CL650 - Misc (nice to know) Flashcards
The objective is to learn the Bombardier Challenger 650 nice to know miscellaneous knowledge.
What signals to F/A are provided by pilots:
- Imminent takeoff?
- Climb-out / 10,000 ft?
- Emergency?
- Turbulence (light)?
- Turbulence (moderate / severe)?
- Descending below 10,000’?
- NO SMKG - Cycle 1 time.
- NO SMKG - Cycle 3 times.

When must you fly a Non-CDFA Approach (4)?
- No straight-in minimums published.
- If approach requires MDA mins (i.e., circling).
- No Descent Angle published in VS section.
- No local altimeter.
Note: CDFA = Continuous Descent Final Approach.

Explain what aircraft lights to turn on/off for…
- Receipt of “line up and wait” clearance?
- Receipt of takeoff clearance?
- LANDING LT - L & R - ON (or PULSE).

Emergency Equipment:
- How many fire extinguishers on board? Location?
- How many life rafts on board? Locations?
- Where is the first aid kit, AED, and Oxygen bottle?
- Where is the PBE location?
- 3 fire extinguishers (behind copilot’s seat, behind passenger seat 1, under divan at aft end).
- 2 life rafts (both under divan at emergency exit).
- First aid kit, AED, Oxygen bottle, and PBE located in forward Closet. AED is a “CPR coaching machine”.
- PBE (2nd) is aft of the divan in cabinette.

- Length?
- Width?
- Height at tail?
- Length: 68’ 5”.
- Width: 64’ 4”.
- Height: 20’ 8” (with elevator up).

What is QNE, QNH and QFE?
QNE = NE for Normal Enroute = 29.92” or 1013 hPa (mb) is set. Operate at a FL. hPa = mb.
QNH = NH for Normal Home = Local altimeter set. Altitude above MSL.
QFE = FE for Freaky Elevation = Field elevation on the airport is 0’. Very unusual.
Note: Between Flight Levels (FL) above & Altitudes (feet) near ground, is a Transition Layer that separates the two areas. At the top of the Transition Layer is a Transition Level and at the bottom of this Transition Layer is the Transition Zone.
Descending: Change QNE to QNH at Transition Level (Jep approach plates shows Trans Level to the left of Trans Alt (Trans Level is for the approach and Trans Alt is for a missed approach)). STARs only show Transition Level).
Climbing: Change QNH to QNE at the Transition Alt (Jep SIDs only show Transition Alt).
How do you calculate a DDA for a CDFA approach that doesn’t have vertical guidance (MDA minimums)?
Add 50 ft to the MDA minimums to get the DDA. This DDA is what you set for Baro Minimums.
Note: CDFA = Continuous Descent Final Approach. CDFA’s require local altimeter, straight-in minimums (no circling) and Descent Angle published on chart.

Climb schedule for CL-650?
250 kts until 10,000 ft, then climb at 300 kts / 0.78 M
Note: min climb speed is 250 kts / 0.72 M, 200 fpm & 0.6 AOA.

How many total passengers (including children < 2?
14 passengers due to number of installed passenger O2 masks (11 passenger seats total + max of 3 lap children < 2 years old on the laps of adults that are in aft facing seats with available oxygen masks. The F/A has her own mask and jump seat).
What are Missed Approach profile & callouts?
- FP: “Go-Around…” - A/P (2 clicks) - TOGA (2 clicks) - ATS (2 clicks) - “…Set Power, Flaps 20°”.
- MP: “Power Set, Flaps 20° Selected, Positive Rate”.
- FP: “Gear Up, Set Missed Approach Altitude”.
- FP: “NAV SRC - FMS 1, VS, NAV, SPEED SET 200, A/P”.
- Climb: (2 eng’s = Between Vref+10 to Vfe [target 200 kts], OEI = Vac).
- MP: “F-R-A” (2 eng’s = 1000’ AFE, OEI = ESA).
- FP: “Flaps 0°, After T/O Checklist” (2 eng’s Vt (fto)+5 minimum and OEI: Vt (fto)-5 minimum). Based on definition, both should be Vt (fto) minimum.
MP: “Flaps 0° Selected”.
Notes: If Go-Around button not pressed, check FMS legs page is “Sequenced”, not “Inhibited” at top right corner ( otherwise the FMS will not track fixes beyond the runway). Vfto or Vt = Final Take Off speed and minimum engine-out en route climb speed that provides the best engine-out rate of climb with flaps up. Vac = Approach Climb speed is the minimum airspeed for single-engine go-around.
What are the V1 Cut profile and callouts?
- Callouts are the same up to V1, then PM, “Engine Failure”, then after gear up, keep flaps at 20° until FRA (usually 800’-900’).
- Climb at V2 to FRA (usually 800’-900’).
- Select FLC.
- At FRA (usually 800’-900’) pitch down to put Flight Path Vector to horizon, at Vt (fto) hit pitch sync to hold speed at Vt (fto) (FLC needed for speed control). Flaps - 0° and climb at Vt (fto) to ESA.
- At ESA, level off & ask for, “Set 200 kts” then A/P. Ask for “QRC Inflight Engine Shut Down or Fire”.
Notes: Vt (fto) = Final Take Off, or OEI best rate of climb climb speed with flaps up. Vac = OEI missed approach climb speed for flap configuration.
What are the landing callouts?
- PM: “Spoilers, 2 Deployed, 60”.
- LP: At taxi speed, “My Controls”.
- RP: “Your Controls”.
What are the Approach Callouts starting from “cleared for the approach”?
Note: OEI Approach: Flaps 20° max
* PF: “cleared for the approach”.
* PM: “[Baro minimums, i.e., 220, etc] set”.
* Established on VDA (CDFA - VS), GS or VGP and below MAA:
* PF: “Set missed approach altitude”
* PM: “1000 stable”.
* PM: “100 above”.
* PF: “Minimums”.
* If runway in sight:
* PM: “Runway, ___ o’clock”.
* PF: “Landing”.
* Nothing in sight, PM: “Go around”.
* If approach lights in sight, PM: “Approach lights, continue”.
* 100 ft above TDZE, PF: “Decision”.
* If runway in sight, PM: “Runway, 12 o’clock” OR “Go around”.
* 100 ft above TDZE, PF: “Landing” OR initiate a missed approach.
What is the stall recovery technique?
Stall Recovery:
[Autopilot/ATS DISC - Disengage]
P: pitch down.
B: bank/roll level.
T: thrust max (flight spoiler - 0°).
For Reference
Unusual Attitude - Nose Up:
unusual attitudes are exactly opposite each other
[Autopilot/ATS DISC - Disengage]
P: pitch down.
T: thrust max (ATS off).
B: bank/roll level.
Unusual Attitude - Nose Down:
unusual attitudes are exactly opposite each other
[Autopilot/ATS DISC - Disengage]
B: bank/roll level.
T: thrust idle (ATS off & Speed Brakes out).
P: pitch up.
What is the unusual attitude nose up recovery procedure?
Unusual Attitude - Nose Up:
[Autopilot/ATS DISC - Disengage]
P: pitch down.
T: thrust max (ATS off).
B: bank/roll level.
For Reference
Stall Recovery:
[Autopilot/ATS DISC - Disengage]
P: pitch down.
B: bank/roll level.
T: thrust max (flight spoiler - 0°).
Unusual Attitude - Nose Down:
[Autopilot/ATS DISC - Disengage]
B: bank/roll level.
T: thrust idle (ATS off & Speed Brakes out).
P: pitch up.
What is the unusual attitude nose down recovery procedure?
Unusual Attitude - Nose Down:
[Autopilot/ATS DISC - Disengage]
B: bank/roll level.
T: thrust idle (ATS off/Speed Brakes).
P: pitch up.
For Reference
Stall Recovery:
[Autopilot/ATS DISC - Disengage]
P: pitch down.
B: bank/roll level.
T: thrust max (flight spoiler - 0°).
Unusual Attitude - Nose Up:
[Autopilot/ATS DISC - Disengage]
P: pitch down.
T: thrust max (ATS off).
B: bank/roll level.