Christianity - Beliefs and Teachings (17 cards/34 cards) Flashcards
What are the 3 main branches of Christianity?
Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant.
Outline Christian beliefs about the nature of God.
Give a bible quote that shows God is omnipotent, and explain it.
“Nothing is impossible with God”
Give a quote that shows God is omni- benevolent and explain it.
“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Explain what Christians mean when they say that God is Just
God is believed to be the perfect giver of Justice. This not only includes deciding on right and wrong but also being the perfect judge of human character.
What are the 2 types of evil?
Evil from man
Natural evil
What is the problem of evil?
How can bad things happen if God is omni-benevolent? Christians trust God even when things appear to be going wrong.
List 3 Christians responses to the problem of evil.
- God treats all people fairly and is incapable of making a wrong judgement .
- God may be punishing sin
- It is possible that God is only 2 of the following 3 : omnibenevolent, omniscient or omnipotent and so is capable of inadvertently letting bad things happen.
What are the three persons of the Trinity?
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
Outline Christian beliefs about the Trinity
- There is only one God
- Each person of the Trinity is fully God
- The persons of the Trinity are not the same.
Explain how water/ice/steam are sometimes used as an analogy for the Trinity
All of them are H20 but they are separate entities, as are the persons of the Trinity.
What do the christian Genesis creation stories tell us about the Trinity?
The whole of the Trinity were present during creation.
In John’s creation story what does he mean by the word?
God the Son
What does John’s creation story tell us about the Trinity?
All of the Trinity were present during creation.
What is the immaculate conception?
The conception of Jesus without sexual intercourse but by the will of God.