CHYS 2P10 Flashcards
What is the Psychometric Approach?
- Intelligence is a trait or set of traits on which individuals differ
- Early Binet-Simon test
- The mental age reflects the level at which the child performed on the test – if the child performed at the level of the average ten-year-old, then the child would be assigned a mental age of ten, regardless of the child’s chronological age (physical age).
What is IQ?
Binet-Simon test reported test scores in terms of intelligent quotient (IQ), which was a function of the mental age of the child divided by their actual physical age
-Adult version is the WAIS-III, child version is the WISC-III
How is Intelligence Measured?
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
-Intelligence Quotient calculated as
IQ = Mental Age/Chronological Age *100, but all modern tests now use Deviation IQs
what is the The Wechsler Scales? WPPSI – III/WISC – IV?
-Tests include both verbal and nonverbal (performance) measures
individually administered IQ tests, including the Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) for children 2 to 7 years old, the WISC for children 6 to 16 years old, and the Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) for adults
What is General Intelligence?
psychometric theory, the idea that intelligence can be expressed in terms of a single factor, called g
Who was Sir Francis Gelton?
- believed that intelligence was based on biological differences in the speed of neural conduction
- He attempted to determine if there was a link between intelligence and the speed of sensory processes (using basic instruments!), but he did not find any significant correlation
Who was Charles Spearman?
- Developed factor analysis to determine if there was a general intelligence that underlay performance in the different forms of Binet’s tests
- He found that two factors influenced performance on these tests: general intelligence (g) and specific intelligence (s)
What is Specific intelligence?
referred to skills that applied directly to the problem being solved (e.g., knowing how a specific calculation)
What is Fluid & Crystal g
Cattell further developed this idea by breaking g into gf (general fluid intelligence) and gc (general crystal intelligence)
-Speed of sensory perception also correlates well with fluid g, although not as well with crystallized g
Fluid g vs. Crystal g
is a general mental ability that could be adapted to any use, while crystallized intelligence refers to previous experience/learning
Fluid intelligence is most directly helpful in unfamiliar testing situations
The opposite is true for crystallized intelligence
Fluid intelligence appears to peak during the early 20’s, whereas crystallized intelligence peaks at around age 50
What Is g? (general Intelligence)
-Mental speed and working memory have both been raised as possible basis of g
-Individuals with high IQ scores typically also have faster responses to sensory events (faster sensory perception)
-Speed of sensory perception also correlates well with fluid g, although not as well with crystallized g
The digit span of working memory also tends to be greater in individuals who score high on IQ tests
These results suggest that an overall ability to process a lot of information quickly in the conscious mind is related to intelligence in general, and fluid intelligence in particular
Hierarchical Models:
Intelligence consists of a
- general ability factor
- specialized ability factors
Carroll’s three-stratum theory of intelligence
narrow, broad, and general cognitive ability.
Information-Processing Perspective? Sternberg’s triarchic theory?
-Sternberg’s theory that describes intelligence in terms of three subtheories of intelligence: contextual, experiential, and componential
Theory of Multiple Intelligences?
Gardner’s theory postulating eight components, or modules, of intelligence: (1) linguistic, (2) logical-mathematical, (3) musical, (4) spatial, (5) bodily-kinesthetic, (6) interpersonal, (7) intrapersonal, and (8) naturalistic