Circulatory System And Nervous System Flashcards
Circulatory system
Transports oxygen throughout the body while removing CO2. Transports nutrients provided by digestive system and clears away waste by transporting it to excretory system
4 chamber pump. 2 collecting chambers called atria. 2 pumping chambers called ventricles
Right Atrium
Deoxygenated. Receives deoxygenated blood from venae cavae, two largest veins in body
Right ventricle
Deoxygenated. Pumps blood to pulmonary artery where it picks up oxygen throughly pulmonary vein and goes to left atrium
Left Atrium
Left ventricle
Oxygenated. Pumps blood to body’s largest artery the aorta into smaller branching arteries
Carry blood from the heart to the tissues of the body. Thick walled, carry oxygenated blood at high pressure
Carry blood back to heart from rest of body. Thin walled, low pressure, deoxygenated
Thin walled vessels, permit exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between cells through diffusion.
High blood pressure, can cause damage to blood vessels and other body parts like kidneys. Avoided by limiting salt intake, maintaining weight
Cells suspended in plasma. Made up of red blood cells which carry oxygen, white blood cells which fight infection, and platelets which are cell fragments that allow blood to clot. All created in blood marrow
Blood types
A, B, AB, O, + or -. Letter is determined by types of molecules found outside the red blood cells.
Rh factor
Positive or negative. Negative can’t receive positive, positive can receive negative
Type O
Universal donor, can be given to anyone
Type AB
Universal recipient, can receive any other type
Salivary amylase
Enzyme in saliva to break down starch
Contracts to push food into stomach
Gastric acid and pepsin break down protein
Small intestine
Most digestion takes place here. 23 feet long on average
Contains lipase which converts glycerol to fatty acids
Large intestine
AKA colon, water and minerals remaining in waste matter get absorbed back into body
Filters out chemical waste such as excess salts, minerals, and water into urine. Liquid waste to bladder out urethra, solid waste to rectum out anus
Central nervous system
Brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
Contains other neurons throughout body
Major part of brain, center of intelligence
Balance, movement, muscle coordination
Part of brain stem, connects brain and spinal cord. Controls involuntary actions
Spinal cord
Connect brain and major nerve network. Carries impulses between organs and brain, and simple reflexes
Somatic nervous system
Part of peripheral N.S. To control voluntary actions
Autonomic nervous system
Involuntary activity in heart, stomach, intestines
Endometrial lining
Lining of the uterus
Hormone that activates lactation