Class 4 Deck 1 Flashcards
Name the 3 sites of actions in which a vasodilator can be classified.
- Arterial dialator (resistance circulation)
- Venodialators (Capacitance circulation)
- Balanced
Give and example of an Arterial dialator, venodialator, and a balanced vasodialator.
- Arterial = Hydralizine, ACE, Nicardipine
- Balanced = Nitroprusside
- Venodialator = Nitroglycerine
Pure arteriole dilator causes minimal effect on what?
Balanced vasodilator (SNP) decreases what 2 things?
-Afterload and preload
What drug may be the only pure pulmonary vasodilator?
-Nitrous Oxide
PGE1 is excellent pulmonary vasodilator, but also causes systemic?
What drug may improve coronary circulation?
Which drug will increase coronary perfusion pressure?
In presence of coronary steal, what drug will shunt blood away from ischemic areas and what drug will direct more blood to the ischemic area?
- SNP is bad during MI
- Nitroglycerine is good during MI
How does nitroglycerine treat myocardial ischemia?
- Coronary vasodialtor / Improved collateral flow
- Venodialation decrease venous return and filing pressure
How does CCB treat myocardial ischemia?
- coronary and systemic vasodialators
- Decrease afterload
- Treats coronary vasospasm
Why is SNP non-useful with myocardial ischemia?
- Reduces ventricular filling pressure
- Coronary steal
What 2 drugs use NO, in order to produce their effects? and how do they work?
- SNP (spontaneously generates NO)
- NTG (Requires a cofactor to release NO in smooth muscle)
How does NO (therefore SNP and NTG) produce vasodialation?
- Forms cGMP
- cGMP inhibits calcium entry into smooth muscle cells, which produces vasodialation
What are the effects of NO?
- Vasodilator
- Relax other smooth muscle
- Increase blood flow to the lung
- Decreases pulmonary vascular resistance
What are the clinical applications of NO?
- Hypoxic respiratory failure
- Pulmonary artery HTN
What are the adverse effects of NO?
- Reacts w/ O2 to form nitrogen dioxide
- Pulmonary irritant can decrease lung function
- Can induce methemoglobinemia (hemoglobin that doesn’t bind to w/ O2)
What type of drug will prolong the effects of NO?
-phosphodiesterase (PDE) viagra & cialis
What are the effects of SNP?
- Direct action on vascular smooth muscle
- Decrease MAP
- Decrease LA and LV filling pressure
- Decreased afterload promotes forward flow in MR & AI
- Coronary steal
What are the adverse effects of SNP?
- Increase cerebral blood flow and ICP
- Reflex tach and HTN w/ abrupt discontinuation
- Decreased renal blood flow
- Hypotensive efffects w/ spinal or GA
- Worsen intrpulmonary shunt
SNP usage guidelines?
- A-Line
- Can use peripheral line
- Mix in D5W
- Protect from light (breakdown to cyanide)
What are the advantages of SNP?
- Immediate onset
- Short duration
- reduced myocardial O2 demand
Disadvantages of SNP
- Reflex Tach
- Cyanide toxicity ***(photodegredation)
- intrapulmonary shunt
- Methemoglobinemia***
- coronary steal
- Bleeding
- cerebral vasodilator
What is the hyperdynamic response sometime seen with SNP? and how do you treat it?
- Widening of pulse pressure
- Increase GR
- Treat w/ Beta Blocker
Tacyphylaxis in SNP can be a sign of what?
-Cyanide toxicty
How to treat cyanide toxicity?
- Stop SNP
- 100% O2
- Correct acidosis w/ bicarb
- 3% sodium nitrate (oxyhemo to methemo)
- Sodium thiosulfate
- hydroxycobalamin (binds to cyanide)
Thiocynate toxicity tidbits
- Rare
- Cleared by kidneys
- Neurotoxicity
- inhibit uptake of iodine (hypothyroidism possible)
Nitroglycerin (NTG) effects
- Releases NO through a cofactor
- Smooth muscle relaxation
- Affects preload more than afterload
- Dilates vein more than arteries
What does NTG do to Cardiac vasculature?
- relaxes coronary vessels
- Dilates collateral circulation
- Reduces preload and wall tension = ↓ myocardial O2 consumption
- Increased endocardial flow over epicardial flow