CHYS 2P10 Lecture 10 Flashcards
Delinquent Behavior Moffitt/Harris
- A significant proportion of delinquent behavior is thought to be caused by adolescents
- Moffitt suggests that delinquency may be the result of late teens trying to enter the world of adults by committing adult acts
- Harris suggests that delinquency is the result of trying to establish an identity unique from mainstream adult society
What is YMS, Daly & Wilson believe that it is YMS, or Young Male Syndrome
- Young men compete with each other to gain status
- Status allows men to get more/better mates
- Poverty and Violence
Instrumental Aggression:
-type of aggression used as a mean to attain a certain goal (for example – a toy), not as a goal itself
Hostile Aggression
personally oriented aggression in which a child’s intent is to hurt another child, not as a mean for attaining a goal
Indirect Aggression
type of aggression in which the target person is attacked not physically or directly through verbal intimidation but in a more circuitous way, through social manipulation
Group Socialization Theory
Judith Harris’ theory that children’s personalities are shaped chiefly by their interactions with their peers and not through interactions with their parents
Dominance Hierarchy
the relatively stable organization of a group in which some members are seen as leaders and others as followers
Antisocial Behaviours
behaviours that favour one’s own interests at the expense of other’s interests (such as lying, stealing, and hitting someone)
Social Processing & Aggression
– Less likely to encode social cues; more likely to encode aggressive cues
– More likely to interpret ambiguous cues as having aggressive intent & respond with socially inappropriate responses
– Difficulty inhibiting aggressive responses
-Altruism stems from two sources – kin selection (caring for copies of your genes in another body) and reciprocity – you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours
• Children began displaying empathy as infants, begin sharing behavior at around 18 months
• Altruism does not appear to naturally develop along kinship lines without exposure to kin, often reinforced by teachings
Emotional Deception
- Emotional deception, like other measures of emotional competence, is positive associated with social skills
- I.e., better liars are more popular
- Children and adults appear to regularly practice emotional deception; degree varies by individual, age, and culture
Callous Empathy
- Callous empathy is a termed used to describe adult psycopaths
- They are able to understand other’s emotions, but are unaffected by them
- This allows them to callously manipulate the emotions of other people without suffering from internal emotional consequences
- Psychopaths commit more than half of all violent crimes
- Adult psychopaths respond to empathy therapy by becoming worse! (normal criminals become better)
Callous Empathy signs
• Psychopaths commit more than half of all violent crimes
• Adult psychopaths respond to empathy therapy by becoming worse! (normal criminals become better)
1. Shallow emotional affect
2. Fearlessness
3. Low inhibition
4. Good emotion regulation (really just shallow affect?); glibness
5. Boredom, sensation seeking
6. Grandiosity
5 Sociability levels?
• Sociability in the preschool years (Parten, 1932)
1. Nonsocial activity
2. Onlooker play
3. Parallel play
4. Associative play
5. Cooperative play
• Adolescent cliques & crowds begin at around ages 12-14
Parental influence on peer contacts?
- Neighbourhood of residence
- Daycare, playmate choices
- Direct vs. indirect supervision of preschoolers
- Authoritative vs. authoritarian practices
Studying Peer Acceptance, you’d study ?
- Self-report survey
- Nominations of liked, disliked peers
- Usually correspond to teacher assessments
Children can be classified based on nominations what are the types?
1. 2/3 can be classified as either • Popular • Rejected • Neglected • Controversial 2. 1/3 are average-status children
Factors influencing peer nominations
- Parenting style
- Temperament
- Cognitive skills
- Facial attractiveness
- Social Behaviour
• Rejected-aggressive
• Rejected-withdrawn
How to improve the social skills of unpopular children?
- Reinforcement and modelling therapies
- Cognitive social skills training
• Coaching - Academic skills training
• Friends
• How is friendship defined?
Advantages to having friends
- Security and social support
- Practice resolving conflicts
- Preparation for adult love relationships