Class 18/02/19 Flashcards
How do you say…?
’Adelantar trabajo’
To GET AHEAD on work / To get a HEAD START on work
How do you say…?
Estoy apuntada en el gimnasio
I’m SIGNED UP at the gym
Correct the sentence:
I’m the older (of three siblings)
I’m the oldEST (of three siblings)
How do you say…?
My sister is very ‘pelota’
My sister SUCKS UP TO… (my dad, parents, teachers etc)
or - She’s a SUCK UP
How do you say…?
I _______ (prestar) my clothes to my sister.
I LEND my clothes to my sister.
How do you say… ?
My sister doesn’t let me _______ (pedir prestado) her clothes.
My sister doesn’t let me BORROW her clothes.
How do you say…?
She’s descarada/jeta
She’s cheeky!
Correct the sentence:
I have a good relation with my sister
I have a good relationSHIP with my sister.
How do you say…?
He’s the ‘ojo derecho de mi padre’
He’s the apple of my father’s eye
(This is a very well known expression in English, but it sounds a bit poetic for daily conversation, so you can also say ‘he’s my dad’s favourite’
Which preposition do we use for…?
We have a lot of things __ common with each other
We have a lot of things IN common with each other
How do you say…?
Mi madre es una persona muy fuerte/dura
My mum is a TOUGH person
How do you say…?
(Ella) Es mi ejemplo a seguir
She’s my role model
Correct the sentence:
She has a bad humour
She’s IN a bad mood
How do you say…?
(Él) Se implica mucho (en la familia etc..)
He gets very involved (with his family..)
How do you say in English…?
Example: There were big layoffs at my company recently