Class 2 Flashcards
norm of reciprocity
unwritte rule that people should benefit those who have benefited them
normative influence
influence that produces conformity because a person fears negative social consequences of appearing deviant
door-in-the-face technique
inufluence strategy that involves getting someone to deny an initial request
tendency to do what others do simply because others are doing it
tendency to do what powerful people tell us to do
enduring positive or negative evaluation of an object or event
enduring piece of knowledge about an object or event
informational influnec
influence that produces conformity because a person believes others are correct in their judgments
phenomenon that occurs when a person’s attitudes or beliefs are influenced by a communication from another person
systematic persuasion
process by which attitudes or beliefs are changed by appeals to reason
heuristic persuasion
process by which attitudes or beliefs are changed by appeals to habit or emotion
foot-in-the-door technique
technique that involves making a small request and following it with a larger request
cofnitive dissonance
an unpleasant state that arises when a person recognizes the inconsistency of his or her actions, attitudes, or bliefs
we are social animals
we crave social relationships
our sense of self identity is defined by people around us in real life and virtually (social media)
tendency to alter one’s opinion or behavior in ways that consistent with group norms