Circulation 4: Microcirculation and Lymphatics Flashcards
What are precapillary resistance vessels?
Post capillary resistance vessels?
Describe their qualities and basic function/purpose. Which is more prominent: pre or post capillaries?
Precapillary resistance vessels:
metarterioles (shunts, do not exchange gas)
precapillary sphincter
Post capillary resistance vessels:
(post capillary resistance, venules have v little vascular smooth muscle so they don’t really control resistance v much. most of resistance is on pre-capillary side. ratio between pre capillary and post is about 4:1. 4x as much pre capillary resistance than post capillary resistance- imp. to understanding pathology of heart failure.)
sphincters and meta arterioles that have vascular smooth muscle on them. shunts between arterial and venous system and they do not exchange O and CO2 like capillaries, have vascular smooth muscle, not exchange vessels. but can contribute to pre-capillary resistance-resistance of blood flow from arterial to venous side.
What are exchange vessels
capillaries (no VSM- 5 metameter diameter)
one cell layer thick of endothelial cells. no vascular smooth must. cells. v small in diameter. lot of them… total cross sectional area of all capillaries is enormous.
Describe the characteristics of capillary blood flow.
low velocity, intermittent (vasomotion)
direction (pressure gradients)
not uniform
Rouleaux formation ( can form at high protein plasma conditions like myeloma, cancer, inflammation)
normal blood flow is v low velocity through capillaries bc total cross sectional area is huge.
intermittent, vaso-motion. blood flow not continuous through all capillaries bed. some open some closed. looks chaotic. dep. on pre-capillary sphincters, pressure gradients, can flow backwards sometimes, dep. on sphincters and pressure gradients. not uniform.
Describe how RBC create Rouleaux formation.
Why does this become a problem in sickle cell anemia?
Rouleaux can form at high protein plasma
conditions: myeloma, cancer, inflammation
RBC create Reuleaux formation…. RBC about 8microns in diameters and capillaries are about 5microns in diameters. so RBC squeeze through capillaries. line up next to each other on angle- considered Reuleaux formation. happens bc membrane of capillaries touching membrane of RBC- allow for good gas exchange… between O and CO2. that formation is normal
normal RBC very flexible (shaped like dumbell) can bend when go through capillary and can squeeze themselves … sickle-cell don’t have normal gas exchange… bc abnormal shaped RBC has difficult time going through capillaries. so shape and char. of membrane are v imp. in normal O and CO2 exchange.
Describe the factors that govern transcapillary fluid exchange. What causes it?
plasma oncotic pressure
capillary hydrostatic pressure
tissue oncotic pressure
interstitial hydrostatic pressure
Movement of fluid and exchange of nutrients out of and into the capillary. Starling law of the heart. four forces that det. movement of fluid from inside capillary to interstitum of interstiium back to capillary
a. Plasma oncotic pressure: an osmotic pressure exerted by substances found in the plasma, primarily plasma proteins. (proteins are solutes and exert osmotic pressure. make fluid hyper or hypo-osmotic)
b. Capillary hydrostatic pressure: mean capillary blood pressure.
c. Tissue oncotic pressure: an osmotic pressure exerted by substances dissolved in the interstitium, such as proteins. Counterpart to plasma oncotic pressure.
d. Interstitial hydrostatic pressure: hydrostatic pressure caused by the volume of fluid within the interstitium.
hydrostatic here not related to gravity. in capillaries its synonymous w bp and in interstitum, its really water pressure. in capillary hydrostatic pressure-mean capillary bp.
then also tissue oncotic pressure (interstitum) v little protein in interstitum.
in interstitial hydrostatic pressure- not bp, water pressure caused by volume of fluid in interstitum. really 2 forces, oncontic pressure in plasma and in interstitum. hydrostatic pressure in capillary and in interstitum. 2 forces either inside or outside of capillary.
Describe fluid exchange between capillaries and interstitum - What kind of things leak out of capillaries?
fluid exchange. between vascular system (inside of capillary and interstitium) fluid usually always leaking out of capillaries- carries O , nutrients, glucose, cells, can get through fenestrated capillaries (holes in them) and even continuous capillaries, fluid in and out, carries nutrients, washes interstitial space of waste produces, equilibrates ions between intercellular space and interstitium, movement of fluid critical to maintaining healthy tissue
Describe the Starling hypothesis of transcapillary fluid exchange.
Describe the overall difference in pressure from arterial to venous side and pressure differences in the interstitum vs plasma. What does this indicate about oncotic pressure inside/outside the capillary?
its really either filtration or absorption
arterial side on L, venous side bc pressure 32 mmHg and 15 mmHg …pressure going down from arterial to venous side (thats what the solid line indicates…has nothing to do w arrows) decline in bp from arterial to venous side. hydrostatic pressure inside. normally in interstitum hydrostatic pressure is 0. all fluid pressure inside capillary. oncotic pressure related to proteins floating around and you have much more proteins in plasma than interstitum so you have significant osmotic pressure inside the vessel and v little outside under normal conditions. oncotic pressure outside is negligible …
What is oncotic pressure doing if pressure inside the vessel is around 25 and 0 outside, what will happen?
force pushing fluid out down pressure gradient) oncotic pressure significant inside and v little protein outside.
What happens if there is more solutes in a solution?
if more solutes in solution then pulls fluid from hypo. osmotic fluid to hyper osmotic fluid. so oncotic pressure holding fluid inside vascular space.
Which way are oncotic and hydrostatic pressures directed?
If you have 25mm Hg of oncotic pressure on the venous side and 32 mmHg on the arterial side, how will hydrostatic and oncotic pressure be affected?
2 forces going opposite directions. you have hydrostatic forcing fluid out and oncotic. pressure pulling fluid in. oncotic-absoprtion, hydrostatic- filtration
question of balance, which is greater. in diagram normally oncotic pressure around 25mmHg. so if your hydrostatic pressure on arterial side is 32, the diff of force pushing out and force in is 7mmHg OUT. on arterial side, net force is greater than oncotic. force so you have a net force of fluid out.
as hydrostatic pressure drops to venous side, situation reversed bc now oncotic pressure greater than venous pressure so you will have fluid being pulled into the vessel. so absorption.
Filtration occurs in some vascular beds and absorption in some because of balance of hydrostatic/oncotic pressure.
What vascular bed is always filtering fluid?
glomerulus… special capillary bed, hydrostatic pressure of about 80 mmHg… rest is around 32 to 15. glomerulus high hydrostatic pressure is there to filter fluid all time bc always higher than oncotic/pressure
Where do you want to avoid having fluid? What does this imply about hydrostatic/oncotic pressure in this area?
alveoli in lungs. alveoli in interstitum and if had fluid there sinking into alveoli you’d have pulmonary edema.
capillary system has lower pressure. R ventricle only generates 25mmHg. arterial pressures in pulmonary circuit low pressures -hydrostatic always lower than oncotic- keep lung dry. always absorption.
In skeletal muscles do you mostly filter or absorb fluid? Why?
most skel. muscle you’re filtering fluid all time, washing cells around to equilibrate with fluid, waste taken away.
Where does extra fluid go?
where does extra fluid go? fluid washed out goes into interstitum… lymphatic system pick up. has valves and shunts blood back to R side of heart. lymphatics move fluid- has to do w muscle contracting, squeezing the lymphatics- they’re v thin walled structures, v easily compressed and your movements - push fluid back to CV system on R side of heart. this is normal system.
What is the key factor that holds fluid within capillaries?
osmotic pressure of plasma proteins (oncotic pressure)