Chromosome Aberrations Flashcards
missing part of a chromosome
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human disorder due to missing part of the short arm of one copy of chromosome 5
terminal deletion
single break in the chromosome so the end is separated from the rest
an acentric fragment will be produced
acentric fragment
piece of chromosome that does not have a centromere
resulting from deletion
these will be lost during cell division
insterstitial deletion
a segment of the chromosome that is not at the end is deleted
requires 2 breaks and then the chromosome is resealed
an acentric fragment will be produced
compensation loop
created during synapsis in meiosis in heterozygous individuals (those with one normal chromosome and one chromosome with a deletion)
one of the chromosomes pokes out (the one without deletion) as this region doesn’t have a homologous region to synapse to
single copy of gene is not enough to allow the wild-type phenotype to occur
expression of normally recessive phenotype because their is no homologous allele due to deletion
effects of deltions
- acentric fragments are lost
- imbalance in the amount of gene products produced
- deletion of normal allele on one chromosome may allow the recessive allele on the homolog to be visible causing mutant
Normal: AB.CDEFG
Duplication: AB.CDEFDEF
Normal: AB.CDEFG
Duplication: AB.CDEFFEDG
Reverse Tandem
Normal: AB.CDEFG
Duplication: AB.CDEFGDEF
Homobrachial Displaced
Normal: AB.CDEFG
Duplication: DEFAB.CDEFG
Heterobrachial Displaced
extra copies of a part of a chromosome
tandem duplication
the duplicated copy is next to the original with the same gene order
will form compensation loop