Christian Beliefs Flashcards
What are the three main branches of Christianity?
Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant
What is Catholicism?
A branch of Christianity, based in Rome and led by the Pope
What is Orthodox?
A branch of Christianity mainly, but not entirely, practised in Eastern Europe
What is Protestant?
A branch of Christianity, originally Protestants were called by that name because they protested against some of the practices of the Catholic Church; there are many Protestant denominations, but they agree on the central belief that the Bible is the only authority for Christians
What is a Denomination?
A distinct group within the Christian faith, with its own organisation and traditions
What does Monotheistic mean?
A religion that believes there is only one God
What do Christians believe about God?
God is the creator and sustainer of all that exists, God works throughout history and inspires people to do God’s will, People can have a relationship with God through prayer, God is spirit (John 4:25) - neither male nor female - but has qualities of both, God is holy (set apart for special purpose and worthy of worship), Jesus is God’s son - the true representation of God on earth (Hebrews 1:3)
What does the Nicene Creed say about the belief in one God?
In The Nicene Creed it states that ‘We believe in only one God’
What are the three things that God is?
Omnipotent, Benevolent, Just
What does omnipotence mean?
Almighty, having unlimited power; a quality of God
What does benevolence mean?
All-loving, All-good; a quality of God
How did and does God show his benevolence?
God uses his power to do good, God shows his love by creating humans and caring for them, God showed his love by sending God’s Son, Jesus, to earth
What does justice mean?
Bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law, or making up for a wrong that has been committed
How does justice relate to God?
God is a just judge of humankind, God will never support injustice, ill-treatment, prejudice or oppression
Why is the problem of evil and suffering an argument against the existence of God?
If God is benevolent then why does he allow people to suffer and hurt others, If God is omnipotent then why does he not prevent evil and suffering for example natural disasters, if God is just then why does he allow injustice to take place
Give two ways in which Christians believe God shows his benevolence.
God gave his own son, Jesus, to save humanity, God always forgives
What are two arguments why evil and suffering doesn’t disprove the existence of God?
Without evil there is no good and without suffering there is no happiness, God gave humans free will and it is our right to exercise that
What is the Trinity?
The belief that there are three Persons in the One God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
What is God the Father?
The creator of all life, acts as a good father towards his children, omnipotent, benevolent, omniscient, omnipresent
What is God the Son?
Incarnate through Jesus who was both fully human while on earth and fully God at all times, Jesus is called the Son of God to show his special relationship to God the Father
What is God the Holy Spirit?
The unseen power of God at work in the world, influences, guides and sustains life on earth
What does the Nicene Creed say about the Trinity?
We believe in one God and includes references to the Father Almighty, the Son, the Holy Spirit
Explain two Christian beliefs about the Trinity.
The Christian belief that there are three persons in the one God as stated in the Nicene Creed which mentions ‘the Father Almighty, the Son and the Holy Spirit’, Another Christian belief is that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all separate things but are all God
12 mark essay plan for ‘The Trinity is a helpful way of describing God.’
For: explains the different components of God, shows the oneness of God; Against: contradictory - how can there be three things that are God and not each other, can make non-Christians believe that Christians believe in multiple Gods
Why do Christians believe that the Holy Spirit was active in the creation?
Genesis 1:1-3, Spirit of God was hovering over the water
What is the creation story first line?
Genesis 1: 1-3, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth
Explain two contrasting Christian beliefs about the creation.
Many Christians believe that the creation story in Genesis, while not scientifically accurate, contains religious truth explaining that the process of creation was God’s choice and that God designed it to happen, Some Christians believe that God literally made the world in 6 days
Which element of the Trinity is the creator?
God the Father, Holy Spirit was also present
What is the story of creation in John’s Gospel?
John 1:1-3, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
What was everything created through in John’s Gospel?
Everything was created through the Word, who was both with God and was God
What does the Word refer to?
The Son of God who entered history as Jesus
What do Christians believe was involved in the creation?
The Son of God and the Word of God
Explain two ways in which belief in creation by God influences Christians today.
God planned and made everything good so they believe that everything in the world is part of God’s plan, He created humans as a steward for the creation so we have a duty to protect it
‘The Bible is the best source of information about the creation.’ How far do you agree with this statement?
For: if God is omnipotent then he can create the heavens and the earth, the design argument which backs up the bible as God created everything perfectly to work; Against: Big Bang theory, evolution
How is the birth of Jesus said to come about?
‘His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit’ Matthew 1:18
What did an angel say to Mary and Joseph about the nature of the conception?
On separate occasions an angel appeared to Mary and Joseph explaining that it was not an ordinary conception and it was not to be an ordinary child
Which Gospels explain that Jesus conceived without sex?
Matthew and Luke
What is the virgin conception evidence for?
Evidence for the Christian belief that Jesus was the Son of God, part of the Trinity
Was Jesus God or human?
Both fully God and fully human, which helps explain his miracles and resurrection
Why does this make his words have authority?
Because they are the words of God
What did most Jews expect about Jesus?
They expected a Messiah who would come to save Israel and establish an age of peace, but do not believe Jesus was that person