Christology Flashcards
Immanent Trinity
- “[e]xplain the internal workings and relationships among the three persons of the Trinity.
- Statements about the immanent Trinity seek to give language to the inexpressible mystery of what God is like apart from reference to God’s dealings with creation. Apart from his immanence.
Economic Trinity
- the manifestations of the three persons of the Trinity in relationship to the world
- regard to the outworking of God’s plan (economy) of salvation
- refers to how God as a tripersonal being relates to the world. God’s immanence weirdly enough.
Divine Identity
- Sovereignty over all things
- Creation of all things
- Identified by the Divine Name (Rom 10:8-9; Phil 2:5-11)
- Accorded Divine Worship (Monolatry)
The incarnation
“The Word became flesh” John 1:14
- Orthodoxy
a. right rendering of Scriptures witness
- Heresy
a. subversive, deficient, or destructive faith that leads to unbelief
- Docetism
a. Teaching that Jesus was fully God but only appeared to be human
- Ebionism
a. Denied the full deity of Jesus, and espoused a form of adoptionism. Christ became the anointed one at his baptism, an was chosen by God because of his perfect obedience to the Law of Moses
o Proposed that Jesus was the highest created being of God. Christ was fully human but not fully God
- Homoousion
a. Being of one substance with the Father
a. Christ took on a human body, but not a human mind or human spirit
- Hypostases
a. “Three persons” for describing the relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
a. Although Jesus Christ was one person (God and man united) his two natures (one human and one divine) existed side by side and hence were separable.
a. The belief that Jesus Christ possessed one nature. The divine and human are fully united in the incarnation.
- The Hypostatic Union
a. Christ’s two distinct natures are united in the “one and same” person (hypostasis).
Threefold Office of Christ
a. Prophet
b. King
c. Priest
Mediatoral Christology
- Uniting Christ’s personhood and work
- Redemption
a. The process by which sinful humans are brought back from the bondage of sin into relationship with God through grace by the payment of Jesus death
- Forgiveness and Reconciliation
a. The shedding of blood is the symbolic forgiveness
b. We are reconciled by the forgiveness - the death of Christ
- Recapitulation
a. Jesus in perfect obedience is humanities new representative and by his obedience we are redeemed from the devil
- Ransom
a. A commercial transaction occurred during crucifixion where God pulls the strings above for our sin through Jesus Christ
- Christus Victor
a. Crucifixion was cosmic victory over the powers of death. Foremost there is a supernatural battle in play between God and the devil. The cross is the triumph over Satan.
- Satisfaction
a. Based on the metaphor of God as Sovereign, who has been dishonored by sin, must receive satisfaction.
- Moral Influence
a. Above all the cross is a grand display of God’s love.
- Exemplary
a. Crucifixion is the ultimate example for humanity. How we are to live,
- Governmental
a. Crucifixion is a public punishment of sin for the world to see how serious sin is to God the Father.
- Penal Substitutionary
a. Jesus as our substitute on the cross bears the wrath of God as penalty for our sin.
the appeasement of wrath