Christian Quotes And Teachings Flashcards
“If they slap your cheek turn to the other”
Religion, peace and conflict
“God created the heavens and the earth”
The Existence of god and revelation
Religion and life
“Let there be light”
The Existence of god and revelation
Christian beliefs and teachings
Religion and life
Free will
The existence of god and revelation
Religion, peace and conflict
Religion and life
“In my fathers house there are many rooms”
The existence of god and revelation
Religion, peace and conflict
Relationships and families
“With god anything is possible”
The existence of god and revelation
Religion, crime and punishment
Religion and life
Relationships and families
“Love thy neighbour”
Relationships and families
Religion, peace and conflict
Religion, crime and punishment
Religion, human rights and social justice
Religion and life
“Honour your father and your mother”
Relationships and families
Religion and life
“Love one and another as you would love yourself”
Relationships and families
Religion and life
Religion, peace and conflict
Religion, crime and punishment
Religion, human rights and social justice
“Be fruitful and multiply”
Relationships and families
Religion and life
“Man was made in the image of god”
Relationships and families
Religion and life
The existence of god and revelation
Religion, crime and punishment
“Blessed are the peacemakers”
Religion, peace and conflict
Religion, human rights and social justice
Ten Commandments “though shalt not kill”
Religion, peace and conflict
Religion and life
Religion, crime and punishment
“Money is the root of all kinds of evil”
Religion, peace and conflict
Religion, crime and punishment
Religion and life
“The earth and everything on it belongs to the lord”
Religion and life
The existence of god and revelation
Religion, peace and conflict
“Your body is a temple”
Religion and life
Relationships and families
“Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky”