BC #6 - Week of 111818Comm Man Chap. #9 + Add #1 - 4, FFP – Collapse, , ABC’s, Dunn Chap.9 &10, PAIDs1-84,5-74,1-90,3-94, , BISP Chap.4 Add #6, Ass Guide Ref. 5.2, 8.3DC DiDomenico Flashcards
- Regarding Collapse operations, a Chief Officer should be aware that which one of the following points is incorrect? (Collapse–1.2, 2.3, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6)A. Structural Collapse is a Single Command event and CIMS designates the FDNY as the Incident CommanderB. After rescue and removal of all persons involved has been completed, and stabilization of all threats to public safety has been accomplished, the scene becomes the jurisdiction of the Department of Buildings and / or NYS Department of Labor (for CDA buildings)C. At least one tower ladder shall be special called to every major collapse if none was assigned on the initial alarmD. At all explosions and major collapses, SOC units shall ensure the immediate area is monitored for the presence of biological / radiological agents.E. Explosions shall be viewed as possible dirty bomb sites until monitoring shows the area to be clear of contamination
- DNOTE At all explosions and major collapses, SOC Units shall ensure the immediate area is monitored for the presence of radiological/chemical agents.
Utilize the following scenario to answer questions 2 - 8:You are a Battalion Chief in Battalion 12 responding to a 10-60 Code 1 for a major collapse at 325 East 117th street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue in Harlem on the uptown side of the street. On arrival, you find an explosion occurred in a 5-story MD and all five floors have sustained significant damage. Exposures 2, 2A, 2B and 4, 4A, 4B are all similar attached structures. There is minor damage to Exposure 2 and Exposure 4. There are no indications of fire. Your response ticket shows E91 E58 E53 E35 E22 E37 E80 E69 T14 L26 L43F L40 T13 RCO3 S41 are your 10-60 Code 1 first responding units and they have all arrived in the order they were assigned. There are no visible civilian rescue issues showing at this time.2. In this situation, your initial size up would indicate that which one of the following units was not properly positioned based on their order of arrival? (Collapse–5.3, 5.4, 5.5)A. Engine 91 took a hydrant on the corner of Third Avenue, and Engine 58 took a hydrant on corner of Lexington Avenue. Both units were located outside of 117 street.B. Engine 53 and Engine 35 both took hydrants on East 118 street between Third and Lexington AvenuesC. Ladder 14 was placed directly in front of the collapsed building, Ladder 26 was placed in front of Exposure 2 and Ladder 13 was placed in front of Exposure 4D. Engine 37 was positioned to seal off the street at 117 street and Third Avenue; Engine 69 was positioned to seal off the street at 117 street and Lexington AvenueE. Rescue 3 and Squad 41 placed their apparatus near Exposures 4A and 4B
- C• Aerial ladders should be kept away from the front of the building in a secondary staging area unless needed for specific rescue purposes.
Utilize the following scenario to answer questions 2 - 8:You are a Battalion Chief in Battalion 12 responding to a 10-60 Code 1 for a major collapse at 325 East 117th street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue in Harlem on the uptown side of the street. On arrival, you find an explosion occurred in a 5-story MD and all five floors have sustained significant damage. Exposures 2, 2A, 2B and 4, 4A, 4B are all similar attached structures. There is minor damage to Exposure 2 and Exposure 4. There are no indications of fire. Your response ticket shows E91 E58 E53 E35 E22 E37 E80 E69 T14 L26 L43F L40 T13 RCO3 S41 are your 10-60 Code 1 first responding units and they have all arrived in the order they were assigned. There are no visible civilian rescue issues showing at this time.3. How many of the following actions would be correct for the first arriving Chief, Battalion 12, to consider at this incident? (Collapse–6.1)1. He should establish a command channel2. He assigned E22’s officer to be the Staging Area Manager until replaced by a Chief3. He ensured the ICP was located far away from the immediate vicinity of the incident site 4. He set up the Battalion Tent as an indicator of the ICPA. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
- B6.1Take command at the sceneAnnounce arrival and evaluate the ICP established by the initial IC. Ensure the ICP is located at or in the immediate vicinity of the incident site, in an area outside of the operations site and collapse zone. Keep in mind there are likely to be multiple responding agencies whose ranking representatives need to be accommodated at the ICP. The ICP must be clearly visible from the collapsed structure and accessible to incoming units. On arrival of the Division, consider use of the Division tent. Establishment of a Command Channel (Channel 2) is essential for effective communications at large incidents.6.2Staging AreaThe initial IC establishes a staging area. Reevaluate the location and assign a company officer to be the Staging Area Manager until replaced by a Battalion Chief. Transmit a preliminary report regarding the location of the ICP and the staging area. The Dispatcher can assist in identifying a staging area.
Utilize the following scenario to answer questions 2 - 8:You are a Battalion Chief in Battalion 12 responding to a 10-60 Code 1 for a major collapse at 325 East 117th street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue in Harlem on the uptown side of the street. On arrival, you find an explosion occurred in a 5-story MD and all five floors have sustained significant damage. Exposures 2, 2A, 2B and 4, 4A, 4B are all similar attached structures. There is minor damage to Exposure 2 and Exposure 4. There are no indications of fire. Your response ticket shows E91 E58 E53 E35 E22 E37 E80 E69 T14 L26 L43F L40 T13 RCO3 S41 are your 10-60 Code 1 first responding units and they have all arrived in the order they were assigned. There are no visible civilian rescue issues showing at this time. 4. Battalion 12 would be incorrect to think that? (Collapse—7.1, 7.6)A. 2 1/2” lines should be stretched and charged as a precaution.B. If this is a suspected terrorist event, precautionary handlines should be located between two apparatus or other substantial shieldingC. A 3 1⁄2” line should be stretched to the Ladder 14’s rig and chargedD. Ladder 14 should immediately begin the process of controlling gas, electric and water services
- DThe second ladder company to arrive shall immediately begin the process of controlling the gas, electric and water services.
Utilize the following scenario to answer questions 2 - 8:You are a Battalion Chief in Battalion 12 responding to a 10-60 Code 1 for a major collapse at 325 East 117th street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue in Harlem on the uptown side of the street. On arrival, you find an explosion occurred in a 5-story MD and all five floors have sustained significant damage. Exposures 2, 2A, 2B and 4, 4A, 4B are all similar attached structures. There is minor damage to Exposure 2 and Exposure 4. There are no indications of fire. Your response ticket shows E91 E58 E53 E35 E22 E37 E80 E69 T14 L26 L43F L40 T13 RCO3 S41 are your 10-60 Code 1 first responding units and they have all arrived in the order they were assigned. There are no visible civilian rescue issues showing at this time.5. Regarding the 10-60 Code 1 response, you would be correct to think? (Collapse— 8.1, 8.7)A. Any additional resources above the 10-60 Code 1, will then require a Staging Area be set upB. A Staging Area Manager always responds with the Field Communications UnitC. An Air Recon Chief is assigned on either a 10-60 or a 10-60 Code 1D. You will get two Rescue Task Forces (RTFs) on the 10-60 Code 1
- DWhen staffed, the Staging Area Manager responds with the Field Communication Unit. Otherwise, the Dispatcher will assign a BC as the Staging Area Manager for any request for resources above the initial 10-60 signal.• Requests from the IC for additional resources above a 10-60 will require the establishment of a Staging Area. The Staging Area Manager (if staffed) responds with the Field Communications Unit. Otherwise, an additional Battalion Chief will be assigned and designated as the Staging Area Manager.• On the transmission of a 10-60 Code 1, the appropriate Battalion Chief shall be designated Air Recon Chief and shall respond in accordance with Department policy and procedures.
Utilize the following scenario to answer questions 2 - 8:You are a Battalion Chief in Battalion 12 responding to a 10-60 Code 1 for a major collapse at 325 East 117th street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue in Harlem on the uptown side of the street. On arrival, you find an explosion occurred in a 5-story MD and all five floors have sustained significant damage. Exposures 2, 2A, 2B and 4, 4A, 4B are all similar attached structures. There is minor damage to Exposure 2 and Exposure 4. There are no indications of fire. Your response ticket shows E91 E58 E53 E35 E22 E37 E80 E69 T14 L26 L43F L40 T13 RCO3 S41 are your 10-60 Code 1 first responding units and they have all arrived in the order they were assigned. There are no visible civilian rescue issues showing at this time.6. If the IC utilizes Chief Officers to supervise the functions of Operations, Finance, Planning and Logistics, as the 1st arriving Battalion Chief, you may later be reassigned as the Planning Chief. When reassigned, you will be supervising the? (Collapse Pg 15—ICS Org Chart, 8.7)A. C.A. Staging Area Manager B. Resource Unit Leader (RUL) C. Victim Locator Leader D. Field Communications Unit
- B• The BC designated as the Resource Unit Leader by the respective Borough Dispatcher, shall report to the Planning Chief and begin tracking resources, both assigned and operating, from all agencies involved. He/she shall remain at this position until relieved by the Officer of the Field Communications Unit, who shall assume that role upon his/her arrival. At this time, the BC shall report to the Planning Section Chief for reassignment to either a Situation Unit Leader, or a position necessary to support the Operation.
Utilize the following scenario to answer questions 2 - 8:You are a Battalion Chief in Battalion 12 responding to a 10-60 Code 1 for a major collapse at 325 East 117th street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue in Harlem on the uptown side of the street. On arrival, you find an explosion occurred in a 5-story MD and all five floors have sustained significant damage. Exposures 2, 2A, 2B and 4, 4A, 4B are all similar attached structures. There is minor damage to Exposure 2 and Exposure 4. There are no indications of fire. Your response ticket shows E91 E58 E53 E35 E22 E37 E80 E69 T14 L26 L43F L40 T13 RCO3 S41 are your 10-60 Code 1 first responding units and they have all arrived in the order they were assigned. There are no visible civilian rescue issues showing at this time.7. The Resource Unit Leader should track resources both assigned and operating from?(Collapse—8.7)A. The FDNY only, until relieved by the Officer of the Field Communications UnitB. All agencies, until relieved by the Officer of the Field Communications UnitC. The FDNY only, until relieved by the Situation Unit LeaderD. All agencies, until relieved by the Situation Unit Leader
- B• The BC designated as the Resource Unit Leader by the respective Borough Dispatcher, shall report to the Planning Chief and begin tracking resources, both assigned and operating, from all agencies involved. He/she shall remain at this position until relieved by the Officer of the Field Communications Unit, who shall assume that role upon his/her arrival. At this time, the BC shall report to the Planning Section Chief for reassignment to either a Situation Unit Leader, or a position necessary to support the Operation.
Utilize the following scenario to answer questions 2 - 8:You are a Battalion Chief in Battalion 12 responding to a 10-60 Code 1 for a major collapse at 325 East 117th street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue in Harlem on the uptown side of the street. On arrival, you find an explosion occurred in a 5-story MD and all five floors have sustained significant damage. Exposures 2, 2A, 2B and 4, 4A, 4B are all similar attached structures. There is minor damage to Exposure 2 and Exposure 4. There are no indications of fire. Your response ticket shows E91 E58 E53 E35 E22 E37 E80 E69 T14 L26 L43F L40 T13 RCO3 S41 are your 10-60 Code 1 first responding units and they have all arrived in the order they were assigned. There are no visible civilian rescue issues showing at this time.8. Handheld air horns carried by Battalions, Divisions, SOC Units and Collapse Rescue Units should be issued to which member(s)? (Indicate all the correct choices) (Collapse 9.2)A.Members monitoring transits B. LookoutsC. Safety Officers D. Sector Supervisors
- A, B, Co The following is the standard emergency signaling system used by all FEMA USAR Task Forces, and adopted by this Department. It may be sounded on a handheld aerosol can air horn, or on apparatus air horns. Each Safety Officer and member monitoring a transit, as well as members positioned as lookouts for hazard monitoring, will be issued an air horn.
9.handheld air horn or apparatus air horn sound?A. One long blast for 3 seconds C. Three long blastsA. B. C. D.Rescue companies onlySquad companies onlyRescue and Squad CompaniesRescue, Squad, and SOC Support Ladder CompaniesThe evacuation of an area at a collapse incident is indicated by members hearing a (Collapse 9.2)
- D1 Long Blast (3 seconds) Cease Operations/All Quiet3 short blasts (1 second each) Evacuate the area1 long and 1 short blast Resume Operations
- At a collapse incident where victim removal requires tunneling, trenching, shoring or cutting of structural members, which units are trained in “Collapse Rescue” operations and may be assigned to such activities? (Collapse—10.1)A. Rescue companies onlyB. Squad companies onlyC. Rescue and Squad CompaniesD. Rescue, Squad, and SOC Support Ladder Companies
- CRescue CompaniesRescue Company members are trained in Collapse Rescue Operations.• Due to the weight of their equipment, access to the collapse site for at least the first arriving Rescue as well as at least one Collapse Rescue Unit must be ensured.• Rescue Companies will perform any victim removal activity that involves tunneling, trenching, shoring or cutting of structural members.• Two Rescue Companies are assigned to all major collapses.• At least one Rescue Company should be deployed at each buried victim location.• If dangerous void entries or tunneling operations are to be made, a third Rescue Company should be relocated to quarters near the incident or assigned to the staging area for rapid intervention of members if a secondary collapse occurs.10.1.2Squad CompaniesSquad Company members are trained in Collapse Rescue Operations.• Their apparatus does not carry all the necessary equipment to perform tunneling, trenching, or shoring, but they are trained to use equipment found on Rescue apparatus, Collapse Rescue Units, and in Collapse PODs.• At large scale incidents with multiple buried victims, the IC may assign a Squad Company to sites where there is no Rescue Company available.
- A SOC Support Ladder may be used as a second FAST Unit in the Search and Rescue Branch. A. Agree or D. Disagree?
- ASpecial Operations Support Ladder CompaniesMembers are trained in collapse operations, void access and shoring techniques.• Assist Rescue Companies in tunneling and victim removal.• Can act as a second FAST Unit, working underneath the Search and Rescue Branch.
- What stage(s) of a collapse rescue operation can be conducted simultaneously if conditions and personnel permit? (Collapse—11.3, 11.4)1. Reconnaissance2. Accounting for and removal of surface victims3. Search of the voids4. Selected debris removal and tunneling5. General debris removalA. 1, 2 only B. 2, 3 onlyC. 1, 2, 3 onlyD. 1, 2, 3, 4
- CVictims may be found in various degrees of entanglement. After completing the reconnaissance phase, or simultaneously, if conditions and personnel permit, start the removal of victims who are lightly pinned. In some cases, they won’t require much assistance..• Individual voids may be found in any type of collapse. They result from spaces formed by strong objects that prevent a collapse into that particular section. They are difficult to locate, for they occur at random depending on the layout of partitions and furniture. Searching void spaces should be done immediately after the surface victims have been removed, or simultaneously if sufficient personnel are available.
- Regarding the use of shoring at collapse operations, it would be incorrect to state that? (Collapse—11.5)A. First arriving units may be forced to perform emergency shoringB. Cutting of load bearing members should only be performed by Rescue or Squad companiesC. Once a Rescue Company is on-scene, the installation of additional shoring should generally be left to them, supported by Squad Companies and SOC Support LaddersD. Buildings with no civilian life hazard will never be shored by the FDNY
- D• Buildings in which there is no civilian life hazard will only be shored if the shoring can be safely installed at minimal risk to members, and where there is a substantial property risk that can be safeguarded by the shoring.
- Regarding Selected Debris Removal and General Debris Removal in the Collapse Rescue Operation, it would be incorrect to state? (Collapse—11.6, 11.13.2, 12.1)A. Heavy demolition equipment is forbidden during the General Debris Removal stageB. During selected debris removal, victim removal requiring tunneling, trenching, or cuttingthrough supporting members should only be performed by collapsed trained members of SOCC. The FDNY will remain at the collapse site until the debris removal phase is complete or until the IC is reasonably certain all victims have been removedD. An FDNY watchline shall be maintained as long as there are personnel operating in the debris pile for search or investigative purposes
- AHeavy demolition equipment (cranes, bulldozers, etc.) is forbidden during the Selected Debris Removal stage. Although a manual operation is very time consuming, it is necessary if survivors are expected. Extreme caution must be exercised when operating tools to avoid injuring trapped victims.
- Rescue paramedics must be given access to a patient as soon as there is access to an exposed arm, leg, or even the neck in order to treat for crush syndrome or other life-threatening injuries by establishing an IV. This should be done when a victim appears to have suffered serious injuries or has been pinned for more than? (Collapse—11.6, 11.8.3)A. 30 minutes B. 45 minutes C. 60 minutes D. 90 minutes
- C• If the victim has been pinned for more than one hour or appears to have suffered serious injuries, a Rescue Paramedic must be given access to the patient as soon as there is access, in order to treat for crush syndrome or other life threatening injuries.
- The Search Assessment Marking System assists the FDNY in searches of large areas, very large buildings, multiple buildings or large debris piles at collapse sites. Regarding this system, it would be incorrect to state? (Collapse Add 2—1.5, 1.6)A. Do not paint a square box around the markingB. Markings should be 2’ x 2’, forming the letter “X” when completed, using lime yellowcolored reflective spray paintC. As new voids become accessible, new markings should be made and old markings labeled with paint “OLD”D. Ladder 14 has entered and is still searching is indicated by: LAD /E. Ladder 14 has exited the structure or area is indicated by: LAD 14 X
- CNew markings should be made and old markings crossed out.
- Regarding the quadrants (Top, Right, Bottom, Left) which point is inaccurate? (Add 2Pg 3) XA. The top quadrant should indicate the military time (1400 hours) and date (11/01/02) the company/team left the structure or areaB. The right quadrant should indicate any personal hazards (rats) affecting units or teamsC. The bottom quadrant should indicate the number of live and / or expired victims2-Live3-DeadD. In the bottom quadrant, indicate “None” if there are no victims
- D4-6 Bottom Quadrant: Number of live and/or expired victims still inside the structure/area. ‘0’ = No Victims
- When utilizing the victim location marking system, a large V (for victim) is painted as drawn below. Which point(s) would be correct about using this marking? (Collapse Add 2 5.2– 5.4) VA. The V should be painted 2’ high near the location of a known or potential victimB. Add an arrow above the V pointing towards the victim’s location if their location is not clearly visible or if not immediately nearbyC. Paint a circle around the V when the victim is confirmed alive - either visually, vocally or by hearing sounds that indicate a high probability the victim is aliveD. Paint a horizontal line through the middle of the V when the victim is confirmed deceasedE. Paint a vertical line through the confirmed victim mark after the victim(s) have been removed from the specific location of the marking
- A, D, E5-2 A large V , (for Victim) approximately 2’ in height is painted near the location of a known or potential victim. An arrow may need to be added next to the V pointing towards the victim’s location if not clearly visible or if not immediately nearby.5-3 A circle is painted around the “V” when the location of a potential victim has been confirmed, either visually, vocally or by hearing sounds that would indicate a high probability of a victim.5-4 Paint a horizontal line through the middle of the V when the victim is confirmed deceased.5-5 A vertical line is painted through the confirmed victim mark after the victim/s have been removed from the specific location identified by the marking. This marking should not be taken to mean the secondary search is complete, rather it means that all victims that have previously been located have been removed. Given that these markings will be used on piles of debris in a heavily collapsed structure, a secondary search of that area will not be complete until all debris in the area is removed and examined. Continuous examination of the debris will be required as further demolition progresses.
- The painting of a vertical line through the confirmed victim mark after the victim(s) have been removed from the specific location of the marking is done to indicate to other members that all secondary searches are complete at that location or sector. (Collapse Add 2 5.5)A Agree or D Disagree
- D5-5 A vertical line is painted through the confirmed victim mark after the victim/s have been removed from the specific location identified by the marking. This marking should not be taken to mean the secondary search is complete, rather it means that all victims that have previously been located have been removed. Given that these markings will be used on piles of debris in a heavily collapsed structure, a secondary search of that area will not be complete until all debris in the area is removed and examined. Continuous examination of the debris will be required as further demolition progresses.
- Regarding the use of the Con Ed Vacuum Truck at collapse and trench operations, it would be incorrect to state that the Vacuum Truck? (Add 4—1, 3, 4)A. Has a capacity of 10 cubic yardsB. Can move both wet and dry material including dirt, sand, grain, store stock, cans, bottles and building debrisC. Has a high-pressure water system rated at 700 psi that can break up hardened materialD. Responds automatically on trench rescue operations, a 10-60 and a 10-60 Code 1E. Requires the SOC Compressor unit to also respond when the Vacuum Truck is requested, as the SOC Compressor Unit carries extension hoses and other equipment to supplement the vacuum truck
- D3. RESPONSE• 10-60 Code 1• Trench rescue operations• As requested by the Incident CommanderIncident Commanders must make early recognition of the need and request response of the vacuum truck via the borough dispatcher.
- A Battalion Chief is supervising the use of the Con Ed Vacuum Truck at a collapse operation. In this situation, it would be incorrect for the Chief to know that? (Collapse—Add 4–2)A. Con Ed employees will operate the vacuum truck if the area is safeB. A FDNY HT equipped member shall be positioned with the Con Ed employee at all timesC. SOC members are trained to operate this equipment if the work area is too hazardous for Con Ed employeesD. Con Ed employees will operate the suction hose at the extrication site only if the area is safe
- DAccess lanes must be established at the incident to facilitate easy response and positioning of the vacuum tuck. Con Edison employees shall operate the vacuum truck if the work area is safe. An FDNY HT equipped member shall be positioned with the Con Edison employee at all times. This will facilitate communication between the truck operator and members working at the extrication site. SOC members have also been trained to operate this equipment if the work area is determined to be hazardous for Con Edison Employees. FDNY members will operate the suction hose at the extrication site.
- You are a Battalion Chief working in Battalion 9 at 2100 hours, when a Class E alarm for a High-Rise Office building is received and the housewatch announces that Engine 54 and Battalion 9 respond. Ladder 4 has just called “CHOW” as you watch Engine 54 board their apparatus and respond with a regularly assigned Captain. In this situation, it would be correct for you to think that? (ABC 5-94—2.3, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6)A. You have the discretion to either respond or monitor the alarm, even if there is a CIDS message indicating a minimum response of 3 Engines, 2 Ladders and a BCB. If you decide to monitor the alarm, the dispatcher shall be notifiedC. If no preliminary report is received from Engine 54 within 10 minutes, you must then respondD. If Engine 54 transmits a 10-35, Battalion 9 will be responsible for the NYFIRS reportE. While monitoring the alarm, if another alarm is received requiring a structural response, where you are the nearest available Battalion Chief, you will be directed by the dispatcher to respond to that subsequent alarm
- D2.3Class E alarms from certain occupancies require a minimum response of 3 Engines, 2 Ladders and a Battalion Chief. This response will be indicated in the CIDS message when a Class E alarm is received for these occupancies.3.3 If the Battalion Chief responds to the E or J alarm, the dispatcher shall be notified.3.5If the preliminary report from the assigned Engine or Ladder Company is not received in a reasonable time frame (5-10 minutes), Chief Officers monitoring the radio shall contact the dispatcher and request a preliminary report. When the report from the Engine or Ladder Company indicates that the alarm is for a 10-35 or 10-92 and such signal is transmitted, the Battalion Chief will return to service.3.7If a subsequent alarm is received while the Battalion Chief is monitoring a Class E or J alarm, the Battalion shall NOT be directed to respond unless:
- A Battalion Chief is working on a day tour in Battalion 9 when a Class J alarm is received for a hotel and Battalion 9 and Engine 54 are assigned to respond. Because there is a new Lieutenant from Division 13 working in Engine 54, the BC decides to respond. In this situation, the BC should know all of the following are correct except? (ABC-5-94 - 1.3 Add 1—3, 4, 5)A. Because the BC is responding to the alarm, the dispatcher should be notifiedB. Class J alarms may be monitored by a Battalion Chief only from 0700-1900 hoursC. Engine 54 should enter the building with forcible entry tools, but no rolled up lengthsD. If the alarm does reset, the Engine Officer should remain approximately 2-3 minutes to assure that the reset holdsE. If the alarm panel does not reset or is again activated, the box should be transmitted.
- E1.3The same response policy described in section 1.2 shall be assigned to hotel occupancies (Class J Alarms) from 0700 hours through 1900 hours citywide. From 1900 to 0700 hours, units will be assigned to Class ”J” alarms as per box assignments.3.Members entering the building shall be equipped with their personal protective equipment and SCBA. Ladder companies shall bring their usual compliment of tools. Engine companies shall bring forcible entry tools into lobby. At this time no rolled up lengths of hose will be required.4.Officer shall make contact with building personnel; inquire as to the alarm source and direct building personnel to reset the alarm system. If the alarm panel does reset, the officer shall remain approximately two to three minutes to assure that the reset holds.5.If the alarm panel does not reset or is again activated, the officer must view the panel for alarm location and verify the floor from which alarm is transmitted.
- A BC is operating at an alarm at 0400 hours where he used 2 engines and two ladders for a small fire. The BC deems the incident to be a “Noteworthy” incident. In this situation, he should know that he is responsible to notify by cell phone the _________ of all available particulars of the incident? (ABC 3-96 Sect 3) A. Deputy ChiefB. Borough CommanderC. On duty Command Chief through FDOCD. OEM through FDOC
- C3. Chief Officers, when operating as the IC at NOTEWORTHY INCIDENTS, are personally responsible for notifying or designating a knowledgeable subordinate to notify the on-duty Command Chief of all available particulars of the incident. This notification shall be made through the Fire Department Operations Center (FDOC) at 718-999-7900 as soon as an incident is determined to be NOTEWORTHY.
- A Battalion Chief responding to an alarm reporting a structural fire should know that he has the discretion to distribute a brand new “Battalion Smoke Detector” if units operate at an incident where there was no smoke alarm present and the incident was a? (Indicate all the correct choices) (ABC 6-09 1.1, 2.1)A. 10-75, where there was a 3-year old child in the occupancyB. 10-26, where there was a 65-year old lady in the occupancyC. 10-32, where there was a 9-year old child in the occupancyD. 10-33, where there was a recent immigrant in the occupancy
- B, D1.1The major goal of the FDNY fire safety education program is to further reduce the annual death toll from residential fires in New York City. A major part of the strategy to attain this goal is the distribution of smoke alarms and batteries, particularly to the high-risk special populations living in New York City. The high-risk groups are children, older adults and recent immigrants.2.1Each Battalion will be supplied with ten (10) First Alert Model SA710CN Photoelectric Smoke Alarms to be carried in the Battalion vehicle. The smoke alarms are equipped with a “HUSH” button and a long-life 9 volt battery. These smoke alarms will be issued at the discretion of the Battalion Chief working that tour. Additionally, each Battalion will be provided 12 replacement batteries for those situations where only a battery is required.The suggested criteria for distribution will include, but not be limited to:A. Distributed at minor fires or emergencies.B. No smoke alarm is present or the smoke alarm present was not operable due to a missing or dead battery in the dwelling or dwelling unit.C. Occupancy has an older adult 60 years of age.D. Occupancy has children under 5 years of age.
- If a Battalion Chief distributes a Battalion Smoke alarm, he should take all of the following actions except? (ABC 6-09 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)A. Instruct the recipient to review the enclosed directionsB. Provide the recipient with fire safety literatureC. Have the recipient complete an “Affadavit of Receipt”D. Fax the signed “Affadavit of Receipt” to the Division
- D2.4The recipient must complete an “Affidavit of Receipt.” The completed affidavit must be faxed by the Chief who distributed the smoke alarm to:Fire Safety Education Unit Fax # 718-281-3594The Fire Safety Education Unit will forward a replacement smoke alarm upon receipt of affidavits. Replacement batteries can be obtained by calling the Fire Safety Education Unit at 718-281-3870.
- A first alarm responds to a report of fire in a residential building on 44th Street on the east side of Manhattan. On arrival they see a medium smoke condition showing from the 3rd floor of a 4-story brownstone. When the first arriving ladder knocks on the apartment door, the occupant shows you his Department of State ID Card, states he is a diplomat from Italy, indicates this is his private residence, and that he is frying up some chicken cutlets and having problems with his stove. He then refuses permission to let the Ladder Company in. In this situation, you as the Chief should know that? (ABC 1-2010—1.1, 2.1, 4.3, 4.5, 5.2)A. Diplomats and Consults may refuse the FDNY entry to their private residence. Diplomats and consults are both issued Department of State ID card.B. Diplomats and Consults may refuse the FDNY entry to an embassy, consulate or mission, but cannot deny entry to a private residenceC. The Ladder Officer should attempt to negotiate entry of either the inside team or even just the officer to investigate conditionsD. The Engine should stretch a 2 ½” line for possible operationE. Aerial and portable ladders should be positioned for possible rescues
- E1. PURPOSE1.1 To standardize procedures involving operations at Foreign Embassies, Consulates, Missions, Ambassadorial residences and private residences where Diplomats have legal residence. 4.3 Personnel in facilities outlined in section 1.1 may refuse permission for members to enter.Some countries deny admittance under all circumstances and it is possible some friendlycountries may also deny admittance.Consults of foreign nations do not posses Department of State identifications cards, but they are to be treated in the same manner as Diplomats.4.5 Officers shall explain as clearly as possible that the fire or emergency situation may worsen and the importance of entry. Attempt to negotiate to have the ladder companies’ entry team to investigate conditions; however if the Incident Commander (IC) feels thiswill endanger the members then do not commit the resources. Members shall not operate independently.5. UNIT PROCEDURES5.1 Engine Companies Stretch hoselines compatible with occupancy and fire conditions found.5.2 Ladder Companies Position a Tower Ladder in front of the building. Position aerial and ground ladders for possible rescues. If embassy personnel refuse expanding searches on upper or lower floors notify IC.
- First alarm units arrive at a Foreign Embassy and the 1st Ladder is granted permission by the diplomat to enter. The Ladder Inside team knocks down a small fire with the can, and then conducts a primary search. As the IC, the Battalion should know how many of the following points are accurate? (ABC 1-2010—4.7, 5.3)1. The dispatcher must be notified immediately that the fire is in a Foreign Embassy and that entry was granted2. Once granted entry, the occupants can be ordered to leave if the FDNY deems it necessary3. If explosives or ammunition are found anywhere in the apartment, members should evacuate immediately, and notification made to the NYPD and Fire Marshals4. Once granted entry, the IC may send in relief companies to conduct overhauling and a secondary search, even if Embassy personnel object5. A Police Department liaison should be requested to respondA. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 D. 5
- B (1, 5) Saving life is our highest priority. If occupants refuse to leave, we cannot force them to leave. Expect storage of ammunition and explosives. If explosives and ammunition are involved, evacuate immediately and notify NYPD and Fire Marshals.4.7 Embassy personnel may refuse to let relief companies in and they might refuse to allow overhauling. Do not argue, if asked to leave then do so.
- Which of the following are Group 1 calls requiring a modified single unit response in a 10-20 mode? (ABC 2-2011–2.1)A. Water leakB. Tree down on an unoccupied carC. Lock out with no associated emergencyD. Salvage TruckE. ERS No Contact (2300-0800 hours)
8-A, D, E“WELTS”Group 1 Call Type Water leaks Trees down (no wires, buildings or vehicles affected) Lock-ins (no reported food on the stove or other associated emergency) Salvage Truck ERS no contact (2300 to 0800 hours)
- Which of the following are Group 2 calls requiring a response of assigned first due units in the emergency mode (Engine, Ladder, Battalion) and other than first due units in a 10-20 mode? (ABC 2-2011–2.2)A. Odor of gas, fumes, or smokeB. Reported Gas LeakC. Class 3 Manual alarmD. Electrical fireE. Manhole fireF. Sprinkler activation
- C, FGroup 2 Call Type Odors - gas, fumes, etc., other than smoke Sprinkler activation Class 3 alarms – automatic, valve, manual, etc. Electrical emergencies Manhole emergencies BARS – first due engine only (emergency mode) Class E – first due engine or ladder response (emergency mode) Class J – 0700-1900 first due engine or ladder response (emergency mode) Class J – 1900-0700 Box assignment (first due units in emergency mode)
- Which of the following are Group 2 calls requiring a response of only a single unit, in the emergency mode? (ABC 2-2011–2.2)A. Class E alarm at 1400 hoursB. Class J alarm at 0830 hoursC. Class J alarm at 1930 hoursD. BARS alarm
- A, B, DGroup 2 Call Type Odors - gas, fumes, etc., other than smoke Sprinkler activation Class 3 alarms – automatic, valve, manual, etc. Electrical emergencies Manhole emergencies BARS – first due engine only (emergency mode) Class E – first due engine or ladder response (emergency mode) Class J – 0700-1900 first due engine or ladder response (emergency mode) Class J – 1900-0700 Box assignment (first due units in emergency mode)
- Mayday transmissions and the IC’s response or actions to take when hearing a Mayday are a critical tactic. In regards to this, it would be correct to think? (Indicate all of the correct choices) (Comm 9—Pgs 3–8)A. For a “Collapse Imminent”, the IC should respond “Command to all units, Get out of the building, Get out of the building”, repeating the message as often as necessaryB. A Roll Call is required for both “Collapse Imminent” or “Collapse Has Occurred” situations.C. When a member is found unconscious, the Mayday transmitted should be “Mayday, Injured Member” followed by the members Location, Unit, Identity, Injuries, and Resources needed.D. For “Missing Member” situations, the IC needs to know the member’s: last known location or reference point, assigned unit, name, and assignment. The IC should assign units on scene to conduct a search and contact units on scene by HT to attempt to locate the missing memberE. A member who locates a Missing Member should immediately press the missing member’s EAB to identify them through EFAS
- B, C (Fire tech answers says A, B but answers are pasted here)4. The IC shall then transmit:”Command to all units, MAYDAY, GET OUT OF BUILDING, GET OUT OF BUILDING” and repeat this message as often as necessary. All members shall immediately evacuate the building on transmission of this message.A. “Engine 222 to Command, MAYDAY-INJURED MEMBER or MAYDAY UNCONSCIOUS MEMBER” and provides the following information: Location Unit and identity of the injured member Nature and extent of the injuries, if known Resources needed3. The member transmitting the MAYDAY shall respond in the following format: “Ladder 11 to Command, MAYDAY- MISSING MEMBER” andprovides the following information: Last known location or reference point Unit the member is working in that tour Name of affected member Assignment (e. g., roof, nozzle)”5. A member who locates a missing member shall immediately press their Emergency Alert Button, and then contact the IC in the following format: “MAYDAY-MAYDAY-MAYDAY, Ladder 43 FAST OV to command, MAYDAY.
- Urgent transmissions and the IC’s response or actions to take when hearing an Urgent are a critical tactic. In regards to this, it would be incorrect to think? (Comm 9—Pgs 9–12)A. An IC hearing “Urgent 10-70” on the HT by an ECC must transmit an “Urgent 10-70” to the borough dispatcherB. When a 10-70 situation is resolved, the IC must announce over both the HT and Department radio the fact that a positive water source has been attainedC. When the IC orders an interior attack discontinued in order to institute an exterior attack, members must withdraw and prepare for a roll callD. When there is a loss of water at an incident, the IC shall contact all of the units affected and units operating in positions above the water loss to insure they are aware of the problem. Units above the water loss must be backed out and a roll call conductedE. Anytime a change in conditions will severely impact an operation or the Safety of Members, an Urgent shall be transmitted specifying the location of the problem, the nature of the problem and what members or units are affected.
- DC. Interior Attack Discontinued1. When the IC decides to discontinue an interior attack and institute an exterior attack, the IC shall immediately press their Emergency Alert Button, and then transmit a message in the following format:”URGENT-URGENT-URGENT, Command to all units, URGENT -ALL UNITS - URGENT, BACK OUT, BACK OUT.”On transmission of this message, all units shall withdraw from the building.
- An IC is operating at a fire where a Mayday is transmitted and heard by the IC, however there was no EAB activation, so the radio traffic has not stopped. The IC wants to gain control of the HT radio to alert all units there was a Mayday transmitted. In this situation, she presses her EAB to utilize the Emergency Alert Tone and states “Urgent-Urgent-Urgent Command to all units Urgent, All Handie-Talkie transmissions are to cease”. In this situation, the IC’s actions were? (Comm 9 Pg 13—9.4.3)A. Correct or B. Incorrect?
- A9.4.3Incident Commander Use of the Handie Talkie NetworkThe IC may want to gain control of the HT network in order to alert all units to a MAYDAY or URGENT message.The IC can gain control of the HT network by utilizing the Emergency Alert tone created when the Emergency Alert Button is activated. This Emergency Alert tone shall be followed by the message URGENT-URGENT-URGENT COMMAND to ALL UNITS - URGENT, ALL HANDIE TALKIE TRANSMISSIONS ARE TO CEASE”. All units upon hearing a “MAYDAY” or “URGENT” transmission and/or the Emergency Alert Tone shall cease radio transmissions until advised otherwise.NOTE:If the IC uses the emergency alert tone to gain control of the HT network, after transmission to units, the emergency alert tone must be deactivated either by depressing and holding the Emergency Alert Button for approximately 2 seconds until a reset tone is heard or turn the HT off and then back on. Failure to deactivate will cause transmissions by the IC to be preceded by the letters EM which may cause confusion. Upon conclusion of the IC transmission, he/she may notify units to, Resume Normal Handie Talkie Transmissions.
- Regarding the use of the “Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue” procedure to locate a missing, lost or trapped member, it would be correct to state that? (Comm 9 Pg 9-13)A. The IC should announce over the HT that an “Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue will be implemented” and designate a secondary tactical channelB. All members, except the member designated to produce the emergency alert tone, are to operate on the secondary tactical channelC. The member designated to produce the emergency alert tone should be located remote from the ICPD. The EAB should be pressed every few seconds to transmit the tone, then pausing to allow for the possibility of responseE. When the tone is heard indicating the vicinity of the member, the emergency alert tone should be discontinued
- D9.5.2 IC announces over HT that an “Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue” is to be implemented and designates a new primary tactical channel.9.5.3 All members, except the member designated to produce the emergency alert tone, are to operate on the newly designated primary tactical channel.9.5.5 Designated member should be located remote from search activity to avoid confusion among searchers.9.5.10 When the definite location of member has been determined, the emergency alert tone should be discontinued to lessen the discomfort of trapped member and to enable communication between this member and searchers
- Every Battalion vehicle has a HT recorder and every Battalion Office has a companion computer workstation. Data is transferred from the vehicle to the workstation only when the Battalion vehicle returns to quarters. Which point(s) regarding the operation of the Battalion Recorder system are correct? (Comm 9 Add 1—3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 7.2)A. If the LCD display of the electronic status panel in the center console shows Start Up Failure, Low Buffer, Memory Full or Overwriting, the dispatcher should be notifiedB. Battalion vehicles up to and including the 3rd alarm must remain on with the motor running at the scene of an incidentC. If the Battalion vehicle is left unattended, the Secure Idle System shall be engagedD. Battalion recorders record both HT channels and borough dispatch channelsE. An operational test of the Battalion Recorder should be performed weekly, when the apparatus has been placed back in service, and anytime vehicle batteries fail
- CIf one of the following messages appears on the LCD screen, notify AAT Communications at (718) 605-2700 upon return to quarters:• START UP FAILURE• LOW BUFFER• MEMORY FULL• OVERWRITING3.2 The handie-talkie recorder system will simultaneously record handie-talkie transmissions on all channels except channel 9 in Zone A on both models (I and III) of the XTS3500R handie-talkies.3.3 The recorders do not record transmissions to or from the borough dispatcher.3.4 All battalion vehicles must remain on with the motor running at the scene of fire and emergency operations, regardless of their order of arrival or level of alarm.4.1 An operational test of the system shall be performed at the start of each tour and when the apparatus has been placed back in service after repairs or PMP.
- A Battalion Aide is testing the Battalion Recorder system for HT 2 Command. He waits for SYSTEM READY on the LCD screen, sets the HT to Channel 2, then depresses the HT button. If all is good, the LCD screen will read? (Comm 9 Add 1—4.3)A. HT 2 B. 2 R C. 2 H D. HT2 R
- B4.3 The test is performed by starting the apparatus and allowing the recorder to boot up.• When the display message reads SYSTEM READY, depress the handie-talkie button.• The transmission should register on the LCD screen.• Normal operation is indicated when a receiver number lights up corresponding with the channel set on the handie-talkie.• The letter “R” will appear next to the number indicating that recording is taking place on the selected channel.
- Company officers and Chief Officers may request a recording of HT transmissions on any of the available channels. (Comm 9 Add 1—8.2)A. Agree or D. Disagree?
- D8.2 Company Officers can request a recording of handie-talkie transmissions on the Primary and Secondary Tactical channels. Chief Officers can request a recording of handie-talkie transmissions on any of the available channels.
- A Battalion Chief wants to go from an interior attack to an exterior attack and then conduct an Emergency Roll Call at a heavy fire in a commercial building. In this situation, the BC should be aware of all of the following points except? (Comm 9 Add 2—1.4, 1.5, 3.3, 3.6)A. When an BC wishes to take control of the HT frequency, use of the Cross Band Repeater installed in some Battalion vehicles will provide the highest wattageB. It is imperative the BC is forceful when transmitting and taking control of the HT network.C. During the Roll Call, officers will answer stating the number of firefighters they responded with and account only for the members within sight or hearing without using their HTD. During the Roll Call: Engines, Squads and HMTU members should always answer according to their Engine position assignments. Ladder and Rescue members should always answer according to their Ladder position assignments.
- A3.3 Utilize the POST radio on the tactical channel (45 watt transmissions).3.4 Use the UHF radio in a Battalion or Division vehicle on the tactical channel (40 watt transmissions).3.5 Use the Cross Band Repeater radio installed in some Battalion Vehicles on the tactical channel (40 watt transmission).
Use the following scenario to answer questions 9 - 10:A Battalion Chief is ordered to conduct an Emergency Roll Call on Channel HT-1 at a 3-alarm fire where there was a Mayday for a “Collapse Occurred” at a taxpayer fire.9. The BC would be correct to know that she? (Comm 9—Add 2—4.1—4.4)A. Must have an updated list of all companies on the scene. An updated printout can only be obtained from only Battalion and Division MDTs, using the Incident History functionB. Can obtain a pre-printed Emergency Roll Call form from any apparatus on sceneC. Should conduct the Roll Call on HT-1, with another member assisting who monitors the HT-1 and records members by position as they replyD. The Roll Call Officer, and the member assisting, should be in an area near the ICPE. The Roll Call should preferably begin with the first alarm units
- C4.1 The member conducting the emergency roll call must have an updated list of all companies on the scene. An updated printout can be accessed from any apparatus MDT on the scene4.3 Every Battalion and Division vehicle has a pad of pre-printed Emergency Roll Callforms.4.4 The RCO and the member assisting and filling out the pre-printed form, should be in an area away from the Command Post. This will reduce radio feedback, thereby putting the roll call team in a better position to hear and talk over the HT roll call frequency.4.6 Each incident will determine which companies should be called first when the emergency roll call is being conducted.Example: A “Mayday for collapse occurred” would require the RCO to begin with the company operating in the sector that the collapse occurred, regardless of when the company arrived or was assigned. An “Urgent transmitted for a water loss” might require the RCO to begin the emergency roll call with companies operating on the fire floor or floor above the water loss, depending on the situation. The RCO will have toevaluate the situation to determine which company will be called first.
Use the following scenario to answer questions 9 - 10:A Battalion Chief is ordered to conduct an Emergency Roll Call on Channel HT-1 at a 3-alarm fire where there was a Mayday for a “Collapse Occurred” at a taxpayer fire.10. The Roll Call Officer would be incorrect to believe that? (Comm 9 Add 2—4.10, 5.4, 5.8)A. If a ladder company officer does not answer when called, call the Can or Irons FF, or a Sector Chief supervising that sector. If none of these members can account for that officer and he has not responded, notify the IC.B. When a ladder has 4 firefighters, the officer must indicate which position (OV, Roof) they are riding without.C. When calling individual firefighters (Control FF, Roof FF…), the Roll Call Officer should ask “Roll Call Officer to L123 Roof, what is your location”D. When finished with an individual unit (E234) notify the Company Officer “All members of E234 have been accounted for”
- A4.10 If a company officer does not answer when called, the RCO will either call a firefighter operating with that officer or call another company operating in the immediate area of that officer, in an attempt to locate them. For ladder companies this would be the Can orIrons firefighter; for engine companies, the Nozzle or Back-up firefighter should be able to account for their officer. If these members are unable to account for the officer and the officer still has not responded to the roll call, the RCO must notify the IC, who in turnmust take the required actions for a Missing Member as outlined in Firefighting Procedures, Managing Incidents Involving Members in Distress. The RCO must thencontinue the emergency roll call in the event there are additional missing or distressed members.
- Regarding the Electronic Fireground Accountability System (EFAS), it would be incorrect to state that? (Comm 9 Add 3—1.4, 2.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.3)A. EFAS is connected to Starfire, thus units assigned on the response ticket will be displayed as “Assigned Units”B. The EFAS start up is delayed 1 minute to allow Starfire to connect. Therefore, do not attempt to select the EFAS button during that time.C. The first arriving Battalion Firefighter shall monitor EFAS immediately upon arrival until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit or the Division Back Up FFD. The member monitoring EFAS shall call the IC by stating “EFAS to Command”
- C2.1 It shall be the responsibility of the first arriving Battalion Firefighter, after performing their primary duties, to monitor EFAS until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit.
- When a member hits their EAB for a Mayday, which of the following will happen on EFAS? (Indicate all the correct points) (Comm 9 Add 3—5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3)A. The members identity line on EFAS will be highlightedB. The company, position and name of the member will be listed in red in both the “Radio Status” and “Mayday” area.C. The MDT will automatically switch from Starfire to EFAS on any vehicle with EFAS capabilityD. A hard copy will automatically print on the MDT showing the members Company, Position and time of the MaydayE. When the members HT is reset (EAB is cleared), the highlighted identity line in both the “Radio Status” and “Mayday” area will change from red to yellow
- A, B, C, D5.1.3 The member’s identity line will remain red in EFAS until the Emergency Alert is resolved and the HT is reset. Once cleared, the member’s highlighted identityline will change from red (active) back to white in the “RADIO STATUS” area. The member’s highlighted identity line will change from red (active) to yellow(cleared) and will remain in the “MAYDAYS” area. (Figure 8)
- Which of the following channels can EFAS monitor? (Comm 9 Add 3—6.1)A. Only 1-16 B. Only Channels 1-16, plus NYMAC C. Only Channels 1-16 plus UTACD. Channels 1-16 plus NYMAC and UTAC
- D6.1 EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1. It has the capability of monitoring any of the 16 Channels, including UTAC and NYMAC channels. However, it can only monitor one channel at a time, therefore, a separate Battalion/Division/EFAS equipped vehicle inconjunction with an EFAS trained member is required for each channel in use e.g., primary tactical, secondary tactical, primary command.
- You are a covering Chief working in Battalion 54 who responds to a fire reported in a PD. On arrival at the scene you decide to utilize the Battalion Portable EFAS Tablet. You would be correct to think the Portable EFAS may be? (Indicate all the correct choices) (Comm 9 Add 3—9.1—9.5, 9.6)A. Brought from the Battalion vehicle to the Command Post by the Battalion Aide.B. Used in lieu of the EFAS in the Battalion vehicle at the scene of a 10-75 or greater under certain conditionsC. Used at a small-scale incident where no FAST Unit is assignedD. Used at the scene of a 10-75 or greater to provide early monitoring of EFAS by the IC until the Battalion Vehicle EFAS can be monitoredE. Used at the ICP to monitor additional HT channels
- C, D, E9.2 The IC can remove the tablet and radio from the Battalion vehicle and bring it to the Command Post. This will provide the IC an additional safety measure to account for all members operating at a fire, emergency or other incident where its use may be beneficial.9.3 The Portable EFAS does not replace the current procedures where EFAS is monitored in the Battalion Vehicle by the Battalion Firefighter after performing his/her primary duties, until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit.
- Battalion Chiefs reporting in to a multiple alarm fire should know that they should bring their Portable EFAS with them? (Indicate all correct choices) (Comm 9 Add 3—9.6)A. To the Command PostB. When assigned a SectorC. When assigned a BranchD. When assigned a Group
15-A, B, C, D. Chief Officers shall bring their Portable EFAS when assigned to a Branch/Sector/Group for better accountability of units operating in those areas. Thiswill also allow accountability of members operating in areas that are out of range of Battalion and Division vehicles e.g. High Rise, Hospitals, and Commercial Buildings.
- A Battalion Chief operating at a fire hears an EAB activation that is NOT immediately followed by an emergency transmission. In this situation, the IC would be correct to state? (Comm 9 Add 4—4.1, 4.2)A. “Command to L99 Roof, do you have an Urgent message”B. “Command to EFAS, who activated their EAB”C. “Command to member who activated their EAB, was that an inadvertent activation”D. “Command to member who activated their EAB, go ahead with your Mayday”
- B4.2 When an EAB activation is not immediately followed by a MAYDAY or URGENT message, the IC must identify and contact the member. It is critical to quickly determine the nature of the EAB activation so that if necessary, communication and/or assistance can be effected without delay. The EAB activating member shall be identified by any of the following methods: The IC can obtain the transmitting member’s 7 digit Internal Radio Code. When the member’s ID is known, they shall be contacted as follows: “Command to Ladder 123 Roof - do you have an emergency?” The IC can contact the member monitoring EFAS:“Command to EFAS- who activated their EAB?” Where appropriate, the IC can attempt to directly contact the member: “Command to the member who activated the EAB - do you have an emergency?”
- Members drilling on the EAB button may use what channel for drill purposes? (Comm 9 Add 4—5.2)A. Channels 3-8, after monitoring it for 2-3 minutes prior to useB. Channels 4-8, after monitoring it for 2-3 minutes prior to useC. Channels 6-8, after monitoring it for 3-4 minutes prior to useD. Channels 5-7, after monitoring it for 3-4 minutes prior to use
- B5.2 The following applies when activating the EAB for drill purposes: Use any of the handie-talkie channels 4 through 8. Monitor the channel for 2-3 minutes prior to activating the EAB to ensure the selected channel is not already in use.Note: Channels 4-8 can be in use at any time for numerous purposes. Examples of such use include tactical training, full scale exercises, secondary command channel activation, etc. Ensure all HTs are switched back to HT 1 upon completion of the drill.
- A Battalion Chief operating at a commercial building that has an Open Web Steel Bar Joist roof should be aware of all of the following except? (Dunn Ch 9)A. When a roof is being cut, sparks from the metal cutting metal help identify a steel bar joist roofB. Horizontal ventilation of windows and doors in advance of hoselines is preferred to vertical roof ventilationC. The steel bar joist may weaken and fail before the roof deck shows any indication of collapseD. The steel bar joist is superior in withstanding high temperatures for longer periods before it fails as compared to combustible wood joist systems
- DBoth are 5-10 minutes of fire exposure.
- Regarding solid wood joist roofs, it would be incorrect to state that? (Dunn Ch 9)A. The roof deck will soften first and serve as a warning of an impending serious joist failureB. Brick cavity (restrained) roof beams support more weight near their encased ends than in their unsupported centers. Thus, walking close to the parapet wall may provide support on a fire-weakened roofC. Unrestrained roof beams (corbel shelf or fire cut beams) are less stable under fire conditions than brick cavity beamsD. Most H-type apartments have roof joists that are restrained beams
- DMost H type apartment roof joists are resting on a corbel shelf.
- Members working on a roof are ordered to evacuate the roof immediately. In this situation, if there are two paths of escape, they should take the safest one, even if it is longer. (Dunn Ch 9)A. Agree or D. Disagree?
- A
- Regarding the use of lightweight steel roofs, it is incorrect to state that? (Dunn Ch 10)A. It requires more than 2400 degrees F to melt steelB. When flames reach 1000-1100 degrees F, steel starts to distort and lose strength. The failure temperature is in the range of 1000-1100 degrees FC. Thin steel (Open web bar joist) can reach the critical temperature of 1100 degrees F much faster than thick solid steel (I-beams)D. Steel has less tensile and compression strength than wood or masonry
- DSteel has greater tensile and compression strength than wood or masonry.
- Spray-On Fire Retarding Material that is applied over primer paint reduces the adhesion of SFRM and its effectiveness by? (Dunn Ch 10)A. 25%-33% B. 33%-50% C. 50%-75% D. 75%-80%
- B
- It is incorrect to state that the effectiveness of Spray-On Fire Retarding Material (SFRM) is dependent on? (Dunn Ch 10)A. Adhesion—steel must be properly cleaned to allow it to stickB. Consistency—it must be evenly appliedC. Thickness—it must not poorly appliedD. What it is applied to—it adheres better to round bar shapes, rather than angle-iron shapes
- DAdheres better to angle iron than round bar.
- The fire service considers _______ degrees Fahrenheit to be the failure temperature of steel, for at this temperature steel will lose ______% of its load carrying ability? (Dunn Ch 10)A. 1000, 40 B. 1100, 40 C. 1000, 50 D. 1100, 50
- B
- Regarding the size of the fire and the failure of steel, it is incorrect to state? (Dunn Ch 10)A. Large area fires where flames involve much of the steel beam in a shorter period of time will heat the steel beam to its critical temperature fasterB. A “Flash” fire can heat steel to its critical temperature fasterC. Steel is noncombustible and it is also fire resistiveD. Unprotected steel bar joists and C-beams can collapse after 5-10 minutes of fire exposure
- CSteel is noncombustible and it is also fire resistant.
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.1. You are BC Manning who has just arrived at 0800 hours at Battalion 70 on Tuesday, November 20th, 2018 for a 24-hour tour. You throw your bagels and cream cheese you brought in from Massapequa on the kitchen table and pour yourself a cup of coffee. Battalion Chief Mara, the Battalion Commander starts chatting with you about some rumors he heard yesterday. He informs you he has endorsed you for the upcoming spot in Battalion 70, but also knows that BC Mahomes put in for it, and apparently Mahomes has some heavy weight. He then asks you to stop by the quarters of Engine 103 today to check on Lt Beckham—a newly assigned officer, who is reportedly acting very strange lately and email him later about your visit.It is now 1000 hours when you tell your aide you want to stop by Engine 103. You arrive there and ask the members to line up for roll call. When they do, the officer is missing from the apparatus floor, so you take a walk upstairs and find Lieutenant Beckham walking around the edge of the roof, talking to himself, and acting so unusual, he appears to be a danger to himself and others. In this situation, you should immediately call?A. BITS and BC MaraB. NYPD ESU and CSUC. EMS and the Deputy Chief on duty D. BHS and the Deputy Chief on duty
- D
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.2. After resolving the matter in Engine 103, you then decide at 1120 hours to conduct a BISP Supervisory inspection. You arrive at a building in Ladder 201’s district which was constructed in 2018 and is now open for business. Ladder 201 is on scene because they are conducting a special inspection ordered by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. The building is a 2-story mixed occupancy, 100’ x 120’, with a restaurant on the first floor and a theater on the second floor. Captain Garrett from Ladder 201 shows you the C of O for this new building and it indicates the following:1. The first floor has a C of O for an A-2 restaurant occupancy with an occupant load of 190 people and 10,200 square feet of space in the restaurant.2. The second floor has a C of O for an A-1 theater occupancy that conducts live theater performances, with an occupant load of 275 people, and there is 9600 square feet in the theater.In this situation, you would be correct to think that?A. Three exits are required for egress of the restaurant spaceB. Three exits are required for egress of the theatre spaceC. Three exits are required from the second floor for egress from the buildingD. An automatic sprinkler is not required in the restaurant nor is it required in the theatreE. A wet standpipe system is required throughout this building
- E
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.3. When you are walking around the theater with the Captain you note that there is only one aisle in the middle of the seating area and there is seating on both sides of this aisle. The aisle is ramped and serves a total of 48 seats. You would be correct to think this aisle must have a minimum clear width of _______ inches?A. 23 B. 36 C. 42 D. 48
- B2008 BC1024.9.12014 BC1028.9.1The minimum clear width of aisles shall be as shown: 48 inches for aisle stairs having seating on each side. Exception: 36 inches where the aisle does not serve more than 50 seats. 36 inches for aisle stairs having seating on only one side. 23 inches between an aisle stair handrail or guard and seating where the aisle issubdivided by a handrail. 42 inches for level or ramped aisles having seating on both sides.Exception: Thirty-six inches where the aisle does not serve more than 50 seats. Thirty-six inches for level or ramped aisles having seating on only one side.Action: Request Battalion ResponseDOB Referral Report (High Priority)
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.4. Battalion Chief Manning should inform Battalion 70 that because this new theater conducts live performances and has 275 occupants, the Administrative Battalion must conduct an Annual Inspection of this occupancy while the premises is open to the public.A. Agree or D. Disagree?
4-D (Ref. 8.3) The Administrative Battalion shall conduct annual inspections of all Assembly occupancies listed in section 2.1 with more than 500 occupants that present live theatrical productions.
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.5. While the Battalion Chief is surveying the theater with the Captain, he notes a Standing Area in the rear area for audience members. This Standing Area is located in a passageway to the rear of the theater seats and it is 10 feet in depth. The Chief would be correct to inform the Captain that?A. Audience members may stand in that passageway, provided there is an unobstructed passageway of at least 4 feet in depth left open, and there are no more than four rows of persons standingB. Audience members may stand in that passageway, provided there is an unobstructed passageway of at least 6 feet in depth left open, and there are no more than two rows of persons standingC. Audience members may stand in that passageway, provided there is an unobstructed passageway of at least 6 feet in depth left open, and there are no more than four rows of persons standingD. No audience members may stand in that passageway, unless there is an additional passageway in the rear thereof
- BIn places of assembly having a passageway to the rear of the seats, 6 feet (1829 mm) or less in depth, and having in addition an outer passageway in the rear thereof, to which all aisle heads have straight and direct access, a maximum of two rows of persons may be permitted to stand in the passageway to the rear of such seats. (FC 407.5.3)Action: Refer to SFO (EG-7)
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.6. At 1230 hours you are special called to an incident by the dispatcher for an administrative assignment. On arrival you find E100 was on a run for a Class 3 response which turned out to be a 10-35 Code 3. Lt. Kramer indicates that they found 4 LPG tanks being used for cooking and heating purposes inside of the 4 rooms in a four-story MD. There are no markings on these cylinders, the tenants have no idea where they came from, and the owner who is on-scene states he has no idea where they came from either. In this situation, you would be correct to take which actions? (More than one correct)A. Have the aide call the dispatcher on the Battalion Cell Phone indicating there are “6, 20- pound, LPG cylinders that are all full of LPG, inside this building”.B. Insure the Deputy Chief is special called to the sceneC. Notify the Haz-Mat Battalion to arrange for assessment and removal of the materialD. Be aware that the Fleet Maintenance Operation Logistics Vehicle is the only FDNY vehicle approved for removal and transportation of these cylindersE. Issue an FDNY Summons to the owner for using and storing contraband materialF. Insure Engine 100 fills out a BLA-11 (Notice of Seizure of Contraband Material). This form is carried by BattalionsG. Forward a copy of the emergency report to BFP, Attention: FPOSU
- C, F, G
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.7. After concluding operations at the LPG confiscation, you now get special called to a complaint that was investigated by Ladder 200. They are at a recently built 3-story multiple dwelling that was constructed in 2014. The complaint was concerning the Window Bars placed on all 3 floors over the building windows. You would be correct to tell the Captain Bowles of Ladder 200 that under the 2008 Fire Code new window bars?A. Require approval by the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA)B. Cannot reduce the required dimensions of the window, and may not swing up to openC. Must be readily openable from the inside of the building with no more than a two-stepreleasing operationD. Must be readily openable from the inside of the building without the use of a tool or special knowledge. Keys may be used only if approved by the Board of Standards and Appeals
- B
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.8. You now return to quarters at 1430 hours and after being rushed around all day with BISP matters. You delegate a couple of matters to your aide, hoping he will get them done and not drop the ball. After having a nice lunch with a hero sandwich they call “The Bomb”, you check the fax machine and find 4 requests to reschedule missed roster tours from Captain Plunkett of E102.#1 - #2 - #3 - #4 -#1 -FF Brady—missed a 9 x 6 tour on 11/10/18—he wants to reschedule a 9 x 6 tour on 11/26/18#2 -FF Gronkowski—missed a 9 x 6 tour on 11/14/18—he wants to reschedule a 9 x 6 tour on 11/24/18#3 -FF Edelman—missed a 6 x 9 tour on 11/03/18—he wants to reschedule a 6 x 9 on 11/26/18#4 -FF Gostkowski—missed a 6 x 9 tour on 11/09/18—he wants to reschedule a 6 x 9 on 11/25/18You would be correct to reschedule which tour(s)?A. BradyB. GronkowskiC. EdelmanD. GostkowskiE. Disapprove all of them
- D
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.9. It is now 1600 hours when Captain Plunkett from E102 walks into your office to discuss a matter with you. He informs you that Engine 102 was out of service today for Education day, and he is in early, and according to tonight’s diary he is incoming along with a senior Chauffeur, and two other proby firefighters. The book shows he is getting one member from L200 on overtime. He asks you what he should do at 1800 hours regarding being in service with only the ECC and two proby firefighters, while he awaits the member from Ladder 200. You would be correct to advise him that he should?A. Start the tour in-service at 1800, and respond understaffed until the MSOT member arrivesB. Remain out-of-service at 1800, until the MSOT member arrives
- A8.1 It is anticipated that details to another unit will be made in advance so that firefighters will arrive at the detailed unit prior to the start of the tour.8.1.1 In the event an engine has less than four firefighters and/or a Group One company (as defined in AUC 287 - Ladders, Squads, Rescues) has less than five firefighters at the start of the tour, additional firefighter(s) shall remain on duty until relieved by the detail(s) so that the unit may commence the tour with the requisite number of personnel.Note: In the event that no members are available to await relief, in this instance a unit may start the tour with one member less than minimum staffing levels as defined in AUC 287 while awaiting the arrival of the detail (detail or the return of the member detailed out the previous tour). Administrative Battalions shall coordinate staffing, to the greatest extent possible, to assure that all units start the tour with minimum staffing levels as defined in AUC 287.
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.10. It is now 1700 hours and your battalion aide informs you that there is a 6 hour opening tonight from 1800 - 2400 hours in Ladder 200 due to 6 hours of vacation leave owed to a 5th grade firefighter. The MSOT member does not need to be an LCC. He indicates there are only four members who are available to work:1. FF Adams, Engine 100—who is in between his day tours2. FF Sanchez, Ladder 200—was off today, but is available from home3. FF Enunwa, Ladder 200—working his second straight day tour4. FF Cowher, Engine 101—working RSOT on today’s 9 x 6The aide assures you that none of the members above will be working more than 24 hours if they are hired. Using the Department guidelines for MSOT hiring and any other related materials, which member should be hired for 1800-2400 hours tonight?A. FF Adams B. FF Sanchez C. FF Enunwa D. FF Cowher
- A
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.11. The Battalion Aide shows you the updated manpower from DSCO for tomorrow’s (9 x 6) tour — 11/21/2018, and indicates to you the following:Engine 100 has: 4-0-4-1 Engine 101 has: 3-1-4-1 Engine 102 has: 3-1-4-1 Engine 103 has: 3-0-3-0 Ladder 200 has: 4-0-4-0 Ladder 201 has: 4-1-5-1He informs you DSCO authorized the Battalion to hire and fill all B70 vacancies. The aide tells you the following members are available and none of them will be working more than 24 hours if they are hired tomorrow:1. FF Todd, Ladder 200, Working a 6 x 9 tour (MUTUAL-ON) tonight2. FF Coughlin, E103, Working a 6 x 9 RSOT tour tonight, available because he is off on aself-mutual for tomorrow’s 9 x 63. FF Boozer, Ladder 200, Working his regular 6 x 9 tour tonight4. FF Lombardi, Working MSOT in E103 tonight5. FF Owens, Ladder 201, Working a 6 x 9 tour (MUTUAL-ON) tonight6. FF Tarkenton, Engine 103, Working a 6 x 9 (MUTUAL-ON) tonight, available fortomorrow’s 9 x 6 because he starts his vacation leave at 0900 hours7. FF Walker, Ladder 201, Working his regular 6 x 9 tour tonightThe Battalion Average for MSOT is 200 hours. None of the above 7 members has worked any MSOT since the receipt of the printout by Battalion 70. Using the Department guidelines for MSOT hiring, and any other related materials, which two members should you hire for the 9 x 6 tour tomorrow?
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.12. At 1815 hours you respond to a report of a smoke detector activation in a Hotel. On your arrival, the Ladder Company Officer informs you that the cause of the alarm was from a hotel worker on a break smoking a cigar near a smoke detector. In this situation, you would be correct to transmit a?A. 10-35 No CodeB. 10-35 Code 2C. 10-35 Code 3D. 10-35 Code 4, and you must complete a NYFIRS report indicating the cause of the alarm
- DCode 4: Unnecessary alarm caused by other known cause. (e.g., alarms resulting from cigarette smoking in unauthorized areas). When this code is used, a NYFIRS report must be completed setting forth the cause of the unnecessary alarm and the relevant particulars.
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.13.It is now 2030 hours and Captain Garett calls you to indicate that his tiller apparatus is out of service with an overheating issue and the shops told him figure about 3 hours before their rig will be back in service. As they will not be getting a spare apparatus. All of the Engines are currently at their normal staffing, and all of the Ladder companies are currently at their normal staffing. In this situation, you would be correct to detail? (Instructor instinct—Bonus question)A. 3 members from Ladder 101 — to E100, E101, E102 (Shortest distance of travel + avail riding spot)B. 3 members from Ladder 101 — to E101, E102, E103C. 3 members from Ladder 101 — to E100, E102, E103D. 4 members from Ladder 101 — to E100, E101, E102, E103
13-A (Regs Ch. 7)7.5.5Dependent on the time element and circumstances the administrative battalion chief shall, when an apparatus is placed out of service, detail its company members to units within the battalion.A. Chauffeurs shall remain in quarters to provide security of quarters, apparatus, equipment, and test serviceability of spare apparatus.B. Ladder companies, having tractor trailer apparatus, shall leave a qualified tiller-man in quarters to assist the chauffeur, test serviceability of spare apparatus.C. Company officer shall remain in quarters for administrative duties, expedite the return of company to service. Battalion may assign officer to battalion duties.Officers of units, receiving detailed firefighters, shall assign such member(s) to approved riding positions on apparatus.Availability of approved riding positions and shortest distance of travel shall be the criteria used by the Battalion Chief in determining the unit to receive details.Procedures for transportation of detailed firefighters shall in accordance with AUC 287.Deputy Chiefs shall be notified of all actions taken.
PART 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE / IN-BASKET EXERCISEFor this exercise you will be Covering Battalion Chief Elijah Manning. You are a newly promoted Battalion Chief assigned to Battalion 70 in Division 25. Today is November 20th, 2018 and you are working up and down in Battalion 70, where you have been UFO since September 22nd this year.There are 6 units in Battalion 70:E100 - a 4 FF unit, also a backup foam unit, in quarters with Ladder 200 E101 - a 4 FF unit, in quarters with Ladder 201E102 - a 4 FF unit, a single engine, in quarters with Battalion 70E103 - a 4 FF unitL200 - a 5 FF unitL201 - a 5 FF unit, also a CPC unit, also has a tiller apparatusYou will be asked a series of questions regarding administrative and in-basket situations, and other ongoing events in Battalion 70 during your 24 hours of work.It is recommended that you review the related materials and documents before answering any questions. It is also recommended that you answer the questions in the order presented.14. It is now 2200 hours when you receive two self mutual requests on the fax machine.Request #1 — FF Bradshaw, E101, (who is plus one self mutual—a night tour) is requesting a Self Mutual Off on 11/22 on the 6 x 9 tourRequest #2 — FF Namath (Who is plus one self mutual—a night tour) is requesting to bank another Self-Mutual 11/22 on the 9 x 6 tourRegarding these requests, you would be correct to:A. Only approve Bradshaw’s requestB. Only approve Namath’s requestC. Approve both requestsD. Disapprove both requests
- B