Christianity - Practices Flashcards
What is liturgical worship? Outline its key features.
A church service that follows a set structure or ritual
What is non-liturgical worship? Outline key its features.
A service that does not follow a set text or ritual.
What is Informal worship? Describe the contrasting practices of a) Quaker and b) Pentacostal informal worship.
A type of non-liturgical worship, sometimes ‘spontaneous’ or ‘charismatic’ in nature.
Quaker worship is mainly silent, and people speak when they feel God’s spirit moving them to offer thoughts. Pentacostal worship involves dancing, clapping, calling out, and speaking in tongues.
Give 5 characteristics of liturgical worship and why they are important for Christians.
- The people receive forgiveness from God through the action of the priest.
- The people receive the living presence of Jesus in Holy Communism.
- Bible readings follow the Christian calendar and teach Christian history and faith cross the Old and New Testament and Paul’s letters.
- There is a worldwide set order of service that is familiar to all, even visitors.
- The ritual has been passed down through generations, giving a sense of tradition.
Give 5 characteristics of non-liturgical and informal worship and why they are important for Christians.
- The style of worship follows that of some early Christians who met to hear about Jesus in the joy of the Spirit after Pentecost.
- Faith is expressed in a variety of ways. Holy Communion, for example, may be celebrated in different ways.
- Christians can share personal interpretations of the Bible. Often, readings without formal training
- The service may have an emotional impact, with a feeling of personal revelation from God.
List the advantages and disadvantages of liturgical worship.
- Comforting/Familiar
- Follows centuries-old traditions
- Same everywhere (can feel at home anywhere)
- Boring/repetitive
- Outdated; may seem irrelevant
- Unwelcoming
List the advantages and disadvantages of non-liturgical and informal worship.
Give 3 examples of private worship, and explain how they may help Christians to deepen their relationship with God.
What is a set prayer? Give two examples.
Why are set prayers important for Christians?
Why are informal prayers important for Christians?
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
Explain the importance of the Lord’s Prayer to individuals.
Explain the importance of the Lord’s Prayer to the community and society.
How do Christians explain the fact that God does not answer all prayers. List 4 points.
What are sacraments?
What are the 7 sacraments accepted by Catholics and Orthodox Christians?
What are the 2 sacraments accepted by many Protestant Churches?
How do sacraments help Christians?
What 2 extraordinary things occurred at Jesus’ baptism?
Outline what happens at an infant baptism.
List 3 advantages of an infant baptism.
Outline what happens at a Believers’ baptism.
List 3 advantages of a Believers’ baptism.
What is holy communion (eucharist)?
What event does it commemorate?
What is transubstantiation, and which Christians believe in this?
Some Christians do not believe in transubstantiation. What does holy communion (eucharist) signify for them instead?
What is the impact of Holy Communion on individuals?
What is the impact of Holy Communion on communities and society?
How do Roman Catholic Christians celebrate Holy Communion?
How do Non-conformist Christians celebrate Holy Communion?
Why is pilgrimage an act of worship?
Why do Christians go on pilgrimage? List 6.
How can pilgrimage play an important role in Christians’ spiritual lives? List 3 reasons.
Lourdes: Outline miracles, why pilgrims go, what pilgrims do when there.
Iona: Where is it, why is it described as a thin place, why does it feel like a place where nature reveals God’s infinite power and presence, what do pilgrims do when there?
How are Lourdes and Iona contrasting?
Why are festivals important to Christians?
What does Christmas commemorate?
List 6 things Christians do to celebrate Christmas.
What does Easter celebrate?
What is Holy week, and what do Christians do during this week?
What happened on Good Friday?
List 5 things Christians do to celebrate Easter Sunday (Easter Day)
Which festivals do Christians consider to be the most important, Christmas or Easter? Why?
What are the 2 meanings of the word ‘Church’?
List 5 ways in which the Church helps the local community.
Describe how food banks operate and include the work of the Trussel Trust and the oasis Project.
What is ‘agape’ love?
What does ‘interdenominational’ mean?
When and where did Rev Les Isaac start the interdenominational network of Street Pastors?
What was the initial aim of Street Pastors, and what did it later extend to?
What do Street Pastors do? 3 things.
Why is Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 28 known as the Great Commission?
When did the events of Pentecost occur?
What happened at Pentecost that enabled the disciples to carry out the Great Commission?
List two differences between a missionary and an evangelist.
What is the Alpha Course?
Name 3 areas where the Church is growing rapidly.
List 3 ways in which the Church gets its message to people
Describe the work of Reinhard Bonnke and CfaN.
Explain the difference between a convert and a disciple.
Explain the role of Jesus in reconciling people to God..
Summarise Jesus’ teaching on reconciliation in Matthew 5.
Give 2 examples of Christian organisations which work to reconcile opposing groups.
Explain the importance of Corrymeela Community.
List 3 facts about the persecution of CHristians worldwide.
What did Jesus say about persecution in Matthew 5:10-12?
Give 3 reasons why some forms of persecution might not have totally negative effects.
Explain how Baber George was persecuted.
Give two ways in which Christian churches respond to persecution.
Explain the work and importance of the Barnabas fund and CSW.