Civil War Flashcards
Describe the Lee
- Thought slavery was evil (had slaves though)
* only reason he fought in the war was because he lived in Virginia
Describe Ulysses S Grant
- Change name to US Grant.
- Phot in war with Mexico.
- At post in West and resigned.
- Made a colonel at Civil War.
- Really good.
What did Sherman do after reaching the sea?
- Took Savannah before Christmas
- went north to help Grant
- slaves followed to stay safe
- they burned everything in their way
Main points from election of 1864?
- Lincoln got opposition from democrats and people in his party also
- democrats joined copperheads to have McClellan run
- Lincolns party got renamed national union party
- Andrew Johnson was Lincolns running mate=vice prez
- Lincoln one
Events leading to the surrender at Appomattox?
- Grant approaching Richmond from West and Sherman from the south
- Jefferson Davis abandoned Richmond
- fire destroyed 900 buildings in Richmond
What happened out there surrender of AppomAttox?
- Lee and Grant met at a court house/pub
- arrange confederates surrender
- Grand to let the men keep all of their stuff and told them not to celebrate and to pretend like nothing happened
What was South Carolina’s governors problem with the way soldiers were being run
He didn’t want his people under command by someone from another state
Why did soldiers leave the Confederacy
- Farmers didn’t want taxes
- Heard of black in the food and labor at home
- many went to Union Army to fight with them even though they were from the south
How did Grant get the Mississippi River?
- After two front assaults that were unsuccessful grant settled in for a siege
- he got artillery
- forced residents into hiding
- on July 4 the city fell 5 days later the last Confederate holdout fell and they got Mississippi River
How did Lee’s men attack little Roundtop at first?
At 4 PM Union troops were not on guard and Alabamans attacked little round top
What definitely due at the beginning of the third day at the Gettysburg battle
- He ordered on our artillery barrage
- for two hours they shot each other
- he ordered his men to attack the center of union lines
- Yankees fired on confederates and went back to their own side
Why didn’t Gen. Meade Sunday counterattack at the Gettysburg battle?
He didn’t know how week the Confederate where is you Tim Stewart Calvary and thought they were still on his side of the lines.
How did the union fight back in a little Roundtop specifically Chamberlan?
- Union leaders learned of their exposedeness and defended it
- Chamberlain was running out of ammunition and ordered them to charge the Confederates Confederates were tired and shocked to see the union
What word investments in wartime guns?
• Rifle – more accurate than musket because grooves in the barrel make it shoot straight at high speeds
-long-range breach – loading rifle – gun loaded at the end of barrel equals faster
• minié ball – soft lead bullet
• hand grenades, landmines, ironclad ships
How did Lincoln pass the 13th amendment what did it to
- at first it didn’t get passed because the Democrats Didn’t vote for it
- then after Lincoln’s reelection and assassination it was past
- no slavery allowed in the USA
What was the problem Lincoln had with the Emancipation Proclamation
It only freed slaves who live it in rebel states not border states
How did McClellan spend his life after the war?
-McClellan went to Europe to be free from “lies”, then came back to be an engineer.
How did Sherman spend his life after the war?
-Sherman stayed in the army fighting against Native Am. and refused to go into politics
Why did states threaten succession?How was this stopped?
they threatened it because they were angry with the gov. Then feds. assumed national authority
What was gov. power like before civil war and after?
- before: little impact on day to day life, citizens deal with own little gov.
- during: gov, passed laws to get more power
- after: taxed private income, printed new money, drafted men
How did the war effect ppls. $$?
- spent 20 billion combined in 4 year war
- 5x what union spent in past 80 years
- 20 years later interest payments still being payed off
Death rates?
- one soldier dead/wounded for every 4 free slaves
- 260,000 confederate died
- 360,000 union dead
- 10% died @ war
How were industries affected by economic change?
- cotton textile: 74% decline in production
- war related industries ++++
- at first iron and coal mining was down but then went +++ up
- gov. suppliers got really rich, economy in north was really good
- north produced more coal, iron and ships than the whole country in 1860
How did the Merrimak and Monitor come to be?
- Merrimak was a sunken union ship
- then confed. found it and bolted iron to it
- unions heard of the idea and did the same to the Monitor