Mechanisms in the body that facilitates the nourishment of cells with the various nutrients and essential elements introduced into our body through the food that we eat and the air that we breathe.
Circulatory System
What are the 3 Major Organs in the Circulatory System?
Heart , Blood Vessels, and Blood
Pumping station of the blood throughout the body. It is also a hollow muscular organ that has four chambers each with a specific task to do.
What are the chambers of the Heart?
Atrias and Ventricles
Accepts blood from the Body and from the Lungs. Also called as Receiving Chambers.
Pumps blood to the Lungs and to the different parts of the body. Also called as Pumping Chambers
Carry blood throughout the Body
Blood Vessels
What are the 3 types of Blood Vessels
Arteries, Veins, and Capillaries
Carry oxygen rich blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs in the body. Observed to have a reddish coloration indicating richness of oxygen.
Only artery that carries the deoxygenated blood to the Lungs.
Pulmonary Artery
Carry deoxygenated blood to the Heart. Observed to have a darker or bluish coloration indicating low oxygen composition.
Only vein that carries oxygenated blood from the Lungs to the Heart
Pulmonary Vein
Site of gas and nutrient exchange in the Lungs. Smallest Blood Vessels in the body connecting the smallest Arteries and Veins.
Carries the essential nutrients and gases to the different parts of the body. Generally composed of liquid part, plasma, and blood cells.
What are the 2 types of Blood Cells?
Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells