Class 2 Vocabulary Flashcards
The acceptance of a satisfactory rather than a maximum level of performance, enabling an organization to achieve several goals simultaneously
Evolve under stable conditions in which work can be relatively easily codified and measured. More emphasis on efficiency. Greater importance and prestige are attached to internal (local) than to general knowledge, experience, and skills.
Evolve under changing conditions in which the nature of work changes frequently. More emphasis on effectiveness. Greater importance and prestige are attached to activities external to the organization than to internal (local) knowledge, experience, and skills.
Management by Objectives
A management practice that aims to increase organizational performance by aligning goals and subordinate objectives throughout the organization. SMART goals: S-Specific M-Measureable A-Agreed Upon R-Realistic T-Time related
Dissatisfies or Hygiene Factors
Factors that do not inherently motivate followers such as company policies, relationship with supervisor and peers, working conditions or salary.
Factors that do inherently motivate followers such as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement and growth.
Theory X Assumptions
The average follower is lazy, dislikes work, and will try to do as little as possible. These followers need to be closely monitored. The monitoring should include strict work rules and clear reward and punishment procedures.
Theory Y Assumptions
Followers want responsibility. Followers are capable of self-control and self direction. Followers can handle responsibility as most individuals have some levels of creativity and ingenuity.
Initiation of Structure
Ohio State:
Clearly defines own role, and lets followers know what is expected.
Ohio State:
Regards the comfort, well being, status, and contributions of followers
Legitimate Power
Power that stems from internalized values that a leader has a legitimate right to influence a follower and the follower has an obligation to accept this influence.
Expert Power
The extent of the knowledge or perception of knowledge that a follower attributes to a leader
Referent Power
The identification of the follower with the leader such as a feeling of oneness with a leader or a desire for such an identity
Reward Power
The ability to reward a follower
Coercive Power
Stems from the expectation on the part of a follower that she/he will be punished by a leader for failing to conform to an influence attempt.