_______ is an interruption of blood flow to the brain leading to infarction of brain tissue. Given its similarity to heart attacks in terms of predisposing factors, causes, and onset patterns it is sometimes referred to as a “brain attack”
A stroke
_____ is the fifth cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the United States. 80 percent of strokes are _______. The US mortality rate from strokes is approximately __ %.
is a “warning stroke” that occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery temporarily.
Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA) / Mini Stroke
A ________ there is still blood getting through, but not enough for high demand scenarios.
Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA) / Mini Stroke
T/F TIA symptoms occur rapidly and last a relatively short time.
T/F Like a stroke, when a TIA is over, there is permanent injury to the brain.
FALSE - Unlike a stroke, when a TIA is over, there’s no permanent injury to the brain.
T/F There’s no way to tell if symptoms of a stroke will lead to a TIA or a major stroke.
Approximately 80-90% of all CVAs
Ischemic/Occlusive Strokes
Infarction caused by blockage of supplying vessel by:
Atherosclerosis and related thrombosis
Other causes of thrombosis?
Atherosclerotic/thrombotic types of preceded by one or more ________ ________ _______
transient ischemic attacks (TIA)
T/F Greater chance of survival with atherosclerotic/thrombotic types, especially if the thrombic occlusion progresses more slowly (thrombi tend to proceed to full occlusion over a few hours to a few days)
During the evolution of a stroke, there is usually a central core of dead or dying cells, surrounded by an ischemic band or area of minimally perfused cells called the ______ (border zone).
Brain cells in the _____ maintain their structural integrity, despite ischemia and impaired metabolic activity. Whether these cells survive depends on: state 4 key points
1. how quickly adequate circulation is returned
2. the volume of toxic products released by neighbouring dying cells
3. the degree of cerebral edema
4. alterations in local blood flow
T/F Cell death in the penumbra leads to a general increase in ischemic tissue.
Ischemic stroke symptoms are generally onset of _______ signs and shock
Early treatment with thrombolytic therapy or surgery can ______ the stroke altogether (i.e., at the TIA or prodromal stages) or greatly minimize damage by restoring circulation soon after the _____
Embolic strokes tend to be _____ onset without warning signs. After recent myocardial infarction (MI) is a high-risk time.
Approximately 10-20% of all CVAs
Hemorrhagic Strokes
Infarction caused by rupture of supplying vessel by
(name 4 examples)
- Hypertension
- Aneurysm
- Other types of malformation or weakness in vessels (e.g., genetic defect, caused by earlier trauma, cancer-related erosion of vessel)
- The combined effects of blood vessel damage/weakness and hypertension are often the root problem
T/F Hemorrhagic Strokes have a very high fatality rate
Emergency treatment for Hemorrhagic Strokes is minimally effective, focuses on stabilization and controlling ______
Hemorrhagic Strokes symptoms are rapid onset: name 3 examples
- Severe headache, possibly vomiting
- Rapid onset of neurological signs associated with location of brain damage
- Signs/symptoms of shock