Cardiac 8: Cardiac Function Flashcards
What two effects does HR have?
beats per minute - increases cardiac output
frequency relationship - (positive staircase), increases myocardial contractility.
Why is the shape of the ejection phase of the P-V loop segment not flat as in skeletal muscle?
bc the afterload is not constant. It changes throughout ejection because blood flow into the aorta raises the pressure (afterload) into the aorta.
During ejection phase describe the contraction and afterload of the heart.
during ejection phase the heart generates an isotonic contraction with a changing (rather than constant) afterload
Draw a pressure-volume diagram. (Left ventricle)
Slide 4.
Describe the left ventricular volume in the P-V loop.
Where is end-diastolic, end-systolic mark?
its ventricular volume- not end-diastolic volume specifically… volume changes, maxes out at end-diastolic volume but the minimum volume at end of systole is end-systolic volume. its continuous- diff between the two is stroke volume.
bottom line, same diastolic line as in L-tension relationship, its filling of heart, as heart fills the passive pressure in the heart goes up, can see doesn’t go up v much.. end diastolic pressure at end is less than 10 mmHg. usually around 6 or 8 mmHg.
Describe what happens after the L ventricle has filled with blood until the aortic valve closes(cardiac cycle). Integrate when the cardiac muscle is shortening/effect that has.
QRS comes and activates heart to contract when valves still closed. so thats isovolumic contraction. then aortic valve opens and have isotonic like contraction bc have ejection of blood from ventricle, pressure goes up, length of muscle shortening bc volume going down, heart shortening and thats what causes it to eject volume. so heart goes up, rapid ejection then reduced ejection… heart is shortening so getting weaker bc length getting shorter and after load increasing and that will reduce shortening as well. eventually pressure in ventricle falls below in arterial system and aortic valve closes right there
Describe what happens in the cardiac cycle after the aortic valve closes. What is happening with the contractility line in the L-tension relationship?
contractility line there in L-tension rel. and will keep shortening till it gets to shortest length at which it can generate force, then heart relaxes, t wave comes along and you have isovolumic relaxation. then once pressure in ventricle falls below pressure in atrium, mitral valve opens and you have rapid filling then reduced filling then atrial kick right at end. (mitral valve opening till when it closes those are the 3 phases)
Describe how the isotonic contraction during ejection in the cardiac muscle differs from an isotonic contraction in skeletal muscle.
classic isotonic contraction like in skeletal muscle (lift weight and force constant,
in skeletal muscle that ejection phase of PV loop would be flat, no change in afterload)
but after load changes in heart bc blood flow into aorta raising the pressure, raises the after load that the heart has to pump against. really referred to as isotonic-like contraction. after load not constant, ever changing
What are 3 variables that determine the O consumption of the heart?
HR, contractility, afterload
not just pressure when aortic valve opens (thats just beginning, after load is entire arterial pressure change, when changes the O consumption of heart changes and ability of heart to generate force changes) … heart generates its own afterload.
How do you determine stroke volume looking at the P-V loop?
look at end-diastolic volume and end-systolic volume. 130-60 - this difference is stroke volume
(P-V loop lets us look at how preload, afterload, and contractility affect SV specifically)
What is the ejection fraction of the ventricle?
EF = (EDV-ESV)/EDV x 100
The ejection fraction is the fraction of blood ejected during one stroke of the heart in relation to the total left ventricular end-diastolic volume. In other words, stroke volume divided by end-diastolic volume. The ejection fraction is a clinical index of left ventricular contractility. Normal ejection fraction is approximately 60%.
A normal ejection fraction is about 60 percent. What would it be in congestive heart failure? What does this indicate.
congestive heart failure-ejection fraction 10 percent or 15 percent. when ejection fraction is depressed its considered a depression of contractility specifically ..not related to preload, not to afterload.
How are preload, afterload, and contractility related to ejection fraction?
when ejection fraction is depressed its considered a depression of contractility specifically ..not related to preload, not to afterload. ejection fraction is clinical indicator of contractility of heart. we know that depression of ejection fraction always related to depression of contractility.
If ejection fraction goes down, how will this affect cardiac output?
The ejection fraction is the fraction of blood ejected during one stroke of the heart in relation to the total left ventricular end-diastolic volume.
ejection fraction is not same as cardiac output…one can go up while other doesn’t or one can go up and one can go down. can have increase in HR and decrease in SV (look at equation CO = SV x HR) could have increase in HR and decrease in SV and that could have no effect on cardiac output (but SV depressed so ejection fraction is depressed)
If you had a larger end diastolic volume, how would this affect ejection fraction, stroke volume, and cardiac output ?
larger end diastolic volume you’d eject more blood but fraction of blood is same bc increased end-diastolic volume which is on bottom of fraction so by increasing that, even if you increase absolute SV, the percent could remain constant but cardiac output could go up if you increased the absolute amount of blood being ejected w each stroke, CO goes up but fraction doesn’t change.
don’t get fraction and total amount of blood confused w e/o. not the same.
What is contractility? How would it be changed after an MI?
contractility scientifically due to intracellular Ca. more Ca, more cross bridges, stronger contraction.
clinically can change contractility, if someone has MI and chunk of heart damaged or not contracting and not contributing to SV anymore its said clinically that total heart has lower contractility. clinically the term used to indicate if not using all cells in heart to contribute to contraction anymore your ejection fraction will go down and if ejection fraction goes down thats a decrease in contractility.
clinically its anything that interferes w amount of blood ejected w each stroke. after MI contractility depressed bc lost some of his muscle.
Describe how the changes in preload below affect the L-Tension graph. Draw.
How does an increase in preload affect…?
- resting tension
- max. tension developed
- shortening
Slide 6.
increased preload – increased resting tension
increased preload – no change in max. tension developed
increased preload – more shortening (L1 to L4 is greater than L3 to L4)
Describe how changes in preload affect the P-V loop.
How does an increase in preload affect…?
- stroke volume
- diastolic reserve
Slide 6.
increased preload – increased EDP
increased preload – increased stroke volume (EDV3 – ESV1 is greater than EDV1 – ESV1)
diastolic reserve
On the L/Tension graph describe what happens at a given muscle length.
What happens if you increase preload?
start w L 3 as control, stretch or preload on muscle so muscle length increased to L3, stimulate, get isometric contraction bc length not changing but tension is, eventually meets after load and moves it so get isotonic contraction (force is constant, all you have to do is generate force to meet the load) then it shortens. and it’ll shorten until gets to point of Peak isometric tension (max. amt. of force muscle can generate at this length so diff between 2 is amount of shortening
if increase preload and start at longer length, stimulate and get more shortening. increasing preload increases amount of shortening
Analyze the P-V loop at a given preload.
analysis of heart- preload, isometric contraction, aortic valve opens, ejection. then it’ll shorten and shorten until it gets to line defined by ventricular contractility (the amount of Ca in the heart) that length can’t shorten any further, relaxes when t wave comes along and that’s end-systolic volume (ESV1) this is max. amount of force heart can generate at any given length.
How does increasing preload affect cardiac output?
Does the ejection fraction go up?
increase preload, get to same afterload, get ejection, get end-systolic volume, relax. showing same thing as in top figure. getting more shortening when you increase preload and therefore getting a greater stroke volume . diff between end systolic volume and end diastolic volume gets larger as preload gets larger and therefore you’ve increased cardiac output by using what is called diastolic reserve…
heart is able to generate greater cardiac output by increasing preload.
stroke volume went up but did fraction of blood ejection in relationship to end diastolic volume go up? no. end diastolic volume has gone up but heart prob. ejecting same percentage of blood. so absolute amount of blood increased, SV increased but fraction of blood ejected is probably still 60 percent of total end diastolic volume.
Describe how an increase in afterload affects the L-Tension graph. Draw.
- preload?
- tension development?
- shortening?
Slide 7.
preload unchanged
increased afterload –
increased tension development
increased afterload – less shortening (L1 to L3 is less than L1 to L2)
end diastolic volume, (in this case its a preload, just a stretch on the muscle. get isometric contraction, meets after load and shortens then relaxes (thats total amount of shortening) here is increase in afterload, increase after load get to greater tension but when you shorten you shorten less (amt of shortening defined by peak isometric tension line) shortens less then relaxes (increase after load then amount and velocity of shortening is reduced)
Describe how an increase in afterload affects the P-V loop. Draw.
- pressure development before ejection?
- energy consumption?
- stroke volume?
- ESV?
Slide 7.
increased afterload – increased pressure development before ejection; increased energy consumption
increased afterload – decreased stroke volume
hypertension…afterload is elevated about 100, 110, much higher than before, now heart has to generate a lot more isometric contraction (isovolumic phase), tremendous O involved trying to bring heart up to much higher level to open the aortic valve …in addition to additional O consumption used, when heart does try to shorten against higher after load can’t shorten as much bc defined by ventricular contractility and relaxes after t wave and see end systolic volume is larger than it was under controlled conditions so you left more blood behind.
What will happen if you raise diastolic pressure up to 120mmHg?
have to appreciate that heart does not generate its max. force, never does under normal conditions which allows it to have all this reserve… can go to 160 mmHg if it had to to overcome an afterload… pathology- if raise arterial pressure/diastolic pressure up to 120 it can still meet that but the amount and velocity of shortening will be reduced. lots more O consumption. right here during isometric contraction phase. cross bridges making and breaking latches and every time they do that they use ATP. after load is increase in diastolic arterial pressure…
What is a valve abnormality? How does heart respond? How will it respond to hypertension over years?
presented to heart as increase in after load =aortic stenosis… open to v small cross sectional area..heart generate huge force to shove blood thru openings.
how does heart respond? can meet that afterload, lost some CO.
how will respond to hypertension or aortic stenosis over years? it hypertrophies, gets thicker, compensation.. pathological response. (pathological hypertrophy - not using O normally, cells not normal, heart less efficient, actually uses more O and heart gets sicker and sicker) thats why you have to repair aortic valve or bring down afterload, so heart using less ATP, less O consumption and able to generate greater SV. whole point in giving person w hypertension diaretics or Ace inhibitors, things that lower bp