class 2 Flashcards
1492 Pedro Alonso Nino
- first black men in the new world and member of Columbus’s crew
- came as a free man even though 50 years later Portuguese sailors brought captive Africans back to their homeland as slaves for the first time
1619 twenty Africans were sold at James town Virginia by Dutch ship this began the enslavement of millions of west Africans from diverse groups such as:
•Began the enslavement of millions of west Africans from diverse groups such as:
- Fulani: tall elegant individuals. Dried clothes with sand…can learn a lot from other cultures just because they are so aware of their surroundings
- Ashanti
- Mandingo
- Wolog
1773 – Phyllis Wheatley
- First black woman poet in America
- Published “poems on various subject, religious & moral”
- After Wheatley’s death she was a free woman??
1790’s US census
- 697,681 African slaves and
- 59,538 free individuals
- Virginia had the largest black population of 304,000
(remember only every 10 years otherwise it is a mathematical guess based on statistics)**
Slavery and family life
- AA’s were stripped of identity, language, and the cultures of their homeland
- Identity as slaves meant replacing stable family life with transient structures determined by owners
- Hard on families, broke up families, however the thought of family was just as important
1817 American Colonization Society founded to solve the problem of slavery
- Solution was to send all Africans back to Africa
- Land was purchased in Liberia
- By 1822, 12,000 blacks moved
1831 Nat Turner led slave revolt
- 1830 the black population included 2,009,034 slaves and 319,000
- Last major slave rebellion before civil war
- > Led to stricter state legislation
1850 the Fugitive Slave Law
- Required the return of runaway slaves to their owners
- 20,000 slaves escaped via the underground railroad to freedom into Canada and the northern states
- Harriett Tubman credited with leading over 300 to escape
The underground railroad: Signals the black ‘lawn jockey’
- First owned by George Washington
- If a safe house, a flag or lantern was hung
- In the south a green or red ribbon was tied to the statues arm. Red danger, green safety
- Quilt code, before and after the civil war
–>Hung on fence, with maps on quilt that gave direction to next safe house-during after and before Civil War
1861- Start of the Civil War
-1863-President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation-which freed slaves only in states fighting the federal government (fighting against the feds)
Education plays a major role early in Black legacy
- 1881, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. Founded by former slave, Booker T. Washington
- 1895, W.E.B. Dubois became the first black to receive a PhD. from Harvard
–>point=get people education as quickly as possible
1909 Mathew Henson
-Help discover the North Pole with commander Perry and four Eskimos guides
Madam C.J. Walker 1867-1919
- AA women
- became the first self made woman millionaire
- her philanthropic supported the NAACP
- Tuskegee Institute and Bethune- Cookman College
- She was orphaned at six
- Married at 14
- Widowed at 20
- Sharecropper’s daughter to a laundress to a millionaire.
- Developed Hair products and cosmetics for African American men and women after she began to lose her hair
1963-March on Washington
•Martin Luther King led the march and revealed his dream: “…one day his people and all people would be judged by their character and not their color.”
o What’s on inside that counts
1964- the civil rights act
- signed by president Lyndon Johnson
- integrated public accommodations
- prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, religion, and sex
Black Billionaires
- Aliko Dangote: net worth of $3.3 billion
- Is the richest black person in the world
- Oprah Winfrey 2nd richest
- $2.7 billion
-Bob Johnson: BET founder now worth $1.1 billion because of losing half to ex-wife in divorce
The president of the United States: Barak H. Obama
-Mother U.S. citizen, father Kenyan citizen
•Raised mainly by grandparents living in Hawaii
•Attended Punahou School in Honolulu
•Law degree from Yale University
•Senator from Chicago, IL
•Nobel Prize
Jim Crow Southern Test
Given to AA too see if they could vote
If you cant pass cant vote in next election
Nichol’s Model Beyond Black and White
• Axiology
•Axiology: (the science of values what is worthy)
- Person to person, the highest value lies in the interpersonal relationship between persons
- # 1 key person to person most important
- White people= self centered/competitive/more concerned with self
Nichol’s Model Beyond Black and White
• Epistemology
- (the science of the method and grounds of knowledge, especially reference to its limits and validity)
- Affective: one knows thru symbolic imagery and behavioral patterns and rhythms
- Ex. president loves to interact with people plays golf meets a lot of people
Nichol’s Model Beyond Black and White
• Logic:
-(Principles of speech and reasons, main tendencies):
- Diunital=the union of opposites ex. black and white
- But things aren’t always black and white
Younger population
- Of the 1.8 million blacks who reported Black with at least one other race, 54% were under the age of 18 years old
- Black men who fit into category of 18-25 years of age are more in college than they are in prison….new demographic data