Class 11/02/19 Flashcards
How do you say…?
When I was a teenager I was “rebelde”?
When I was a teenager I was rebellious. / I was (a bit of a) rebel.
How do you say…?
Estudié pedagogía
I studied pedagogy.
Translate and make a sentence in English with…
Me hubiera gustado…
I would have liked to have…
(I would have / would’ve liked to have) + past participle.
Examples: I would have liked to have… met more people, seen a better movie…
How do say in English…?
El piso cuesta €700,000.
The flat costs seven hundred thousand euros.
How do you say…?
I want to ‘invertir’ my money
I want to invest my money
How do you pronounce..?
How do you say…?
The gym is ‘cutre’
The gym is tacky / tatty.
How do you say…?
Un chalet
A detached house
How do you say in English…?
Me arrepiento de haber empezado a trabajar a esa edad
I regret having started working at that age.
(‘Regret’ is followed by the gerund if you’re talking about a past event)
I regret seeing.. I regret doing.. etc
How do you say…?
A Purse
(Remember a purse is only for women in English, not for men!)
How do you say…?
La farmacia
Chemist’s (UK - be careful with the pronunciation)
Pharmacy / drugstore (US)
How do you say…?
(Ella) estudia Farmacia en la universidad, para ser farmacéutica
She’s studying pharmacology at university, to be a pharmacist.
How do you say…?
¿Cuanto llevas… (viviendo aquí)?
How long (have you been living here)?
How do you say…?
A levels (UK)
How do you say…?
We ‘alquilar’ the flat
We rent OUT the flat
(To rent something out is when you receive money for something)
(To rent is when you pay for something)
How do you say…?
Un inquilino
A tenant
How do you say… ?
Un trastero
A storage room
How do you pronounce…?
What’s the difference between:
I get dressed, and I dress up?
I get dressed = Me visto (con ropa normal)
I dress UP (as a witch etc) = Me visto (disfrazado de bruja etc)
How do you pronounce…?
He’s an engineer and he studied engineering
He’s an e**ngineer and he studie**d** **engineering
How do you say…?
ganar dinero
To earn money
How do you say…?
Un asesor/consultor trabaja en una asesoría / consultoría
A consultant works in a consultancy
Pronounce these verbs (in the past tense!)
I arrived in Ireland, I stayed with a family, I started studying
I arrived in Ireland, I stayed with a family, I started studying
What’s the phrasal verb…?
I broke ____ with my boyfriend
I broke UP with my boyfriend
How do you say…?
I was ‘soltera’
I was single
How do you say…?
los acantilados
The cliffs
How do you say…?
(El año) 2014
Two thousand and fourteen (more common)
twenty fourteen
How do you say…?
I’m ’tiquismiquis / selectivo’ with food
I’m picky with food / I’m a picky eater
Translate and make a sentence in English with…
Tengo una espina clavada…
One of my biggest regrets is not having… (+past participle)
Examples: One of my biggest regrets is not having travelled more, not having gone to university etc…
How do you pronounce…?
How do you pronounce…?
The crisis
The crisis
Correct the sentence:
I have only 26 years
I am only 26 years old
How do you say…?
El paro
How do you pronounce…?