Christianity, gender and sexuality Flashcards
1 corinthians 14:34-35
” Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. St Paul letters
What did Augustine believe about women?
Eve was the creator of original sin. She was the main culpret of the fall. Women are the ‘ devils doorway’
What did Martin Luther say about Women?
That they should ‘ remain at home, sit still, keep house, and bear children. ‘
What are Biblical Criticisms
Not necessarily negative, they’re critical examinations of the bible like any other text. The bible is very varied in content ( erotic poems, parables on morality etc.)
What does Karl Barth believe about biblical critics?
That the bible shouldn’t be interpreted differently with the times, but the bible should challenge modern society.
1 Timothy 2:8-15
” A woman should learn in quitness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.”
Protestant VS Catholic view on Women.
EQUALITY Prostants believe men and women are equal, as ‘all are one in Jesus Christ’. They believe in a priesthood of believers. Egalitarian -equality extends to roles.
COMPLEMENTARIAN Catholics believe women and men have equality in the eyes of God but different roles. So, as Jesus respected women as do they, they also said that as he appointed no female disciples ( Apostolic succession) and so there aren’t any female ordinations.
History of ordinance in Church of England
1944 Florence Li Tim-Oi ordained in China as there was a shortage of male priests in the war. Her title was taken after the war but restored in 1971.
After much debate the first Church of England Bishop Libby Lane in 2015
What are the three types of feminist theology?
1) Liberal- Criticises Christianitys patriarchal beliefs and ‘compatabalist’ structures, instead of egalitarian as COE.
2) Biblical approach focuses on feminine characteristics of both God and Jesus- God as father and mother. Rosemary Reuther
3) Radical- Christianity and all amrahamic religions are irredeemably sexist and can’t strive to ammend their grievances to women so should be left in the past. Dr. Daphne Hampson
Daphne Hampson
Daphne Hampson argues that because Christianity is a historical religion, its commitments are inevitably anchored to a past tradition which she claims is patriarchal. This makes Christianity irredeemably sexist and the only solution is to abandon it.
What motive do some Post Christian femminists give for the entire creation of religion?
The Christian religion was created as a tool used by men to subjdugate women. ‘ God didnt make men, man made God ‘- Voltaire
What are Hampsons two main arguments
1)Womens depiction
The first is the explicit sexism of the depiction of women in the biblical stories. Women are depicted as secondary persons who conform to the roles open to them in that society. If we are to progress towards equality, we cannot see the past as ethically relevant to us.
2) Written by patriarchal men
The second is that the underlying themes and principles of Christian theology derive from the mind-set of men living under patriarchy. Fundamental to Christianity is a “bi-polar” view of reality, where a transcendent God is good and humanity is lower and opposite to God. This division is then gendered; God is described with male language while humanity is conceptualised with feminine language (e.g. Israel and the Church being the bride of Christ). God is traditionally thought of as self-sufficient, all-powerful and a judge, which Hampson argues reflects a patriarchal outlook.
What three ways are women depicted in the bible ? (Hampson) and quote on mary
Placed on a pedestal (e.g. the Virgin Mary). Hampson claims that the role of Mary in Christianity is a “fanciful projection of the male imagination, based perhaps on his desire for his mother”.
A slut. Women as slut is a “prevalent theme” in Christianity, serving to associate women with earthliness, nature, human fallibility and sexuality, i.e. as the complete opposite to God’s transcendence.
The compliment of man. Women are complimentary to men, never vice versa, which restricts women to roles assigned to them by men. (E.g. eve was said to be created to be a ‘helper’ for Adam).
What is the name of and summarise Hampsons book
AFTER CHRISTIANITY is the name of one of Hampson’s books. She suggests that the Christian myth has “inadequately” been a vehicle for “human awareness of God” and thus should be replaced. Its replacement, to count as an improvement, needs two changes:
Theology should be grounded on human experience; human awareness of God.
Our conceptualization of God must be at least compatible with our ethical ideals, since God is held to be good.
Reuthers view on Christianity and women.
Liberal Christian who believes women can still exist in Christianity as equals.
Women can be saved by Christ but it requires a re-evaluation of the view of Christ. Reuther points out that the Jesus of the synoptic Gospels is very different to the later doctrines of the Church which involved five centuries of ‘patriarchalization’. Jesus was very different to the expected male warrior type of Messiah. Instead, Jesus was a servant King. Old testament prophecy about the Messiah pictured him as a conquering warrior saving his people and Israel from its enemies through battle. On that view, says Ruether, the messiah is ‘expected to win, not suffer and die’ – which would be the patriarchal view of a spiritual leader. Yet, Jesus did suffer and die. She argues he is even described with typically ‘ female ‘ language, such as compassion
What is the golden thread
The golden thread is Reuther’s idea that there is a theme of liberation, including supporting feminist causes, in the Bible. This is a thread of validity, which we can disentangle from the patriarchal influences. However, the Bible also contains sexist patriarchal themes. These two themes – liberation and sexism – are inconsistent with each other. They cannot both be God’s authentic revelation. If we can find a way to separate the golden thread of authentic teachings which support feminism from the patriarchal threads, then Christianity might be redeemable. eg Jesus’ Golden rule
Celibacy and marriage
In Christianity, celibacy is the choice to live without sex in order to live a more pure life in devotion of God.
Celibacy is require for priests in Catholicism. However, many Protestant Churches allow for marriage.
They argue that priests are capable of serving God and loving a family.
Homosexuality and the Church
In 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy, St Paul condemns “sodomites” as unrighteous and sinners. God burns a city down against them and calls it an “ abomination”
A Natural Law approach would be to regard all of God’s creation, including humans, as his design and that any alteration from his design would therefore be a violation of God’s will. This might be more against sex-change surgery. Merely wearing the clothes and adopting the appearance of the gender opposite to the sex you were assigned at birth arguably doesn’t go against God’s design.
Example of Jesus supporting female rights
He told others to respect deacon Pheobe.
> Response, deacon literally means servant- it is one of the only roles allowed for women in the Church.
Hapson and Ruether debate in real time
Reuther says that Hampson is being too literal, too fundamentalist of the metaphysical language in the bible.
Hampson says christianity is an inherently historical religion rooted in past events of Jesus’ life and so tied to their historic treatment of women.
What does Hampson say all Abrahamic religions are a form of?
thier will is to subvert women and establish man as norm.