class 1: Intro Flashcards
Property Types
–> single family + multi family
–> office
–> retail
–> industrial
–> hotel
–> Mixed-use
What is Real Estate Development?
the continual reconfiguration of the built environment to meet society’s needs
It is the creation and re-creation of housing, office buildings, shopping centers, warehouses, roads, sewer systems, landscapes, etc.
Acquisitions, renovations, construction, leasing, purchase of raw land, etc.
It is complex and, as much intuitive as logical and as much creative as mathematical
–> No two developments are exactly alike
It involves many players with congruent or divergent goals and objectives
is Real Estate Development considered risky?
considered a highest risk and highest return area of real estate investing
Sources of risk to a developer
Market risk (Ability to lease up/sell units)
Government approval and permitting (entitlement) risk
Legislative risk
Site risk (Physical condition, environmental risk, infrastructure)
Financial risk (Access to credit risk, cost of financing , interest rate risk)
Construction risk (On time and on budget)
Real estate market are affected by the economy and interest rates
what is the demand for space related to?
related to broad economy as well as specific industries and employment trends
Real estate market are affected by the economy and interest rates
what does the Feasibility of a project depend on?
on ability to access capital at low cost
Real estate market are affected by the economy and interest rates
Demand from households for single family homes and condos are related to what?
are related to market mortgage rates
what is the relationship between Real Estate Cycles and development lead time?
Projects approved in boom times, but when they are delivered several years later, economic conditions may have changed
why are Cycles are exacerbated by overbuilding?
Many developers choose the same, favorable moment to start projects
Real Estate Cycles
- Recovery
- Expansion
- Hypersupply
- Recession
Demand Drivers for residential single family and condos (owner occupied)
Household formation (child rearing ages)
Interest rates (Bank of Canada)
Employment growth (business and professional occupations)
Demand Drivers for Multi-family residential (renters)
Household formation (non-child rearing ages)
Local housing affordability
Employment growth (blue collar occupations)
Demand Drivers for Retail
Disposable income
Household wealth
Traffic wealth (specific sites)
Demand Drivers for Office
Economic growth
Employment in office occupations (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Business and Professional Services, Legal Services)
Demand Drivers for Industrial
Mfg. employment
Transportation employment
Airfreight, rail and truck volume
Online sales
The developer must compose a team having the skill set for what specifically?
for the unique requirements of each project
Fee developer
hired by a client and does not usually own equity in the project
Little downside risk