Citizenship Interview Qs ENG Flashcards
How long have you been together as a couple?
Since July 2016
What attracted you to your spouse when you first met?
his intelligence, respectfulness/kindness, and his cooking
What was the proposal like?
At home (loft) during dinner, just the 2 of us, he asked me very casually
What do you do on weekends or during holidays together?
a show, a movie, museum, festival, brocante, etc) a nice restaurants
What do you like to do together/spend your free time?
Travel, watch movies/documentaries, watch live music, go brocanting!
Do you share any common interests or hobbies?
We love shoes, cats, photo shoots, art, architecture, pink floyd, …
What is your spouse’s profession/job?
PJ = Retired Fashion Photographer
SK = Disabled Interior Designer
How do you divide household chores or responsibilities?
He cooks and I clean the dishes! Usually i do the laundry and he does the kitty litter, everything is 50/50
How do you handle disagreements or conflicts?
-take our time communicating
-listen to each other to better understand what is causing the conflict
-make sure to do this within a timely manner so bad emotions don’t swell.
How does your spouse treat you?
PJ to SK =
-incredibly kind and understanding with me (esp w my migraines)
-very loving telling me often how he adores me
-he cooks for me every day which is one of the greatest gestures of his love for me
How does your spouse support you?
PJ to SK =
-we communicate often about our emotions, concerns, dreams, desires
-he really takes the time to listen and understand
-always reminds me of my potential
-helps me when needed
Do you share any bills or financial obligations?
Yes. Before SK became disabled, we split all bills 50/50. Sk pays less now due to lowered income of disability
How did you both decide to live in France?
-discussed from the beginning care for PJ’s parents
-That day came sooner than we wanted
-I had been traveling to France with PJ since 2017 and I was happy to move here.
-I love the culture and the way of life in France.
What do you like about Vichy?
-beautiful architecture
-green spaces
Who is the Mayor of Vichy?
Frédéric Aguilera
What are your plans for the future as a couple?
-Finish our house
-have 1 child
-travel as much as we can!
Can you describe your spouse’s personality?
-very social
-curiosity for learning/discovery
What is your spouse’s favorite activity in their free time?
-rally racing simu
-playing guitar
-going out in Vichy
How does your spouse like to spend their time on weekends?
out on the town!
-Live music
-car shows
How does your spouse handle stressful situations or challenges?
- he needs to express his frustrations first, to process the stress
-then he attacks the problem and
-comes to a resolution
What does your spouse do after work?
-usually watches the news
-reads a car magazine
-watches a documentary
-plays guitar
-races simu
What are your spouse’s goals or plans for the future?
finish house
-have child
-rally race
-play more guitar
Do you have French friends? How did you meet & how do you interact with them?
-Christien met at Meldoy Cafe
-our neighbors Eric & Eric met in the neighborhood
-Agnes & Anthony met at a bar
-of course all of PJ’s friends Ive adopted (Viviane, Gilles, Remy, Romain, Gerard, Philippe, Frankie)
What’s your understanding of French culture and values?
*liberty, equality, and fraternity (reflected in its laws and society)
*Laïcité : Est 1905 ensures the separation of religion and state
*National symbols :
–Tricolor flag
–the Marseillaise
*Key traditions :
–celebrating July 14th (Bastille Day)
–strong culinary and artistic heritage.
Why do you want to become French?
*France is my home
*built my life here with my spouse.
*share French values like liberty, equality, and fraternity
*appreciate the country’s culture, history, and way of life.
*Citizenship would allow me to fully participate in society, including voting and civic duties.
Why would a long time visa not be enough, why is citizenship important to you?
*does not grant the same rights and STABILITY as citizenship.
*Citizenship allows me to FULLY INTEGRATE (vote & have same rights as French)
*I cherish French culture and WANT MY CHILD to grow up immersed in it, with the SECURITY and OPPORTUNITIES that come with being French.
How would becoming French impact your future?
*give me stability
*full rights,
*a sense of belonging
–in the country I call home.
*participate in civic life, (vote, and fully integrate)
*ensures a SECURE FUTURE for my family in France.
Which of the three devices do you most identify with?
*Égalité because
I believe in
-equal opportunities
-and social justice.
*I appreciate how this principle is reflected in
-and daily life.
*As an American, I deeply value the equality I see in France regarding
-and social class
**especially as these rights are increasingly being challenged in the U.S. for non-white men.
What brought you to France initially?
*to build a life with my spouse
*embrace the culture, history, and values
*and fully integrate into French society.
Have you taken any French language courses? If so, which ones?
2 language courses in Juvisy
-ACJ de Juvisy
-Reseau Linguistique du Grand-Orly Seine Bievre)
-Vichy > CAVILAM
What is your social life like in France?
*very fulfilling
*often have dinner parties, *go out on the weekends with friends and family
*go to the gym regularly
What French customs or traditions have you embraced?
*importance of meals and gastronomy,
-AOC-labeled products (like cheese and wine)
-tradition of sitting together as a family to eat and talk.
*French lifestyle
- prioritizes
work-life balance
-social connections
-cultural appreciation
-strong emphasis on equality and secularism (separation of church & state) in daily life.
Do you participate in any local activities, events, or clubs?
*brocantes, festivals, and local markets
-Fêtes Napoleon III
-Jeudis de Vichy (Summer evening concerts)
-Feux d’Artifice (July 14th fireworks)
-International Water Skiiing on Lac d’Allier
-Flame d’Olympique a Vichy
-Cusset & Billy medieval festivals
*belong to Gym Elancia
*enjoy attending museum exhibitions, art shows, and live music events.
*member of the Franco-American Association, which allows me to connect with both local and international communities.
Are you involved in any volunteer work or charitable activities?
donate to and purchase from organizations like
-Les Animaux dans la Ville, an animal rescue charity
-Emmaüs, which supports those in need
What French holidays do you celebrate?
*Bastille Day (French Revolution/Storming of the Bastille 1789)
*Fête de la Musique
How do you contribute to your local community?
*engage with local businesses
*build relationships with neighbors
*integrate into daily life.
*support local markets and events
*embrace French values and traditions
*Participate in local decision making
-reunion du maire a la mairie (2x/an)
-reunion du quartier
What are your favorite aspects of French culture or daily life?
*focus on quality meals and gastronomy
-tradition of sitting down as a family to eat
-sharing long meals with friends and family is an essential part of French fraternity.
*emphasis on work-life balance.
*sense of community
*respect for equality,
*rich artistic and cultural heritage
Can you name some famous French people or historical figures?
-Napoleon Bonaparte
-Marie Curie
-Victor Hugo
-Vercingétorix (Gallic leader resisted Roman conquer)
-Joan of Arc
-Louis XIV (Sun King, built Versailles, centralized royal power)
-Édith Piaf
What are some key aspects of French history or society that you’re familiar with?
*French Revolution (1789), led to :
-rise of liberty, equality, and fraternity,
-end of the monarchy
-creation of the First Republic.
-Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
*French Resistance during World War II
-many French people bravely fought against Nazi occupation
-contributing to France’s eventual liberation. (including my father in law)
What is your understanding of French values, such as secularism, equality, and freedom?
*values are rooted in liberty, equality, and fraternity.
-LIBERTY: Freedom to act and think without oppression. (Freedom of speech)
-EQUALITY: Equal rights and treatment for all. (right to vote, education & healthcare)
-FRATERNITY: Solidarity and brotherhood among people. (national strikes/protests)
*Secularism ensures the separation of religion and state, promoting freedom of belief.
Can you describe the structure of the French government?
*a semi-presidential republic.
*has three branches:
1- Executive (President and Prime Minister)
2 - Legislative/Parliament (National Assembly and Senate)
3 - Judiciary (independent courts)
*The President is the head of state (Emmanuel Macron)
*Prime Minister leads the government. (François Bayrou)
*Constitution of 5th Republic defines separation of Powers (adopted under de Gaulle)
Are you aware of any recent French political events or news?
Europe declared that they will support Ukraine (France has a leading role)
How do you participate in French civic life (e.g., voting, community activities)?
*staying informed on local and national issues
*engaging in community events
*respecting French laws
*As I am not yet a citizen, I do not vote, but I plan to once I obtain citizenship.
What is your current legal status in France?
*carte de résidence (valid until 2034)
*allows me to live and work here
*in the process of applying for French citizenship through marriage.
What are your long-term plans as a couple?
*Finish renovating our house
*have 1 child
*enjoy our lives together as a family
How do you support yourself financially while living in France?
*rental income
*i have disability also
Are you aware of any residency requirements for the citizenship application?
*couple must have been married for at least 4 years if living in France
*must demonstrate residency in France for 3 continuous years prior to applying
How do you feel about living in France?
*very positive
*I appreciate the
-quality of life
-rich culture
-emphasis on equality and community.
*It has become my home, *I enjoy the
-sense of belonging.
What do you like most about life in France?
*focus on quality of life
*importance of family meals and socializing
*balance between work and personal life
*strong sense of community and equality.
What is the hardest part of living in France for you?
*language proficiency.
*Not driving
-actively working on improving my French, and getting my drivers license
What would you miss most about France if you had to leave?
*local markets
*vibrant social events
*amazing food
*sense of neighborliness
*convenience of public transportation
What did your family think about you moving abroad?
*so excited for me
*a bit sad to be so far away
*but elated that I had this opportunity
Name some of the presidents of the Fifth Republic.
*Charles de Gaulle,
*François Mitterrand,
*Jacques Chirac,
*Nicolas Sarkozy,
*François Hollande,
*Emmanuel Macron.
Name some of the French holdings overseas.
*French Guiana,
*New Caledonia,
*French Polynesia.
Name some French regions/departments.
-Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
-Allier (03)
-Puy-de-Dôme (63)
-Alpes-Maritimes (06)
-Essonnse (91)
Name some rivers or mountain ranges.
*Mountain ranges:
-Massif Central.
Name some French monuments.
-Eiffel Tower
-Arc de Triomphe
-Mont Saint-Michel
-Pont du Gard
-Château de Chambord, Villandry, Chenonceau
What do you think about the equality of men and women?
*France has made progress in ensuring equal rights in
-and political representation.
What do you think of the right to express criticism or even mocking of leadership or religion?
*important part of freedom of expression
*cornerstone of democracy in France.
Name some of your favorite French sayings.
*Petit à petit, l’oiseau fait son nid (Little by little, the bird builds its nest).
*Impossible n’est pas français (Impossible is not French).