Christianity topic 2 Flashcards
Outline the ideas of infant baptism
- Performed by Roman Catholics and the Church of England
- Water from the font is poured on the head = leaving behind life of sin
- Baptised in he name of the father, Son and Holy Spirit
- Rub blessed oil on the forehead = the coming of the Holy Spirit
- Parents and God parents promise to raise the child as Christian
MAY - Light a candle = moving from darkness
Outline the ideas of Believer’s Baptism
- Performed by the Baptist Church
- Symbolic of an individuals free choice to become a christian
- Will ask for forgiveness
- Wear white = purity
- Total immersion = cleansing work of God
- Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- Give a testimony about Christian life
Performed By a minister
What is dedication/ thanksgiving?
A ceremony in the Baptist Church - they do not agree with infant baptism
Dedication = growing child up with faith
Thanksgiving = giving thanks for the blessing of a child
What does First Communion involve?
In the RC Church, children will practice in advance taking the bread and wine (not blessed). They will wear a special dress or suit.
What does Confirmation involve?
- Performed by RC and COE
- Confirming that they accept the faith = are now responsible for their own faith
- Performed by a bishop
- Laying of hands to pass on the Holy Spirit
- Use chrism (blessed oil) to mark the cross
What part do the rings play in an Orthodox wedding ceremony?
- Exchanged in the betrothal ceremony
- Exchanged three times in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- Symbolic of how they complement each other
- Eternal
What role do the crowns play in an Orthodox wedding ceremony?
- Called Stefanas
- Placed over the couples’ heads three times
- Symbolic of the royalty of marriage
- Priest blesses their marriage
What role does the wine play?
- Three sips from a shared glass
- A sign of shared life
- Jesus turning water to wine
Why do the couple circle the altar?
It is done three times = the couple taking their first steps in marriage
What are the following:
a) epitaph
b) eulogy
c) committal statement
d) Requiem mass
a) The writing on a headstone
b) In the funeral service, a talk about the dead
c) Committing the dead to God’s care
d) RC EO a request to grant eternal rest - sharing of bread and wine
Compare a burial and cremation
A burial involves lowering the body into the ground whereas cremation is done by majority and is burning the body to ash.
What are the issues surrounding cremation?
Traditional Christians believe the body must be intact in order to be resurrected which cannot occur with cremation
Why are funerals important?
Funerals allow mourners to acknowledge the deceased are in God’s care and they may find comfort in other mourners
Why may people prefer christian funerals even if they are not religious?
People may find comfort in the idea of the afterlife - they will be able to reunite with loved ones
What is a secular funeral?
A non-religious ceremony does not include prayer, hymns etc.
What is agape?
Christian love in action
What are some examples of christian agape?
The Church may:
- Visit the sick or elderly
- Run food banks
- Have a street pastor
- Run Sunday School
- Have marriage counselling
What is the great Commission?
Matthew ch.28 v.16-20
Before Jesus was executed he told his followers to ‘make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
What do many Christians believe their mission is? What is Evangelism?
They should go around the world and convert all to Christianity.
Evangelism is those who believe they should encourage people to join the faith.
Describe the work of one Christian Charity.
- A Catholic charity
- Reaches out to the isolated, abandoned hungry etc.
- No one is beyond the love needed to live a dignified life
- Network of 165 countries
Define the following:
a) Sin
b) Atonement
c) Universalism
d) Last judgement
a) First entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve
b) Making amends for doing something wrong
c) The belief that all of humankind can be saved
d) When all the living and dead will be judged by God
What do Christians mean by salvation?
Christians are able to achieve salvation through Jesus’ execution. Salvation is being saved from the punishment of sin. As long as Christians show repentance for their sins, God will accept Jesus’ death as the punishment for it. Jesus’ sacrifice is eternal and only had to occur once.
What do each part of the Christingle represent?
Orange = the world
Ribbon = Jesus’ blood
Candle = Jesus as the light of the World
Four sticks = seasons
Sweets = fruits of the world
How do Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas differently?
- They will have a period of fasting of 40 days prior = no meat is allowed
- They will host a giant feast on the last day
- Usually celebrated on January 7th
- Not customary to give presents
Explain Parousia / Second coming of Christ
- Means arrival
- The belief that Christ will return to Earth after his ascension to heaven 2000 years ago
What details from the nativity come from Luke or Matthew’s Gospel?
Luke - The birth of John the Baptist, the adoration of the Sheperds
Matthew - The Wise men, Herod’s plot, massacre of the innocents, star of Bethlehem
When are the candles of the advent wreath lit? Who do they remember?
Every Sunday until the last Sunday of Advent.
Week one - the hope of all God’s people
Week two - Old testament prophets
Week three - John the Baptist
Week four - Mary
What do each of the colours of the liturgical calendar represent?
Purple - Reflection
White - Purity and celebration
Green - Ordinary time, growth
Red - Passion + love
What event is remembered during Lent?
Jesus’ fasting in the desert. It is a time of self-discipline
Explain the meaning of Shrove Tuesday
- Means ‘Shrive’
- recalls the day when Christians used up all their leftover ingredients before their period of fasting = were made into pancakes
- The day when people went to confession
What event is remembered on Palm Sunday?
Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem
What is Maundy Thursday?
Means ‘Commandment’. Recalls the last supper where the disciples ate bread and wine and Jesus washed their feet.
What is Maundy Money?
The Monarch distributes gifts according to the number of years they have lived to thank members of Church communities for their outstanding work.
What event is remembered on Good Friday and why is it called ‘Good’?
Jesus’ emergence from the tomb.
Jesus died for the World’s sins and the forgiveness is good!
What do Easter Eggs represent and what are Orthodox customs with them?
They are a symbol of new life and Jesus’ emergence from the tomb
They are dyed red to represent the blood of Christ and cracked for the resurrection
Why is Easter regarded as the most important festival?
It celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead after he was crucified for the sins of the world
= a central belief of the Christian faith