Christian Beliefs Flashcards
What is a denomination?
-A branch of Christianity
-All have a common heritage of belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ and acceptance of him as the Son of God.
What is God like?
God is one
Thought to exist without restrictions of gender.
No physical human body - john 4:24 - god is spirit
“We believe in one God “ - The Nicene Creed
God as Just
God is believed to be the perfect giver of justice
- being a perfect judge
- deciding on right and wrong
- never support injustice, ill treatment, oppression or prejudice
Examples of God’s omnipotence
Creation of the universe itself
Wonders of the universe
Miracles performed by Jesus
Self-giving, self-sacrificial love
How God’s all loving nature is shown in the bible?
Parable of the Prodigal Son - Luke
One son claims his inheritance and wastes it all - he is welcomed home and forgiven
All powerful
Moral evil
Human actions causes suffering or harm, for example, murder, stealing and lying
Natural evil
Natural events cause suffering: human beings have little or no control over the event such as earthquakes and diseases
The inconsistent triad - J.Mackie
God is omnipotent and omnibenevolent evil doesn’t exist
God is omnipotent but not omibenevolent; thus, evil exists by God’s will
God is omnibenevolent, but not omnipotent;
thus, evil exists, but it is not within God’s power to stop it (at least not instantaneousl
Problem of evil - God cannot exist
Inconsistent Triad
Suffering of some people is not justifiable
Natural disasters and disease cannot be by a good god
Problem of evil - God can still exist
Afterlife defence - the evil in this world is balanced by a greater good in the afterlife
Free will defence - the evil in this world is a consequence of a greater good = human free will
Soul-making defence - the evil in this world leads to a greater good = humans fulfilling their potential
God’s punishment = natural evil is a result of huma actio
Augustinian Theodicy
God created a world perfectly good and free from defect, evil and suffering
Evil is the privation of good
Evil came from human sin = the original sin
NATURAL EVIL came about through the loss of order in nature, due to human sin. It is a form/consequence of moral evil.
Moral evil came from the knowledge of good and evil which humanity had discovered through their disobedience.
Explanation of why a perfectly good, almighty and all-knowing God permits evil
Irenaean Theodicy
God created humans imperfectly in order that they could develop into perfection over time. Perfection has to be developed by humans themselves, through willing co-operation
Evil enables us to know what Good is
Vale of the soul making
A world without pain would not make us better people or develop our souls. We have to learn the struggles in life and how to become better within that
God wants us to have a genuine relationship which we can only have chosen freely
The story of Job
God gives us evil so we can stay with him through suffering and get us to heaven
Trinity - bible verse
Matthew 3:16-17 he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove. And a voice from heaven said “this is my Son, whom I love”
What does the Nicene Creed say about God the Father?
Maker of heaven and earth
What does the Nicene Creed say about God the Son?
Eternally begotten of the father
True God from true God
Begotten, not made
He came down from heaven
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end
What does the Nicene Creed say about God the Holy Spirit?
Giver of life
Spoken through prophets
Characteristics of God the Father
Characteristics of God the Son
Miracle worker
Characteristics of God the Holy Spirit
Power source
How might belief in the Trinity influence Christians?
In baptism ceremonies, “I baptise you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
“We believe and trust in One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Influences them to be comforted by the knowledge that God is with is them in fellowship of the Holy Spirit
Influences Christians to believe that as Jesus was fully human they can emulate his actions on Earth and that God understands all of our problems and he incarnated
Imago dei
Human beings were created in the likeness and image of God.
Same mental, moral and social qualities of God
Humans are the only part of creation to have been made in the image of God. Humans have a higher status
What does “imago dei” mean for Christians?
Humans share God’s character and nature
- humans are representatives of God in Earth
Allows humans to be in communion with God
- gives responsibility over his creation
- given dominion over the world and stewards of the land
Literal creationist / fundamentalist
The world is created EXACTLY as it says in the Bible a it is the Word of God it is infallible
They do not believe in the Big Bang or Evolution
They say the Earth appears to look much older due to a great flood that God sent to Earth
Liberal creationism / compatibilist
Both the Bible and science are true
The order Genesis says God created the world is similar to how scientists teach us evolution took place
INSPIRED Word of God, not dictated story
Accept majority of geological and cosmological theories but believe that God is responsible for creatio
God did not tell the Bible to mankind
Inspired by the world around them and a sense of God.
Some believe the story is a symbol
it is fine to follow the Bible as well as believing that the Big Bang and Evolution were caused by God.
Dual nature
Christians believe Jesus is :
Fully divine
Fully human
The incarnation
Believe the Incarnation means that God became human by he power of the Holy Spirit
Wholly God and wholly man
Catechism of the Catholic Church - ‘ Jesus is inseparably true God and true man. He is truly the Son of God without ceasing to be God the Lord’
5 Key events told about the Life of Jesus
- His birth
- His baptism
- His crucifixion
- His resurrection
- His ascension
Why did Jesus have to die - romans ruled Palestine
Romans allowed Jewish religious leaders to have limited control
Jesus came in conflict with them and his growing popularity was a threat to their authority
Pontius Pilate was already being watched closely by his superiors so he had to crucify Jesus
Why did Jesus have to die - fulfilment of God’s commands for him
Without Jesus’ death, humans could not be reunited with God and could not enter heaven
Humans had separated from God’s ways and death would atone for that separation
A gift given freely by God and paid for by Jesus’ death on the cross
Why is the Incarnation important for Christians ?
As a human, they believe that everything that they experience Jesus has been through it too;it makes God more approachable
People who believe in him will be able to do the same - die and come back and be with God in heaven forever
By being crucified God forgave all humans for their sin and so the relationship with God could be re-established
How might belief in heaven influence a Christian ?
It encourages Christians to serve God and obey HIm. It may also be comfort in times of suffering . Christians believe that after death is where they will spend eternity
Original sin - what was the impact on humans?
Separation from God, due to inherent sin from the fall, meant we were separated from God and in danger of eternal punishment
It also meant we would continue to sin and hurt others
This sinfulness means humans could not put this right, because of their sinful natures
How might Jesus fit into the Original sin Story?
Only God could put this right and overcome the barrier of sin that exists between God and humanity
God incarnated as a human in the form of Jesus Christ
Jesus was perfect but God placed all the sins of the worl on him at his crucifixion Romans teaches that his sacrifice paid for their sins, so log they have faith in him
Means the soul being saved from death and sin, allowing it to reach heaven
For this to happen, Christians believe they must have faith in Jesus
Acts - “salvation is found in no one else “
Salvation through law
A relationship with God has to be earned
Achieved by accepting law and following all the religious laws laid down in scripture
Salvation through Grace
Grace is unconditional love that God shows to everyone, even when it seems undeserved
This love of God was shown in His offer of salvation as a free gift to all who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus’ actions made forgiveness for the sis of the world and reconciliation possible
They continue to receive God’s grace through the presence in their harts of the Holly Spirit
The significance of the resurrection
Shows the power of good over evil and life over death
Means Christians ‘ sis will be forgiven if they follow God’s laws
Means Christians will be resurrected if they accept Jesus, so there is no need to fear death
The significance of the ascension
Shows Jesus is with God in heaven paves the way for God to sed the Holy spit it to provide comfort and guidance
Different Christian views about resurrection
Some Christians believe a person’s soul is resurrected soon after death
Other Christians believe the dead will be resurrected at some time in the future, when Jesus will return to judge everyone who has ever lived
Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe in bodily resurrection. This means resurrection is both spiritual and physical : the physical body lost a death is restored and transformed into a new spiritual body
Some other Christians believe Resurrection will just be spiritual, not physical as well
Impact of the belief in resurrection
Inspires Christians to live life in the way God wants them to, si they ca remain in his presence in this life and the next
Means life after death is real
Gives hop of a future life with Jesus
Shows Christians how much God loves them
Gives confidence in the face of death
Arguments for the belief in bodily resurrection
Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to is disciples
The Gospels insist he was not a ghost, as he ate with them and showed his wounds to them
Yet he could disappear and appear suddenly so it seems that his body was transformed
Paul says “the body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable ‘ suggesting the natural body is raised as a spiritual body but a body nevertheless
catholic and orthodox Christians believe people’s bodies are transformed into a glorified state in which suffering will not exist
Arguments against bodily ressurection
Science has shown the body decays after death, so there cannot be a physical resurrection
Some people are cremated so their bodies no longer exist
Stories of the resurrection appearances may have been exaggerated
The disciples may have felt Jesus’ presence spiritually rather than seeing him physically
Christians believe i the soul and it is the soul that rises again, not the body
Salvation key quotes
The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the word - John 1:29
Christ died for our sins - St Paul, Corinthians
Omnibenevolence key quotes
God is love - 1 John
John 3:16
love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (matthew 5:43)
God is just key quote
God is fair and just - Psalm
let justice roll like a river (Amos 5:24)
in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you (matthew 7:12)
How does God demonstrate his omnipotence ?
*Created the universe
*Miracles performed by Jesus
* Luke 1:37 - nothing will be impossible with God
How does God demonstrate his just quality ?
*Perfect giver of justice
*Never support injustice, ill-treatment, prejudice or oppression *Gave Moses the Decalogue outlining his laws for people *Parable of Sheep and Goats, Jesus taught that God would judge all people according to how they treated others
How does God demonstrate his omnibenevolence?
*Created humans in his image (Genesis 1:27) highlighting his love for his creation
*Gave his only Son highlight that God was willing for Jesus to be crucified to save humanity
*Sermon on the Mount - Jesus said “Love your neighbour and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
How does God demonstrate his immanence ?
present in all of creation, while remaining distinct from it
*control and authority over his creation
*outside humanity’s full experience, perception or grasp
*Isaiah 55:9 - my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts
Why is omnipotence important to believers ?
- will show determination and resilience when faced with a problem
- God has a plan for everyone. Christians should trust it and be guided by God
Why is God’s just quality important to believers ?
- work for justice in society to demonstrate God’s qualities of being just and compassionate
- think about consequences of their actions as they will want to be rewarded by God on the Day of Judgement
Why is omnibenevolence important to believers ?
- will try to love each other in their daily lives
- will ‘love their enemies’ to demonstrate agape
Why is immanence important to believers ?
- gives awareness of and compassion for our suffering and sin
- God is present and this provides comfort
why is transcendence important to believers
- Gives him power to heal, rescue and redeem
- Beyond limits of all we understand, perform miracles to change fortunes of those who are struggling
How Christians respond to the idea of Evil and suffering
*God created them with free will, people can choose whether to do Good or evil
*Life is a test. The way they react to suffering and evil determine whether they go to heaven or hell in the afterlife. E.g. Book of Job
* God has reasons for letting evil and suffering happen but humans will never be able to understand that God has a plan. Isaiah - “my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”
How Christians physically respond to evil and suffering
- Follow the teachings and actions of Jesus
- Prayer and intercession
- Service - many help in hospitals and hospices
omnipotence key quotes
Luke 1:37 - nothing will be impossible with God
Revelation 19:6 - The Lord God omnipotent reigneth
Genesis 18:14 - “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
response to problem of suffering
—> God has a plan for everyone and his reasons may not be cleat but God has his own reasons
—> Jesus suffered the worst pain of being crucified, so suffering is not something to be avoided
—> suffering is a way to help Christians to become better people, either by helping those who are suffering, or by being rewarded for their suffering
—> prayer is considered to be a way of helping people who are suffering and a way of helping the person praying to endure their suffering
life after death - key quotes
John 3:16 - “have eternal life”
John 11:26 - He who believes in me will live, even though he dies
Life after Death - ressurection
Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected after His death on the cross and that He ascended to Heaven to be with God. They also believe Jesus bought them new life after death through his sacrifice
JOhn 11:25 - I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies
Life after Death - Judgement Day
Christians believe that everyone will face judgement from God on Judgement Day
2 Corinthians 5:10 - “For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ”
God will judge everybody by what they have done in their lives. Those who have accepted the sacrifice of JC will be redeemed but those who have not accepted will be damned
“anyone not written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” Revelations 20:15
Heaven Key Quotes
“In my Father’s house are many rooms” John 14:2
“Listen in Heaven, your dwelling place” 1 Kings 8:30
“Our citizenship is in Heaven” Philippians 3:20
name given to the reconciliation between God and humanity through Jesus Christ. Through suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, the sins or wrongdoings of humans can be pardoned.
What do Christians believe about God?
“We believe in one God” - Nicene Creed
God is the creator & sustainer of all that exists
God is spirit - John 4:24
Why is Jesus’ crucifixion important ?
—> Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross gives hope to Christians that their sins will be forgiven if they sincerely repent
—> Christians believe that God understands human suffering bc Jesus, who is God, experienced
—> Christians accept that suffering is part of life, just as it was part of Jesus’ life
—> believe after death, God will judge them on their BEHAVIOUR & ACTIONS during their lifetime as well as their FAITH IN JESUS as God’s son
Parable of Sheep and Goats teaches that Christians that in serving others, they are serving Jesus
immanence key quotes
one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all (ephesians 4:6)
How does God demonstrate his transcendence?
Control and authority over his creation
Outside of humanity’s full experience, perception or grasp
transcendence key quotes
as heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts (isaiah 55:9)
why is omnipotence important to believers ?
determination and resilience when faced with a problem
God has a plan for everyone. christians should trust in and be guided by God
why is God’s just quality important to believers?
work for justice in society to demonstrate God’s qualities of being just and compassionate
think about consequences of their actions as they want to be rewarded by God on Day of Judgement
why is omnibenevolence important to christians?
christians will love each other in their daily lives by following the Golden Rule
will “love their enemies” to demonstrate agape
why is immanence important to believers ?
God has awareness of and compassion for our suffering and sin
present which provides comfort
why is transcendence important to christians ?
God has power to heal and rescue and redeem
beyond limits of all we understand, can perform miracles to change fortunes of those struggling.
How do Christian’s physically respond to evil
Prayer and intercession