Class 18/02/19 Flashcards
How do you say…?
’Adelantar trabajo’
To GET AHEAD on work / To get a HEAD START on work
How do you say…?
Estoy apuntada en el gimnasio
I’m SIGNED UP at the gym
Correct the sentence:
I’m the older (of three siblings)
I’m the oldEST (of three siblings)
How do you say…?
My sister is very ‘pelota’
My sister SUCKS UP TO… (my dad, parents, teachers etc)
or - She’s a SUCK UP
How do you say…?
I _______ (prestar) my clothes to my sister.
I LEND my clothes to my sister.
How do you say… ?
My sister doesn’t let me _______ (pedir prestado) her clothes.
My sister doesn’t let me BORROW her clothes.
How do you say…?
She’s descarada/jeta
She’s cheeky!
Correct the sentence:
I have a good relation with my sister
I have a good relationSHIP with my sister.
How do you say…?
He’s the ‘ojo derecho de mi padre’
He’s the apple of my father’s eye
(This is a very well known expression in English, but it sounds a bit poetic for daily conversation, so you can also say ‘he’s my dad’s favourite’
Which preposition do we use for…?
We have a lot of things __ common with each other
We have a lot of things IN common with each other
How do you say…?
Mi madre es una persona muy fuerte/dura
My mum is a TOUGH person
How do you say…?
(Ella) Es mi ejemplo a seguir
She’s my role model
Correct the sentence:
She has a bad humour
She’s IN a bad mood
How do you say…?
(Él) Se implica mucho (en la familia etc..)
He gets very involved (with his family..)
How do you say in English…?
Example: There were big layoffs at my company recently
How do you say in English…?
(Ella) Es muy detallista (considerado)
She’s very thoughtful
How do you say…?
Mi suegra
My mother-in-law
How do you say…?
To have ‘una aventura’ con alguien
To have an affair with someone
Listen and repeat / practice the sentence:
What do you like the most about your job?
Complete the sentence:
What do you like to get ___ ___ in your free time?
What do you like to GET UP TO in your free time?
Complete the sentence:
Tell me about the most incredible trip you’ve _____ ___ ___ your life
Tell me about the most incredible trip you’ve BEEN ON IN your life
What’s a phrasal verb we can use to say…?
Back ___ (‘Respaldar’)
Back UP
Complete the sentence with the phrasal verb (simple past tense):
I _______ ____ (back up) my colleague when she got to work late
I BACKED UP my colleague when she got to work late.
Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb:
I usually ______ ___ (hacer una copia de seguridad) my important documents by taking a photo of them with my phone.
I usually BACK UP my important documents by taking a photo of them with my phone.
Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb (past participle):
The street was ________ ____ (atascado) with cars because of a guy cutting down a tree
The street was BACKED UP with cars because of a guy cutting down a tree
How do you say in English….?
Una vacuna
A vaccine
Complete the sentence with an example from your life:
A time I had a BREAKTHROUGH in my life was when…
A time I had a breakthrough in my life was when…
(a breakthrough = an important discovery or when you made major progress)
Example: …was when I found a much better way of working with my boss
Complete the sentence (simple past tense):
My company _______ (despedir) a colleague
My company FIRED a colleague
Complete the sentence:
She hired a lawyer to ______ (demandar) the company.
She hired a lawyer (be careful with pronunciation)
to SUE the company.
Correct the sentence, why is it incorrect?
I’ve taken a taxi to get to work this morning
I TOOK a taxi to get to work this morning
(If you refer to a specific time in the past [this morning] you have to use the simple past tense)
How do you pronounce…
Yesterday I SAW a….
Yesterday I SAW a…
How do you say…?
Un guión (de una película)
Answer this PRESENT PERFECT question:
Can you think of 3 series that YOU’VE SEEN in the last few years?
I’VE SEEN… Narcos, Las Chicas del Cable and Breaking Bad
Correct the sentence:
Yesterday she went to play ‘bolos’ with his boyfriend
Yesterday she went BOWLING with HER boyfriend.
(We say to GO bowling, not play bowling)