Christian Crime and Punishment Flashcards
percentage of global nations that do not use the death penal
methods of execution in America
lethal injection
firing squads
electric chair
gas chamber
when did the UK abolish the death penalty
reasons to keep death penalty abolished
- innocent people may be wrongly convicted
liberal christian bible verses against capital punishment
- thou shall not kill
- forgive those who trespass against us
- father forgive them for they not what they are doing
- turn the other cheek
- God giveth and God taketh
liberal christians opinion on capital punishement
- only God has the right to take away life
- goes against sanctity of life
- Jesus taught to be compassionate and forgiving
- Jesus forgave the woman accused of adultery and pleaded with God for his executioners to be forgiven
- favour reform over execution. many work as chaplains in prisons
Quakers opinions on capital punishment
- have campaigned against the death penalty since 1818
- all human life should be respected as we all are made in the image of God
- punishments should be used as reform
- some of the first prison reformers were Quakers
Quaker bible verse for capital punishments
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the
eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at
peace with everyone.”
Conservative Christians on capital punishment
- support the death penalty as the Old Testament says ‘’ an eye for an eye’’
- old testament specifies 36 capital offences
- argue that the
death penalty was
not only approved, but created by God. - Capital punishment upholds the
‘thou shalt not
kill’, by showing
the seriousness
of the crime of
conservative Christians bible verses on capital punishment
- ’’ an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’’
- “Whoever
sheds the blood
of man, by man
shall his blood be
- “Whoever
Roman Catholics on capital punishment
- Traditionally the Catholic Church has allowed
(but not encouraged) capital punishment- non-lethal means of punishment were
“more in keeping with the concrete conditions of the common good
and the dignity of the human person.” (Pope John Paul II) - Vatican issued a statement saying that execution was acceptable where the identity of the criminal was absolutely confirmed
and where execution was the only means to protect society from the
- non-lethal means of punishment were
humanist attitudes to the death penalty
- against because they believe premeditated killing is wrong even when carried out by the state
- raises
the possibility of error and
an irreversible failure of
justice by issuing a sentence that cannot be reversed - believe that
treating criminals
fairly also helps to ensure
that innocent
suspects are treated fairly
- raises
secular arguments for the death penalty
- needs to be an ultimate punishment to act as a deterrent
Keeping a person in jail makes less sense economically as it cost thousands to keep them in jail for a year
Secular Argument against death penalty
Little evidence that the death penalty works as a deterrent
Innocent people can be killed
Amnesty international on the death penalty
Oppose the death penalty without exception
It discriminated against members of racial, ethnic or. religious communities
Used as a political tool
Deliberate immoral actions; breaking a religious or moral law
Any offence that is punishable by law
Bible verse about punishment and justice
” Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never- failing stream “- Amos 5:24
“Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing “
Causes of crime
Lack of education
Peer pressure
Poor mental health
Poor parenting
AIMS of punishment
Christian attitudes to punishment and justice
Do not agree with retribution as a purpose of punishment
Believe in justice and that forgiveness and punishment should go hand in hand
Emulate Jesus by forgiving just as he forgave Judas and his crucifiers
believe in reformation
what is justice?
Fairness, fair trial and punishment that fits the crime
Restorative justice
A system of justice that enables criminals to make amends for their behaviour by meeting with their victim and apologising
Christian ideas on the origins of evil
It is the abuse of free will that God gave to humans, allowing us to chose right from wrong
Evil exists to appreciate the good
The devil tempts Christians to behave badly
Combination of internal factors and internal factors
Corporal punishment
Physical punishment, causing pain
Bible verses on forgiveness
” Forgive those who trespass against us “- Matthew 6:12
Parable of 70 x 7
“He who has not sinned cast the first stone “
“ If you do not forgive others your father will not forgive your sins “
“ forgive and you will be forgiven “ - Luke 6:37
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy - Jesus beatitudes - his sermon on the mount
Christian teachings about forgiveness
Jc forgives adulterous woman
Visited zacchaeus the tax collector enabling him to make amends and reform
Parable of the prodigal son
Believe they should forgive a limitless number of times because they will be forgiven by God
Christians attitudes to forgiveness
Religion of forgiveness, love and compassion
Examples of Christians who forgives
Gee Walker - mother of Anthony walker who was murdered during a racially motivated attack in Liverpool in 2005
Martin Luther king jr
Good, evil & suffering verses
” Do everything in love “ - 1 Corinthians 16:14
What is morally right, beneficial and to our advantage
That which is considered extremely wrong, immoral and wicked
Free will
The ability to make choices voluntarily and independently. The belief that nothing is pre-determined
Christian attitudes to evil: St irenaeus
Believed that humans were not created perfect but that they require growth to become spiritually perfect and moral. God allows evil to exist to enable spiritual growth
God does not intervene in humans lives to prevent evil as that would interfere with free will
Christian attitudes to evil: John hick
Without evil we would not develop spiritually
We cannot rationalise suffering as we aren’t meant to be able to understand God’s plan or reasons
Roman Catholic attitude to evil
Og sin is the cause jeni
Christian views about suffering
Can be seen as a test
Punishment for sin and is a result of original sin
Part of God’s plan
God will never allow us to suffer beyond our ability to cope
Enables us to appreciate what is good in the world and brings us closer to Jesus