhole. The utility company has given a 25-minute ETA for one of their crews, and the scene appears to be under control. BC McHale would be correct to order which one of the following actions to be taken? (AUC 180 2.6)A) Leave one engine company on scene awaiting the arrival of the utility company.B) Protect the manhole by traffic cones and tape and place all units in service.C) Leave one unit at the scene that may respond to any alarms that are received; one member shall be left at the scene.D) Leave one member at the scene and have the unit return to quarters. Company officers shall provide relief for members.
- A2.6 When operations are within the capability of a single unit, the Officer in Command may leave one unit (preferably an Engine Company) to await the arrival of the emergency crew. If the expected time of arrival is more than 30 minutes, the Officer in Charge, based on evaluation of existing conditions, may order one of the following:A. The unit remaining on the scene may respond to assigned alarms received via department radio; one member shall be left at the scene.B. One member shall be left at the scene and the unit shall return to quarters.Company officers shall provide relief for members.C. When a member is left at the scene, the company officer shall at frequent intervals contact the dispatcher for re-notification of the utility company.D. The manhole shall be protected by traffic cones and tape, and all units placed in service.
9) The FDNY has developed an agreement with Con Edison that enables Chief Officers at the scene of electrical emergencies to telephone the Shift Manager at the Borough Electrical Center. Choose an incorrect statement regarding this policy. (AUC 180 Add. 1 3.1,5.1, 5.3)A) If an incident becomes more severe than originally stated or if technical information is required, the Chief can telephone the Con Edison Shift Manager directly, via cell phone.B) If a Con Edison ETA is not satisfactory to the Chief because of conditions at the scene, the Chief can call the area’s Electric Control Center Shift Manager to clarify the condition.C) For a response to a Con Edison Substation that is not staffed, telephone the area’s Electric Control Center Shift Manager and notify of the need for access.D) Con Edison has the cell phone numbers for each Battalion in the event they need to speak to the on-site Battalion Chief.
- CNote: Con Edison Substations do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Electric Control Center.
10) Battalion Chief Grey is drilling with local units on the use of the Fire Ice Dry-Chem Extinguishing Agent. BC Grey made the following statements. In which statement made should the members politely correct him? (AUC 180 Add.2 5.2, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3)A) Fire Ice works as an extinguishing agent by coating and insulating burning electrical cables, preventing cable fires from extending beyond the affected manholes.B) When Chief Officers wish to employ the Fire Ice extinguishing agent at the scene of a manhole fire, they shall simultaneously request a Con Edison Supervisor and a FireIce unit.C) Only a Chief Officer can order the application of FireIce after consulting with an on-scene Con Edison supervisor.D) FireIce is not effective on Class B fires. Therefore it is not intended for any type of transformer fire.
- C7.1 When Chief Officers wish to employ the FireIce extinguishing agent at the scene of a manhole fire, they shall simultaneously request a Con Edison supervisor and FireIce unit. In addition, Chief Officers shall specify that FireIce is being requested.Note: When such units arrive at the scene, the IC shall make an announcement over the Department radio indicating that the requested resources have arrived at the scene.Note: Only a Chief Officer can order the application of FireIce. This normally occurs after consulting with the on-scene Con Edison supervisor. However, when necessary, the Chief Officer may order the application of FireIce prior to the arrival of a Con Edison Supervisor. The objective is to enable Chief Officers operating at a 10-25 code 1 or code 2 manhole incidents the opportunity to suppress fires prior to the utility company arrival at the scene.
11) On a snowy 6x9 tour in January you are working in Battalion 3 when “Phase B” winter operations are put into effect. As a new BC you know that you must evaluate and report certain conditions to the Deputy Chief at 3 hour intervals. These conditions are listed as all but which one of the following choices? (AUC 200 5.3.8 A)A) Main arteries which are impassableB) Specific large areas or special hazards that are inaccessibleC) Possible relocation of unitsD) Actions taken to alleviate conditions
- C5.3.8 Surveys and Reconnaissance ReportsA. Deputy Chiefs, Battalion Chiefs and company units shall be cognizant of street conditions in their response areas. Surveys shall be made to determine developing conditions without endangering apparatus and vehicles to immobility. Battalion Chiefs shall evaluate conditions by personal survey and unit advisement, and report to Division headquarters at 3 hour intervals:1. Main arteries which are impassable.2. Percentage of response area impassable.3. Specific large areas or special hazards inaccessible.4. Action taken to alleviate conditions.
12) BC Smith is drilling with the units in her Battalion on winter operations. Of the following choices how many show a proper understanding of FDNY winter operations? (AUC 200 3.3.1B, 3.3.3, 3.3.4E, 3.3.5B, 5.3.10D)1. Battalions shall keep a log with the names and numbers of outside agencies (NYPD, Sanitation, etc.) ready for use during emergency periods.2. Engines and ladders shall keep 6 extra lengths of 2 ½” hose rolled or folded on the apparatus.3. Drills and training schedules concerning winter operations shall be initiated during the month of September each year.4. Battalion Chiefs can request the use of Thawing Apparatus through the chain of command.5. Chiefs should consider the use of fire boats as a water supply.6. Where a fire building is 3 stories or higher, preference shall be given to ladder companies to enter the block first with the engine company members’ hand stretching from the nearest hydrant.A) 3 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
- B (1,2,4,5)B. A log of such contacts and their results shall be maintained in each Division and Battalion office for reference by all Chief Officers. Names and phone numbers of contacts for such agencies shall be maintained in such log for ready use during emergency periods.1. At least 6 extra lengths of 2 ½” hose, rolled or folded, on each Engine and Ladder apparatus.E. Drills and training schedules concerning winter operations shall be initiated during the month of October each year.B. Battalion Coordinators shall maintain a current history of hydrants having defective drainage assemblies or a history of freezing problems, to permit proper scheduling and use of the Thawing Apparatus (TA) during periods of freezing weather. Battalion Chiefs can request the TA through the chain of command. Units shall report frozen hydrants using the Hansen Hydrant application for transmittal to the appropriate TAC. Chief Officers shall consider the use of fire boats as a source of water supply at other than boat boxes.4. Where building involved is higher than 3 stories, preference shall be given to ladder company apparatus entering block first with the engine company personnel hand stretching from the nearest hydrant, if necessary. Where building involved is 3 stories or less, preference shall be given to the engine company apparatus entering block first with ladder company personnel carrying portable ladders.
13) At 1430hrs, while working in Battalion 90, you receive a phone call from Lt. Brown who is working in one of your engine companies. He states that he believes the members of his company are drinking alcohol in the firehouse yard. You would be correct to take which one of the following actions? (AUC 202 5.5, 5.6, 5.7)A) Immediately telephone the Borough Commander directly via telephone.B) Immediately designate Lt. Brown as the investigating officer.C) Ensure that BITS was notified and ensure that the affected unit was placed out of service.D) Immediately respond to the affected unit’s quarters and conduct a roll call, notify the members of their right to legal representation and conduct an investigation to ascertain which members may have been drinking.
- CDuties of All Chiefs5.6 Every Chief (whether on-duty or while in any Department premises, property or vehicle(s)) who reasonably suspects or knows that any member has engaged in conduct prohibited by this AUC or any addenda shall immediately:1. Notify the Borough Command through the chain of command weekdays 0800 hours to 1600 hours or the Command Chief at all other times, i.e. nights, weekends and holidays and ensure that the affected unit has been placed out of service;2. Ensure that all notifications required under section 5.5 have been made, and3. Consult with Command Chief to designate an officer as the investigating officer.
1) There are three ways a masonry wall can collapse. From the following choices choose most common type of masonry wall failure at fires. (Chap. 4)A) 90 degree angle collapseB) Crumble straight down (Curtain fall)C) Inward-Outward collapseD) Lean to collapse
- A
2) The collapse of a brick veneer, brick cavity or masonry backed stone wall often occurs inwhich type of collapse? (Dunn Chap.4)A) 90 degree angle collapseB) Curtain fall collapseC) Inward/Outward collapse
- B
3) Choose an incorrect statement made about canopies, marquees and cornices.(Dunn Chap.4)A) A marquee beam goes through a parapet wall and is connected to roof or floor beams behind a facade.B) A canopy is a cloth, wood or metal covering over a building entrance designed to protect people from the weather.C) A marquee is more of a collapse danger than a canopy.D) A cornice is a decorative horizontal overhang, projecting outward along the top wall of a building. It is a cantilever structure that can burn and spread fire.
- C
4) Members of a study group are discussing Dunn’s chapter on wood floor collapse. The following points were made. The members of the group should have corrected which choice below? (Dunn Chap.6)A) The seriousness of a floor collapse depends on the 1st structure to fail. Column failure will have more consequences than if a beam fails, beam failure with have more serious consequences than if a girder fails.B) Floors in many modern and renovated buildings are lightweight construction, which can collapse during the early stages of fire.C) Traditional wood floor beams are 16 or 18 inches on center. Lightweight floors can be 2 or 4 feet apart.D) The mass of a lightweight floors is reduced when the inside or middle section of the floor truss is replaced by thin bars or wood web pieces. This reduction of mass reduces the fire resistance and allows the floor to burn through faster.
- ABattalion Chiefs Gets Big DollarsBearing WallsColumnsGirdersBeamDeck
5) According to Dunn, the chances of a multilevel floor or “progressive” collapse occurring are great when all but which one of the following structural members collapse first?(Dunn Chap.6)A) Bearing wallB) GirderC) ColumnD) Beam
- D
6) The most dangerous time for a floor collapse is during which stage of a fire?(Dunn Chap. 6)A) Growth stageB) Fully developed stageC) Decay stage
- C
1) Notification to the FDNY is required when a sprinkler system or fire alarm system is or will be out of service under all but which one of the following circumstances?(BISP Chap. 5 ref 1.1 3.3)A) If either system is or will be out of service on more than one floor of a building.B) If the sprinkler system repairs cannot be completed, and the system restored to service, within 4 hours of the time the system was placed out of service.C) If the fire alarm system will be out of service for more than 8 hours in any 24-hour period.D) If any other fire protection system in the area in which a sprinkler or fire alarm system is out of service or will also be out of service at the same time.
- B• With respect to a sprinkler system, the work or repairs cannot be completed, and the system restored to service, within 8 hours of the time the system was placed or went out of service;
2) BC Degrom is working 6x9 tour on a cold winter night when units respond to an automatic alarm in a 4 story multiple dwelling. Upon arrival the units find the cause of the alarm is a broken sprinkler pipe in the cellar. The entire sprinkler system must be shut down to stop the water flow. There is no owner or responsible building staff on scene and the owner is unable to be contacted. In this situation whom should BC Degrom notify? (BISP Chap.5 4.6)A) Office of Emergency ManagementB) The BISP UnitC) Bureau of Fire InvestigationD) Department of Buildings
- AIf the out of service fire protection system is found in an occupied residential occupancy, however the owner, impairment coordinator, and/or responsible building staff are not available ask the Dispatcher to notify OEM. OEM should be requested to have an HPD representative respond to the location. HPD can hire fireguards, allowing a fire watch to be performed until a responsible party can be contacted via HPD, the alarm company, or the Fire Marshals.
3) Your Battalion has been requested to respond for an administrative matter to a commercial building that is being inspected by a ladder company. When you arrive the ladder officer informs you that they found a sprinkler system that has been shut down without notification to the FDNY. You would be correct to order the ladder officer to issue what type of enforcement in this situation? (BISP Chap.5 Ref#1.1 4.5.6)A) Violation OrderB) FDNY SummonsC) SummonsD) A-401
- C4.5.6 If an O.O.S. fire protection system has been discovered as the result of a routine inspection, complaint or Fire Department operation and it has not been previously reported according to section 3 in this bulletin:Serve an Immediate Summons (15-216 subdivisions a & b) for FAILURE TO NOTIFY. (FC 901.7.5)
4) After extinguishing a fire in the cellar of a commercial building the engine officer informs you that the sprinkler system had to be shut down due to two sprinkler heads that fused due to the heat of the fire. In an effort to restore the system to working order you consider having the affected sprinkler heads replaced. You would be correct to take which action below? (BISP Chap.5 Ref #1.1 5.1.5)A) Have the owner or responsible building staff replace the heads. If they are not capable of replacing the heads consider having FDNY members replace them.B) Have a ladder company bring the spare sprinkler heads they carry in their sprinkler kit to see if the heads are compatible with the sprinkler system.C) FDNY members should only replace sprinkler heads that are found in compactor chutes and/or shafts.D) If the heads are replaced by FDNY members there is no need for follow up by the administrative unit.
- A5.1.5 In the case of a sprinkler system where a small number of sprinkler heads have fused due to heat requiring the shut down of the OS&Y valve; consider replacing these heads in order to restore the system to service. FDNY members should only perform this action if the occupancy has the required heads in a metal cabinet with the appropriate sprinkler wrench and the safety of our members would not be compromised. If there is any doubt that the replacement sprinkler heads are not the correct type for the system, do not replace the heads. If heads are replaced by the FDNY the administrative unit should be directed to follow up on the status of the system during business hours and apply the procedures in section 4 if needed. The FDNY does not replace sprinkler heads in compactor chutes, shafts, or other unsafe areas as determined by the Incident Commander (IC). Additionally, the FDNY does not typically replace sprinkler heads if the owner, impairment coordinator, or responsible building staff is available; the replacement of these heads is there responsibility. However, if the responsible party is present, but not capable of performing the replacement procedure, the Battalion Chief can consider replacement within the confines of the safety standards established above. Lastly, the replacement of sprinkler heads can only be ordered by a Battalion Chief or above.
6) Of the following, which is the only choice that may approve the issuance of a Vacate Order? (BISP Chap.4 Add.4 31. Note)A) Captain or higher rankB) Battalion Chief or higher rankC) Deputy Chief or higher rankD) Staff Chief
- DNote: Only a Staff Chief may approve the issuance of a Vacate Order. The name of the Staff Chief approving the Vacate Order is required on the RBIS Initial Vacate Report. The Company Officer issuing the Vacate Order shall obtain the approving Staff Chief’s name from the Deputy Chief at the scene.
7) During the Vacate of a commercial building, The Deputy Chief orders you, the Battalion Chief on scene, to ensure that the administrative unit issues the proper enforcement action to correct the condition that lead to the Vacate. The owner is not on scene and there is no approved person in charge available. In this situation you should advise the administrative unit to issue which type of enforcement? (BISP Chap.4 Add.4 6.7)A) Criminal SummonsB) FDNY SummonsC) Violation OrderD) DOB Referral
- B6.7 ISSUING FDNY SUMMONS6.7.1 If the owner/approved person in charge is not present at the time of a commercial, public or residential vacate, issue a FDNY Summons instead of a summons. The FDNY Summons shall be affixed at an appropriate location at the premises.6.7.2 Units shall comply with BISP Manual, Chapter 4, Addendum 1, FDNY Summons Guide.6.7.3 Units shall write “VACATE” on the top of the FDNY SUMMONS form, in the space above the section for the F.P.I.M.S. Account No., the FP Unit and the ADMIN. CO.Only the violations that led to the issuance of the Vacate Order shall be included on this FDNY Summons. Issue a separate FDNY Summons for other violations.
5) Engine 22 is performing BISP when they come across an illegal cellar apartment in a multiple dwelling. The officer calls the BC to the scene and the BC confirms that the apartment is illegal but not imminently perilous to life. In this situation, the BC should order which enforcement to be taken? (BISP Chap.4 Add.4 2.2, 2.3)A) Vacate OrderB) DOB Referral ReportC) A-8D) FDNY Summons
- B2.3 A Vacate Order should only be issued for illegal occupancies when the illegal occupancy constitutes an imminent peril to the occupants in case of fire. When there is no such imminent peril, forward a DOB Referral Report citing illegal conversion. In the remarks section of the DOB Referral Report indicate that a Vacate Order was not warranted and that Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) or the Department of Buildings (DOB) is requested to issue violations for illegal occupancy. See Chapter 5, for guidance on preparing referral reports.
7) During the Vacate of a commercial building, The Deputy Chief orders you, the Battalion Chief on scene, to ensure that the administrative unit issues the proper enforcement action to correct the condition that lead to the Vacate. The owner is not on scene and there is no approved person in charge available. In this situation you should advise the administrative unit to issue which type of enforcement? (BISP Chap.4 Add.4 6.7)A) Criminal SummonsB) FDNY SummonsC) Violation OrderD) DOB Referral
- B6.7 ISSUING FDNY SUMMONS6.7.1 If the owner/approved person in charge is not present at the time of a commercial, public or residential vacate, issue a FDNY Summons instead of a summons. The FDNY Summons shall be affixed at an appropriate location at the premises.6.7.2 Units shall comply with BISP Manual, Chapter 4, Addendum 1, FDNY Summons Guide.6.7.3 Units shall write “VACATE” on the top of the FDNY SUMMONS form, in the space above the section for the F.P.I.M.S. Account No., the FP Unit and the ADMIN. CO.Only the violations that led to the issuance of the Vacate Order shall be included on this FDNY Summons. Issue a separate FDNY Summons for other violations.
8) Which one of the following points regarding vacate procedures is accurately indicated?(3.3, 3.5, 4.3)A) HPD must be notified whenever any occupied private dwelling or multiple dwelling is being vacated.B) Red Cross must be notified whenever relocation services are required at a residential vacated.C) After a residential vacate, the Battalion Chief shall prepare an email with full particulars to the Staff Chief who granted approval and copy the Deputy Chief, FPOSU and BISP Unit in.D) The Battalion Chief shall take pictures at the scene, using the Battalion digital camera, showing the conditions that led to the vacate and email them to the Staff Chief.
- B3.3 RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCIESWhen existing conditions at a residential occupancy are deemed imminently perilous to life or property in case of fire, the following notification procedures shall be followed.3.3.1 If the Staff Chief approves the issuance of a Vacate Order for a residential occupancy, the Deputy Chief shall, through the borough dispatcher, make the following notifications: Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) notification desk.o Only notify HPD when a tenant occupied residential dwelling is being vacated. HPD has oversite on all tenant occupied residential dwellings. They do not oversee 1 or 2 family private dwelling that ARE NOT tenant occupied. Red Cross (if relocation services are required) Notify FDOCThis notification through the dispatcher shall include the type of occupancy, the address of the building, reasons for the vacate, the possible number of persons who will be vacated and whether there will be a full or partial vacate of the building.3.5 DEPUTY CHIEF DUTIES UPON RETURNING TO QUARTERSUpon returning to quarters the Deputy Chief shall prepare an email with full particulars of the residential, commercial or public occupancy vacated.3.5.1 This email shall include the type of occupancy, the address of the building, reasons for the vacate, the number of persons who were vacated and whetherthere was a full or partial vacate of the building. Additionally, for residential occupancies, he/ she should indicate whether or not the Red Cross relocationsservices were required.3.5.2 The email shall be forwarded to; Staff Chief (Borough Commander or Command Chief) which granted approvalNOTE: If the Borough Commander was not the Staff Chief who initiallyapproved the vacate, the Borough Commander shall be included on this email. Fire Prevention’s Field Public Operations Support Unit (FPOSU)( )o For residential vacates FPOSU will follow-up with: HPD’s Division of Relocation HPD’s Emergency Repair Program BISP unit ( )4.3 The Battalion Chief shall take pictures at the scene, using the Battalion-issued digital camera, showing the conditions that led to the issuance of the Vacate Order. The Battalion Chief shall e-mail the photographs to FPOSU at FPCU@FDNY.NYC.GOV.
9) You are the BC at the scene of a vacate of apartments 2E, 3E, and 4E of a 6 story multipledwelling. Which point would be incorrect for you to consider while overseeing the administrative unit? (BISP Chap.4 Add.4 4.5.1, 5.3, 5.4)A) A total of 3 vacate orders should be written.B) The administrative unit shall remain out of service at the scene to assist HPD or the Red Cross unless otherwise instructed by the Staff Chief.C) Time of Service and Time of Enforcement must be written on the vacate order using AM or PM, not military time.D) 6 hours may be granted by the Deputy Chief to allow residential occupants to prepare for relocation.
- A5.3.2 An occupant’s Vacate Order should only include the occupant’s portion of the premises. Identify by apartment/unit number and/or floor. One Vacate Order is required for each household or commercial tenant, in addition to the owner’s Vacate Order.
10) The impairment coordinator or other building staff trained and knowledgeable in conducting a fire watch may conduct a fire watch in lieu of a fire guard during the initial _______ hours of a planned removal from service, or after the discovery of an unplanned out ofservice condition, provided that the floor area in which the fire protection system is out of service does not exceed _________ square feet. (BISP Chap.5 Ref# 1.1 4.5.5)A) 4 / 40,000B) 4 / 50,000C) 8 / 40,000D) 8 / 50,000
- BException: The impairment coordinator or other building staff trained and knowledgeable in conducting a fire watch may conduct a fire watch in lieu of a fire guard during the initial 4 hours of a planned removal from service, or after discovery of an unplanned out-of-service condition, provided that the floor or area in which the fire protection system is out of service does not exceed 50,000 square feet.