Class 15/04/19 Flashcards
How do you say “jornada” (related to work)?
The workday
How do you say “afinidad”?
How do you say “borrar”?
Erase. “I erased the conversation”.
How do you say “un abrazo / abrazar”?
A hug / to hug
How do you say “asimilar”?
To assimilate / to take in. (Take in sounds better - “I couldn’t take in all the new information”)
How do you say “un consejo”?
Advice. (Advice is always singular - “I gave him some advice, I gave him a piece of advice” - never say “advices”).
How do you say “fuerza de voluntad”?
Willpower. “I don’t have any willpower and end up eating chocolate”.
How do you say “arrepentirse”?
To regret. “I regret not travelling more”.
How do you say “chocar” (chocamos mucho / to have different opinions / argue)?
To clash. “We always clash with each other”.
How do you say “cariñoso”?
Affectionate. “He’s a really affectionate child”.