What does ascension mean in Christianity?
on the 40th day Jesus was taken up to heaven.
what does atonement mean in Christianity?
reparation for an offence or injury.
what is the bible?
source of authority for Christians
What does Catholic mean in Christianity?
the tradition led by the pope.
what does Christ mean in Christianity?
the leader promised by God to the Jews. Christians believe Jesus to be Christ.
what is a church?
- The holy people (body of Christ) that among whom Christ is present and active.
2.A building in which Christians worship.
- members of a particular Christian denomination
what does creation mean to Christians?
that the world is God’s loving creation.
what is the crucifixion?
- roman method of execution by which criminals were fixed to a cross.
- the execution of death of Jesus on Good friday.
what is the Eucharist?
Body (bread) and Blood (wine) of Christ
what does grace mean?
unconditional love even when not deserved.
what is heaven?
the state after death of being with and enjoying eternity with God.
what does hell mean?
The place of eternal suffering or the state of being without God
what is the incarnation?
god in human form.
what does judgement mean in Christianity?
when God decides whether each person should receive eternal life or eternal punishment.
what does the ‘oneness of God’ mean?
the belief that god is one.
what is the story of ‘original sin’?
in the story of genesis , god created Adam and eve , they stayed in a garden called the garden of Eden. god told Adam and eve they could eat anything they wanted but not to go near the tree of knowledge and eat the forbidden fruit, later on they both ate the forbidden fruit and suffering started happening.
What does resurrection mean?
the act of being risen from the dead.
what does salvation mean?
the act of saving someone or being saved from sin or evil.
what does ‘sin’ mean?
behaviour which is against God’s law and wishes.
what is the ‘word’?
Jesus ‘the word became flesh’
what are Jesus’s miracles?
let the blind man see , turned water into wine ,walked on water
definition of agape
unconditional love
what is a parable?
Jesus told the story
What do Christians believe about God?
omnipotent , omni-benevolent , omniscient , just , immanent , transcendent
what does omnipotent mean?
all-powerful (Christians believe that god has immeasurable power)
What does omnibenevolent mean?
All loving (Christians believe that gods love is self giving,self sacrificial and unending)
What does omniscient mean?
all-knowing (Christians believe that god knows everything, past, present, future)
what does just mean?
fair (Christians believe that god judges us all equally,fairly without prejudice)
what does immanent mean?
the belief that god is in the world (Christians believe God is in the world to help and guide them and is active in their lives, this means if they call on him he will answer)
what does transcendent mean?
beyond space and time (Christians believe that they must not forget that God is beyond human understanding, therefore cannot try to understand why God works in the way he does.)
what is the reasons for suffering/evil.
devil/Satan - tempts people into doing evil things.
original sin - Adam and eve disobeyed god which allowed evil to enter the world.
free will - god has given human free will to do the right or wrong .
life is a test - the story of Job who remained faithful despite suffering.
what is the story of Job?
God was testing Job with faith. Satan wanted Job to turn against God but didn’t work. God took everything from Job (etc money,food,children) but he still prayed to God , proving his loyalty.
what is the creation story?
day 1 - god created the heavens and the earth,the light , the dark, day and night.
day 2 - god created the sky and the sea.
day 3 - god creates the land and creates all vegetation.
day 4 - god creates the sun and the moon to separate day and night
day 5 - god creates all the animals in the sky (birds) and all the animals in the sea
day 6 - god creates all animals on land and creates human in his own image as they are special
day 7 - god rested.
what is the literal interpretation of the creation story?
some Christians believe that the creation story is literally true. They believe that every word in it is the word of God who is always correct and truthful (whatever they read in the story must be correct) for these Christians the creation story is word for word true , they would believe that the world was developed by God to test their faith.
what is the non-literal interpretation of the creation story?
Other Christians believe that the Bible was inspired by God, which means that there could be inconsistencies in the stories because they were written by humans, who, whilst inspired, are not completely perfect. This means the Bible’s stories can be interpreted in many ways e.g ‘day’ in Genesis could actually mean an era
what do non-religious/atheist think about the creation story?
the world was not created by God , scientific explanations - the big bang theory , evolution
what is the trinity?
one god with three elements , the father , the son , the holy spirit
who is the ‘father’ in the trinity?
the creator of the world who sustains and rules everything
who is the ‘son’ in the trinity?
Jesus , the saviour of the world who came to earth to save us from skin and evil.
who is the ‘holy spirit’ in the trinity?
the invisible helper and guide, often depicted as a dove in Christian artwork.
quote for trinity
‘there is but no god , the father…one lord , Jesus Christ’
how can the trinity influence Christians?
- the trinity is mentioned throughout baptism (i baptise you in the name of father and of the son and of the holy spirit)
- most hymns mention the trinity
- Christians must try to show each other the same love that flows through the trinity.
what is evidence for the trinity?
nicene creed
Was the Holy Spirit present at Creation?
yes (genesis 1:1-3)
was the ‘word’ present at creation?
yes God the son or Jesus was active in the creation (John 1:1-3)
what do most christian believe about afterlife?
Christians believe that human beings receive eternal life as a gift from God and so a belief in the afterlife is for Christians dependant on a belief in God.
when does afterlife begin?
either begins upon death or at the day of judgement when Jesus “will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead”
what do some Christians believe about judgement?
god judges the fate of those who die, he will take into account the life of the person and the extent to which they have tried to get close to him e.g following the example of Jesus’s teaching
what do most Christian believe about judgement?
they believe that Jesus is the son of god and following him is important this can be seen in the parable of the sheep.
what do Christians believe about resurrection?
most Christians believe that resurrection is a reality.
when a person who has died is resurrected some believe that a persons soul is resurrected.
others believe sometime in the future when Jesus will return to judge.
what do some Christians believe about spiritual resurrection?
some Christians believe in a spiritual resurrection as referenced in St Paul in the bible , it is stated that there is a physical body but also a spiritual body which will be raised imperishable and immortal, this is the version of the person that will go to the after life.
what do other Christians believe about physical resurrection?
their physical body will be raised from the dead and go to heaven or hell (this belief is evidenced by Jesus’ own resurrection in which he was raised from the dead, with visible wounds from his death)
what do Christians believe about Heaven?
some Christians believe that only those who believe in Jesus will be with God in Heaven.
Other Christians think that heaven is reserved for Christians and perhaps followers of other faiths who have lived a good life.
All Christians believe that God will forgive sins and this will allow us in his presence
what do Christians believe about Hell?
believe it to be an existence without God. It is often depicated as a place of suffering which leads Christians into a debate as to whether non-Christians would end up here as it seems very unfair.
what do Christians (catholic) believe about purgatory?
it is a state of being that is not heaven but also not hell , it is a place that unforgiven souls go for a chance of forgiveness for their sins.
Why is the incarnation important to Christians?
Shows God’s love for humanity.
Shows how Christians should live.
the author of John 1 wrote: ‘but that He loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.Dear friends, since God so loved us , we ought to love one another’)
how does the crucifixion impact Christians today?
gives them confidence that if they accept Jesus’ sacrifice, sin can no longer destroy their lives because god forgives those who faithfully ask for forgiveness.
they believe that suffering is a part of life just as it was part of Jesus’ life and that , having also experienced god understands what the sufferer is going through.
Why is the resurrection important to Christians?
Jesus was put in a tomb late on Friday afternoon,how long he remained there is unclear because when some Jesus’ followers came to prepare his body for a proper burial the body disappeared , for the next few weeks Jesus appeared to several people telling each that he risen from the dead and he as has predicted to them when he was alive.
this is important to Christians because the resurrection is evidence of the divine nature of Jesus being God.
why is the ascension important to Christians?
Christians believe that he had the special powers of God to rise from the dead,it is equally possible that this same power means he was able to leave the earth physically and return to Heaven, Christians believe that this happened 40 days after Jesus had resurrected.
what do Christians believe about Original sin?
Christians believe that God gave humans free will in order to choose how they live. However this does not mean they can do whatever they want , they believe if people commit evil this separates them from God.
what are the two ways you can achieve salvation?
Salvation through good works - the Old testament makes it clear that a person achieves salvation by having faith in God and obeying God’s law.
Salvation through grace - salvation is given by God through faith in Jesus . It is not earned or deserved but is a gift for the faithful.
Salvation through holy spirit - gives grace to Christians and continues to guide them in daily lives , to help them achieve salvation.
what do Christians believe about the roles of Jesus in salvation?
Christians believe that Jesus’ death makes up for the original sin committed by Adam and Eve and so they can bring people back to God. the crucifixion was a result of human evil set against an innocent man. Jesus knew his death was necessary to restore the relationship between god and believers and make the opportunity for salvation available to all people. Christians believe that through Jesus’ death and resurrection, humans can receive forgiveness for sin , are able to get close to God and will receive eternal life . the fact that Jesus rose from the dead shows that god accepted Jesus sacrifice as atonement which means that Jesus restored the relationship between god and humanity.