Christian Beliefs Flashcards
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile…
neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female” -Bible
“You shall not commit ad…
“Two will become…
one flesh”Bible
“anyone who divorced his wife…
except for sexual immorality, and married another woman commits adultery” Bible
“to have and to…
hold from this day forward” Marriage Vows
“for better for
worse” Marriage vows
“till death do…
us part” marriage vows
“God’s image is…
the married couple, a man and a woman together” Pope
“In the image of God
he created them , male and female he created them” Genesis
“Before i formed you…
in the womb i knew you”OT
“All abortions
are tragedies” Church of England
“If anyone slaps you on the right cheek…
turn to them the other also” Bible
“anyone who commits murder
shall be put to death” OT
“an eye for
an eye, a tooth for a tooth” Bible
“Whoever sheds the blood of a man
by man his blood be shed” OT
“You must try to seek God in
every human life” Pope
“In as much as you did it for the least
of one of these my brethren, you did it to me” Bible
“So God created mankind in
his own image” Genesis
“I cannot mock a religion
that respects human life and the human person” Pope