Cicero Biography Flashcards
What is Cicero’s full name?
Marcus Tullius Cicero
When and where did Cicero die?
43 B.C., Rome
When and where was Cicero born?
Arpinum, 106 B.C.
With whom did Cicero study in Rome?
Lucius Licinius Crassus and the two Scaevolas
Who was Cicero’s best friend?
(Titus Pomponius) Atticus
Under whose command did Cicero fight in the Social War in 89 B.C.?
Pompeius Strabo (father of Pompey)
When did Cicero make his debut as an orator?
81 B.C.
Who did Cicero study rhetoric under when he made a trip to Greece and Asia from 79-77 B.C.?
Molon of Rhodes
Who was Cicero’s first wife?
What are the names of Cicero’s children by Terentia?
Tullia (76 B.C.) and Marcus (65 B.C.)
What was significant about Cicero’s quaestorship and praetorship?
he held these offices at the youngest age possible
When was Cicero consul?
63 B.C.
Why was Cicero put into exile in 58 B.C.?
he was accused of putting Cataline’s accomplices to death without a trial by Clodius
Whose side did Cicero take in the Civil War?
Pompey’s (Caesar pardoned him after he lost)
When did Cicero divorce Terentia?
46 B.C.
Who was Cicero’s second wife?
Publilia (his young ward)
Who was Cicero’s most famous slave and scribe?
When did Cicero’s daughter Tullia die?
45 B.C.
What political condition removed Cicero from public affairs and allowed him to write many philosophical works in the mid 40s B.C.?
Caesar had gained enormous political power
What event allowed Cicero to return to public life in the mid 40s B.C.?
murder of Julius Caesar
Why was Cicero’s name added to the list of proscriptions?
he had criticized Mark Antony in the Philippics and Octavian abandoned the Senate
On what day was Cicero killed?
December 7, 43 B.C.
Who killed Cicero?
Antony’s assassins
Who wrote five books of commentaries on Cicero for his young sons?
Asconius Pedus