CLAS-Tutoring Flashcards
What are the hours for in-person tutoring?
Monday-Thursday 9 am-6pm; Fridays ~4pm
What are the hours for online tutoring?
Monday-Thursday 9am-10pm; Friday ~4pm
What are the steps to making a tutoring appointment?
1) Select service: Course-based or writing, 30min or 60min
2) Select the course the student would like help with (if it’s a course-based appointment)
3) Select the meeting type: In-person or virtual
4) After you are finished choosing the correct filters, then you can start offering available appointment times. Unless a student requests a specific tutor, just share the next available appointment times.
*Doing out of order can schedule students with they wrong type of tutor
What can you ask students to gain more insight with course-based appointment?
- What do you hope to accomplish in this meeting/tutoring session?
- For course-based tutoring: Is the student looking to review a specific topic, chapter, or concept? Are they preparing for a test? What sections is the test covering?
What can you ask students to gain more insights with writing appointments?
*For writing tutoring: Is the student looking for help on an essay, research paper, response paper etc.?
*What topic is the writing assignment on?
*How many pages is the writing assignment?
*What specific help do they need –essay structure, brainstorming, annotated bibliography and citations etc.
What happens if a Tutee is late?
If a tutee arrives 10+ minutes after the scheduled start time and has not called to notify us, student will need to reschedule.
What should you do if a tutee comes in person for a zoom appointment?
Offer one of the huddle rooms
What should you do if the tutor is late?
Check the appointment information; Check the tutor GC