Flpas will remain 15 until…
The final descent is initiated
For Category B aircraft:
- Maximum speed is…
- Protected area radius from threshold is…
- Obstacle clearance is…
- 135 kts
- 2.66 NM
- 90 m ( 295 ft )
- IF the chart is designed according to PANS OPS 4
Before landing checklist must be initiated during…
Approach, before reaching the MDA of the circle to land procedure
Before landing checklist will be announced completed when…
The flaps will be on final position (35 or 30)
All turns in the circling procedure shall be made with … Bank
Brake off turn should be made on a heading of … , when …
+/- 45 deg from the outbound course / reaching the MDA and in visual contact with the runway
Timing for the downwind leg after passing abeam the threshold is the difference between …
The MDA and the airport elevation (or the MDH) divided by 20 in seconds - 1 sec for each 2 kts of tailwind component
The time for the brake off turn is … seconds
The timer should be started … making the brake off turn
The point where the brake off turn is started is called …
Brake Off Point