Citizenship Flashcards
As per the Constitution, 4 categories of persons became the citizens of India at its commencement
- Domiciled in India
- If she was born in India
- Either parents were born in India
- Ordinarily resident of India for 5 years before commencement of Constitution - Migrated from Pakistan
- Either parents or grandparents was born in undivided India
- Migrated < July 19, 1948 = ordinarily resident since migration
- Migrated on or > July 19, 1948 = must have registered as a citizen with minimum 6 months as a resident prior to such application - Migrated to Pak but later returned
-must have registered as a citizen with minimum 6 months as a resident prior to such application - Indian origin residing outside
- must be registered as a citizen by diplomatic or consular representative.
Termination of citizenship as per the Constitution
- Accepting citizenship of foreign state
- As per parliamentary laws
Provisions for citizenship as per Citizenship Act, 1955
- Birth
- > Jan 26, 1950 < July 1, 1987 = Citizen irrespective of parents citizenship
- > July 1, 1987 = Citizen ONLY if either parents are citizen
- > Dec 3 2004 = BOTH parents must be citizens of India / or one must be but the other must not be an illegal migrant. - Descent
- Born outside on or > Jan 26, 1950 < Dec 10 1992 = Citizen ONLY if father is a citizen.
- > Dec 10 1992 = Citizen ONLY if either parents is a citizen
- > Dec 3 2004 = Citizen ONLY if registered in an Indian Consulate within a year and an undertaking that the child does not have a passport of another country.
- Minor who is a citizen by descent, having citizenship of foreign country must forfeit his citizenship within six months of his attaining full age. - Registration
- Indian Origin with 7 years as ordinary residence
- Married to an Indian and 7 years as ordinary resident
- Person of full age and capacity whose parents are citizens
- Minor Children whose parents are citizens
- A person of full age and capacity who or his parents were earlier citizens of of Independent India and is ordinarily resident for 12 months prior application
- Overseas citizen of India = Cardholder for 5 years and ordinary resident for 12 months prior to application
- Naturalisation
- must not be a citizen of a country where citizens of India are prevented from being subjects or citizens by naturalisation
- renounces the citizenship of other country
- Resided in India or been in service with GoI, or partly one or the other together throughout the period of 12 months prior to such an application. BUT MUST HAVE BEEN RESIDING IN INDIA FOR 14 YEARS. THIS INCLUDES 11 years in INDIA and 12 MONTHS BEFORE APPLICATION SHOULD BE IN INDIA ONLY
- He is of good character
- He has an adequate knowledge of language specified in the Eighth Schedule. - By incorporation of Territory
Special Provisions of Citizenship of Persons covered by the Assam Accord 1985
Following provisions were added in the Citizenship amendment act 1985
- Persons of Indian origin who came to Assam from Bangladesh before Jan 1 1966 and has been ordinary residence since then are citizens
- > Jan 1 1966 < March 25 1971 shall register himself.
- > March 25 1971 = NO CITIZENSHIP
Loss of Citizenship as per Citizenship Act 1955
Decennial Population Census was started by?
British Viceroy Lord Mayo in 1872
This administrative exercise conducted in the world is the largest administrative exercise, which is it?
Features of Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019
- Seeks to give citizenship to Hindu, Buddhist, Jains, Sikhs, Parsis and Christians migrated from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan
- Migrated on grounds of religious persecution.
- Relaxes the requirement of naturalization from 11 years to 5 years.
- Cut off date, Dec 31 2014.
- All legal proceedings against such persons will be closed.
Central Adverse List
Name of persons who
1. Supported the Khalistan movement in 1980’s and 90’s
2. Suspected to have links with terrorist outfit.
3. Indulged in criminal activities.
Used to stop such persons from entering India by not granting them visas.
Aadhar vs NPR
Mandatory vs Voluntary
Number vs Register
Authentication Vs Identification
Door to Door vs Centre enrolment
Prior documentation vs census material
OCI is an immigration status given to individuals of Indian origin. They are not citizens of india and therefore do not have the right to vote, or hold public office. However, they can have multiple entries, does not have to report their stay to the police and can partake in n number of cultural and educational activities. It is a way by which Indian Govt keeps relation with Indian diaspora all over the world.