Chromosomal abberation Flashcards
What is a common cause of Klinefelter’s syndrome?
Addition of sm extra X chromosome in males
Chromosomal abnormality in incompatible with life?
this syndrome is also referred to as “47, XXY”
Klinefelter’s syndrome
What is the chromosomal count in a tetrasomic condition
The loss and reinsertion of a chromosomal segment in reverse
What is a primary cause of numerical chromosomal abberation
Meiotic nondisjunction
Down syndrome is primarily caused by which chromosomal abberation
Trisomy 21
Environmental factor is known to be tetratogenic
What is a common physical feature in Patau syndrom
Cleft lip and palate
What type of chromosomal abberation invloves reciprocal exchange between non homologous chromosomes
Which of the following is considered a numerical chromosomal abberation
a. Duplication
b. Inversion
c. Translocation
d. Trisomy
d. Trisomy