Christianity topic 1 Flashcards
Name some christian denominations - protestant and not
protestant - church of England, baptist, evangelical.
Other - Roman Catholic, Eastern orthodox, Mormons.
What are some quotes in the lords prayer that show God as
a) personal
b) forgiving
c) benevolent
d) eternal
e) transcendent (higher being)
f) omnipotent (all powerful)
a) ‘our father’
b) ‘forgive those who sin against us’
c) ‘give us today our daily bread’
d) ‘in heaven’ ‘now and forever’
e) ‘glory are yours’
f) ‘your kingdom’
what is a creed?
a set of beliefs or aims which guide someones actions.
Outline the meanings of the apostles creed.
‘almighty’ - omnipotent
‘his only son’ - personal relationship
‘Jesus Christ’ = anointed one - blessed by king with oil
‘Conceived by the holy spirit’ - miracle only possible by God, BORN FREE OF SIN, omniscient
‘virgin Mary’ - Joseph stood by her = important figure
‘Pontius pilate’ - Roman govenor of the church = important figure ( Jesus had to die)
‘descended to the dead’ - hell, suffering to save from sins
‘HE ROSE AGAIN’ - most crucial belief, born of God, conquer death
‘seated at the right hand of the father’ - second only to God
final judgement = second coming
‘Catholic church’ - anyone can be saved, universal
Outline the ideas of the Nicene Creed - council of Nicea
monotheism - emphasises that there is only one god
‘seen and unseen’ - heaven, holy spirit and all things physical
‘begotten of the father’ - Jesus is a person of God (trinity)
‘through him all things were made’ present at creation = given a body
‘came down from heaven’ - eternal
‘in accordance with the scriptures’ - important to Christians as only approved scriptures are read
‘come again in glory’ - the world will see his return
‘his kingdom will have no end’ - heaven on earth will be eternal
‘proceeds from the father and the son’ - all interconnected + EQUAL
= emphasises ideas of the trinity + Jesus is God with a body
What is the significance of naming Pontius Pilate?
able to date exactly when Jesus was crucified, making it a historical fact
What are some similarities of the two creeds?
similarities - Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit (power of God)
Jesus was God’s only son
Jesus is second only to God
Judge the living and dead = important belief
universal - anyone can be saved
crucial belief of Jesus’ resurrection
What are some differences of the two creeds?
Nicene creed - reinforces the idea of the trinity, Jesus is God with a body
does not mention descending into hell
God is everywhere - seen and unseen
spoken through the prophets
What is Jesus’ sermon on the mount and what is the significance?
The collection of Jesus’ teachings found in Matthew’s gospel (primary source). Summarises Jesus’ teaching about how Christians should live their lives.
Where in the bible are the Beatitudes?
Matthew chapter 5 v.3-16
What do the following Beatitudes mean:
a) blessed are the poor in spirit
b) blessed are those who mourn
c) blessed are the meek
Blessed are the vulnerable
a) the shy and those who lack confidence
b) those who worry
c) the humble
= surprising to the audience
What do the following Beatitudes mean:
a) blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
b) blessed are the merciful
c) blessed are the pure in heart
d) blessed are the peacemakers
those who put faith in action
a) those who desire to be better + being right with God
b) the forgiving (links to the lords prayer)
c) those who act out of love with pure intentions
d) those who work towards a compromise + restore relationships
What do the following Beatitudes mean:
a) blessed are the persecuted because of righteousness
b) blessed are you when people say all kinds of evil against you
c) Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you
those who would die for the faith
a) those who are discriminated and bullied for the faith
b) ‘’ ‘’
c) persecuted - old testament
note: all bar one of the disciples were martyred
What is the golden rule?
‘Do onto others as you would have done onto you’
What does Jesus say about:
a) murder
b) adultery
c) divorce
a) Don’t think about murder
b) Lusting over another woman could be seen as just as bad as committing adultery
c) only due to serious reason (marrying someone who is divorced could be seen as adultery)
What does Jesus say about:
a) oaths
b) revenge
c) love your enemies
a) do not use God’s name in vain
b) do not retaliate, turn the other cheek
c) be kind to those who persecute you
What does Jesus say about:
a) charity
b) prayer
c) fasting
a) Don’t show off your charity, keep it private
b) keep your prayers between you and God
c) don’t take part to seem holier than others