Circulation 8: Special Circulations II Flashcards
How much resting CO does the brain require?
Although the brain constitutes only 2% of total body weight, it requires about 15 % of the resting cardiac output.
Describe the needs of the brain in terms of arterial supply.
Because the brain primarily uses aerobic metabolism of glucose, it needs a relatively large and steady arterial supply of O2 and glucose.
What is the most metabolically active tissue in the body? What does this imply about blood flow?
The brain is the most metabolically active tissue in the body. Multiple potential collateral channels exist to supply the high blood flow and metabolism.
The brain contains about 400 miles of capillaries.
Describe the brain in regards to lymphatics. What are the implications of this?
The brain lacks lymphatic vessels.
problem w cerebral edema (high altitude hiking) that edema presses on brain. fluid no where to go and no where to take it away.
When would you give an alpha receptor antagonist/agonist?
Where are there no alpha receptors?
alpha receptors- vasoconstrictors always. give antagonist to lower bp. give agonist to raise bp. might be given when someone bleeding after car accident to vasoconstrict to bring up bp. coronaries, cerebral and pulmonary have little to no alpha. give agonist wont vasoconstrict those circulations…but you do everything else so you’ll shunt blood to those vital organs.
How are cardiac arrhythmias related to the brain?
of all tissues in body brain is least tolerant to ischemia.. loss of 5 sec will lose consciousness…
goes back to cardiac arrhythmias- if CO dropping its not perfusing brain, if go into VF you have about 2 min before irreversible brain damage.
What is the circle of Willis?
An anastomotic ring of vessels formed from the two internal carotid arteries (anterior cerebral circulation) and the vertebral-basilar system supplying the hindbrain. The two internal carotid arteries are the major blood supply to the Circle.
Three large paired vessels originate from the circle of Willis: the anterior, posterior, and middle cerebral arteries.
Describe the BBB. What is its function?
What forms the BBB?
What can/can’t cross the BBB?
Limits the transport of substances from the systemic circulation to the brain parenchyma.
BBB is due to endothelial cell tight junctions, basement membrane, neuroglial processes and metabolic enzymes.
Lipid soluble substances (O2, CO2, ethanol, steroid hormones) and those carried by specific transport systems (glucose and some amino acids) can cross the BBB.
Substances with MW > 500 daltons cannot pass (includes most drugs).
Describe 5 main factors affecting cerebral blood flow.
1) Autoregulation
2) Tissue Pressure (Monro-Kellie Doctrine)
3) Metabolism
4) Autonomic Nervous System
5) Cushing’s Response
Describe autoregulation as it relates to the brain. Discuss regional blood flow in brain.
maintains a consistent blood flow to the brain (about 55 ml/min/100 g of brain).
However, regional blood flow in the brain is associated with regional neural activity. In other words, flow rates vary dependent upon which part of the brain is active at any given time.
What is cerebral perfusion pressure normally?
What happens if it falls/ rises?
Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is normally between 80 - 100 mm Hg.
If CPP falls, there is cerebral vasodilation. If CPP rises, there is cerebral vasoconstriction.
Draw a graph comparing mean arterial bp to cerebral blood flow. Draw a normotensive and hypertensive line.
What is the normal range of autoregulation? Describe what happens in a hypertensive state.
Slide 7.
Autoregulation is normally seen between about 70-140 mm Hg. In the hypertensive state the autoregulatory curve is shifted to the right, so that blood flow is not as well maintained at lower mean arterial pressure and blood flow remains normal at higher blood pressures.
range. go too low then wont get constant blood flow or go too high and wont get constant blood flow. hypertensive just like baroreceptors…range does shift if you’re at higher pressure… so you’ll be auto regulated just fine.
Describe the tissue pressure in the brain. What are the implications if there is an elevation in intracranial pressure?
Located within a rigid cranium.
levations in intracranial pressure will cause vascular compression resulting in increased resistance to blood flow, i.e. ischemia.
How do you determine Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (CPP)?
How can a reduction in CPP occur?
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (CPP) = mean arterial pressure – intracranial venous pressure
Reduction in CPP can result from decrease in mean arterial pressure (e.g. shock) or an increase in intracranial pressure (e.g. tumor, hematoma-bleed out that causes clot that will press on brain, hydrocephalus).
If there is a compression what will be compressed first? Where will blood go?
press first on venous side bc venous side has least pressure. as response to decrease in pressure through veins, blood shunted somewhere else. small vessels… so if this tissue pressure decreases blood flow through venous system then that blood in shunted somewhere else and you get less blood flow through this vessel -which means arterials vasodilate and auto-regulate to maintain blood flow
Draw a graph that compares cerebral spinal pressure to cerebral blood flow.
(What is normal CSF pressure?)
Describe what happens with an increase in CSF pressure as it approaches arterial pressure.
Slide 9.
An increase in CSF pressure increases vascular resistance and decreases cerebral blood flow initially. Normally, CSF pressure is about 100 mm H2O or about 12 mm Hg. Therefore, CSF and cerebral venous pressure are about the same. As CSF pressure increases, cerebral blood flow decreases initially and metabolically-mediated autoregulation dilates the arterial vascular to maintain cerebral blood flow. However, as CSF pressure increases toward arterial pressure, cerebral blood flow decreases rapidly.
(as CSF pressure increases toward arterial pressure, cerebral blood flow really does decrease. so at normal pressure about 12 mmHg. then cerebral blood flow okay… even if pressure goes up A LOT you are pressing on venous system but arterial portion dilating in response to decrease in blood flow and blood flow remains relatively constant due to auto-regulation. BUT .. when cerebral spinal fluid pressure about 80 (beginning of arterial pressure) see dramatic decrease in blood flow in brain bc can’t compensate for decrease in arterial pressure… decreasing venous pressure compensated by autoregulation. but when pressures go high enough to cut off arterial pressure then brain becomes ischemic.)
What is the Monro-Kellie doctrine?
brain volume + cerebral vascular volume + CSF volume = constant
The Monro-Kellie Doctrine states that when the
volume of one compartment increases, there
must be a corresponding and compensatory
decrease in the volume of the other compartments.
For example, an intracranial hemorrhage will cause
an “effective” increase in brain volume, resulting in
a decrease in vascular volume and CSF volume.
The decrease in vascular and CSF volumes results
in an increase in both vascular and CSF pressures.
(decrease in vascular volume will cause increase in pressure ..cut off blood flow)
-increase in CSF pressure cut off blood flow in vascular system and will also crush brain- this increase in CSF if gets high enough
What are metabolites?
Which is cerebral blood flow most sensitive to?
CO2, O2, adenosine, K, NO
Cerebral blood flow is very sensitive to arterial PCO2.
metabolites prod. in cerebral blood flow is sensitive to PCO2 (metabolite v sensitive to) sensitive to adenosine too . but particularly to PCO2 which depends on breathing. hyperventilating or hypo. CO2 acts through production of H ions. H ions are acid. become acidic w more CO2 blood acidic get acidosis and as blow off CO2 become alkalotic.
Describe the equation for production of H ions.
CO2 acts through the production of H+: CO2 + H2O — H2CO3 — HCO3- + H