Christianity beliefs and teachings Flashcards
explain the nature of god
the essessence of substance of who God is related to the bible
unlimited power
explain the belief that God is benevolent
all-loving and all-good a quality of god
state the problem of evil and suffering
-christians believe that god treats all people fairly and is incapable of making a wrong judgement
explain the christian belief in the oneness of god and the trinity
explain the christian belief of the holy spirit
-the** third person** of the trinity who christians believe is inspiring presence of god in the world
explain the belief of son of god
-second person of the trinity
-denotes relationship between jesus and god the father
describe christian beliefs about creation
-believe that god created all earth and al living things on earth
what does the genesis 1:1-3 state about the word and spirit
in the beginning, god created the heavems and the earth. now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of god
beliefs of John 1:1-3
gods love resulting in believers becoming children of god
christian beliefs about afterlife
-Christians strongly believe that death is not the end.
-god decides the fate of those who die
-there is a judgement day
different christian beliefs about the afterlife and their importance including judgement
whats worship
acts of religious praise, honour of devotion
liturgical worship
a church service that follows a set structure
non-liturgical worship
a service that doesn’t follow a set structure or liturgy
informal worship
a type of non-liturgical worship, sometimes charismatic or spontaneous worship
whats private worship
when a believer praises or honours God on their own
whys liturgical worship important to christians
-people recieve the living presence of jesus in holy communion
-all worldwide set order of service that is familar to all
-people recieve forgiveness from god through the action of the priest
why are non-liturgical and informal worship important
-christians can share personal interpretation of the bible
-take an active part in the service
-may have aa stronger emotional impact
whats prayer
communicating with god
-either silently or through words of praise, thanksgiving or confession
what are set prayers
prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person
(e.g lords prayer)
2reasons why the lords prayers important
-give christians a pattern for how to pray as it combines giving praise to god
-reminds christians that god is the father of the whole community
how do sacraments help christians
-many feel that they help strengthen their relationship with god by making him part of their life
-important for chirstian communities
3sacraments that catholic and orthodox christians accept
-holy communion
name a church that doesn’t use sacraments
whats baptism
the ritual through people become members of church and it involves the use of water as a symbol of washing away of sin
whats believers baptism
initlation into the church by immersion in water of people old enough to understamd the ceremony
whats infant baptism
the ritual through babies and young children and become members of the church
state why infant baptism is important
-removes original sin which is needed to go to heaven
-welcomes the baby into the church community
-shows parents will raise their child in the right way
why are people against infant baptism
-a babys too young to understand the meaning of baptism
-doesn’t allow baby to consent
-jesus was baptised as an adult
state a quote about baptism
the great commission
-therefire go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them them
whats holy communion
a sacrament that uses bread and wine to uleberate jesus sacrifice and resurrection
-its the last supper
bread and wine—– jesus body and blood
state another name for holy communion
-lords super
impact of the holy communion
-believe its gods grace
-brings community together -reminds christians there many people who are starving
quote about holy communion
-this is my body, which is for you, do this in rememberance of me
whats catholic mass
a type of holy communion
-includes the liturgy of the world and the euchorist
orthodox holy communion
called divine liturgy
-recreates heaven on earth
whats the difference of holy communion in the anglian church
-almosst identical to the catholic church
-but peace is share before offerings of bread than after the gods prayer
whats pilgrimage
-a journey by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons
why do christians go on pilgrimage
-grow closer to god and stengthen their faith
-express sorrow for sin and be forgiven
-seek a cure for illness
-experience a holy place
pilgrimage quote
2ways christians celebrate christmas
q for xmas
q easter
whats meant by church