Christianity HSC Flashcards
what were Pope John xxIIIs contributions to christianity?
- model of discipleship
- The calling of Vatican II
- Writings
- Ecumenism and interfaith dialogue initiatives
what where Pope Johns impacts on christianity?
- increased ownership of faith for those within the church
- increased unity between different christian denominations
- The catholic community as the body of christ experienced greater inclusivity
- global impact on individuals and others
- changes people’s attitudes and behaviours as he emphasised the need to show an openness too before
what are 2 of pope john xxiiis encyclicals?
Pacem in Terri’s
Mater we Magistra
when was Mater amet Magistra created?
when was Pacem in terris created?
define environmental ethics
fundamental principals and ethics that are applied to the relationship between humans and the environment.
what are the christian teachings that relate to environmental ethics?
define marriage
marriage is a covenental sacrament that mirrors the abrahamic promise of the old testament.
what are the steps in a catholic marriage ceremony?
entrance rite
liturgy of the word
the rite of marriage
liturgy of the eucharist
communion rite
concluding rite
what are the two main parts to an orthodox marriage?
the service of the betrothal
the ceremony of the sacrament of marriage
what are the steps in the orthodox ceremony of the sacrament of marriage?
the crowning
the common cup
the ceremonial walk
the removal of the crowns
what are the principal beliefs of christianity?
the nature of god and the trinity
death and resurrection of jesus christ
divinity and humanity of jesus christ
why is marriage significant to the individual?
-elevates the mundane to the supernatural
-creates an indissoluble union
-allows individual to deepen their humanity through the selfless care and love of another
-formation of the family unit
-emphasises a commitment to jesus’s teachings in the scriptures
-structures the lives of the couple
-strengthens their relationship with god
-a way of holiness
-couple declares their faith to the community
-creates the ideal relationship for the appropriate expression of sex
why is marriage significant to the christian community?
- strengthens the community of believers
- acknowledges, supports and encourages the ability of marriage to transcend the human conditions of suffering, joy and bereavement
- marriage builds community by having guests and witnesses fully participate
- a pastoral activity
- reflects the growth of ecumenism
- provides an opportunity for community to grow together in piety and faith
- community witness god through i union / covenant experienced by the couple
Scripture passages for Pope John:
“There is no longer Jew or Greek… for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28)
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13:2)
“My peace I leave you, my peace I give you.” (John 14:27)
Quotes for Pope John:
“Do not walk through time without leaving worthy evidence of your passage.”
“We are not enemies, but fellow travellers on the road of life.”
“We are not on earth to guard a museum, but to cultivate a flourishing garden of life.”
“That every man has the right to life, to bodily integrity, and to the means which are suitable for the proper development of life.”
“See everything, overlook a great deal, correct a little, show compassion in all things.”
Issue for Justice
Climate change
Issue for stewardship
Issue for co-creation
Organisation for justice
Edmund Rice Centre for Justice
Organisation for stewardship
Catholic Earthcare Australia
organisation for co-creation
Anglican Communion environmental network
Scripture for environmental ethics:
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (Genesis 2:15)
“Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves…defend the rights of the poor.” (Proverbs 31:8)
“For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen.” (Romans 1:20)
Quote for environmental ethics:
“For man, created to God’s image, received a mandate to subject himself to the earth and all it contains, and to govern the world with justice and holiness.” (Gaudium et spes 1965)
“Intergenerational solidarity is not optional, but rather a basic question of justice, since the world we have received also belongs to those who will follow us.” (Ludato si 159)
“Our very contact with nature has a deep restorative power; contemplation of its magnificence imparts peace and serenity.” (Pope John Paul II)