Christianity Chapter 1: Christian beliefs - 1.4 The Last Days of Jesus' Life Flashcards
What is The Last Supper?
The last meal between Jesus and his disciples
What did Jesus talk about at The Last Supper?
- Jesus spoke about his forthcoming death
- He tried to prepare his disciples for the future
by teaching them to serve one another (Luke
22: 26-27) - He said after his death, he would send the Holy
Spirit to ‘teach you all things and remind you of
everything I have said to you’ (John 14:26). - He prophecised Judas’ betrayal - ‘the hand of him who is going to betray me is with mine on the table’ (Luke 22)
What was eaten at The Last Supper?
Bread and Wine representing his sacrifice -‘This is my body given for you’ (Luke 22: 19) (see 3.2).
How do Christians remember The Last Supper?
The Last Supper is remembered through partaking in The Eucharist
How did the authorities identify Jesus?
Judas kissed him on the cheek
What happened at Jesus’ trial?
He was tried by The Sanhedrin - The High Jewish Council. He was found guilty of blasphemy for claiming to be the son. They believed it as a great crime punishable by death.
What did Pontius Pilate, The roman governer, think?
He thinks he is innocent and on ‘no grounds for the death penalty’ (Luke 23:22)
How was Jesus put to death?
He was put to death through crucifixion between 2 criminals. The sky went dark from around midday to 3pm when he died
‘darkness came over the whole land’ (Luke 23)
For Christians what did the crucifixion prove?
It was proof of Jesus’ humanity - he truly was god incarnate
Why do Christians view the crucifixion as a sacrifice?
They believe his death brought about the forgiveness of humanity’s sins. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, forgiveness becomes available to humanity and the loving relationship with God is restored
How is the crucifixion remembered?
Through hymn-singing, prayers and worship on Good Friday
What did Jesus’ resurrection prove?
After rising on the 3rd day after he died, Jesus’ proved he was truly god and could overcome death
Who found his tomb empty?
A group of women who went to prepare his body for burial
The Bible states: ‘he is not here; he has risen?’ (Luke 24)
Why is the resurrection important for Christians?
It means that all Jesus taught is true. It means that humanity’s sins are forgiven, people can have a true relationship with God again, and death is no longer the end. Christians believe that, if they believe in Jesus and follow his teachings, they will receive eternal life and be reunited with God.
How is the resurrection remembered?
On Easter Sunday, which is a joyful celebration.