Chpt.18, Leases Flashcards
A landlords right to possession of the premises after the expiration of the lease term
Reversion right
A leasehold estate that has a specific beginning and a definite end
Tenancy for years
The estate created when a landlord and tenant enter a lease agreement that automatically renews
Periodic tenancy
A leasehold estate with an indefinite term that may be terminated by the death of either the landlord or tenant
Tenancy at will
A leasehold estate created when a tenant who was in lawful possession of real property continues in possession of leased premises following a tenants breach
Tenancy in sufferance
The transfer of some of a tenants interest but no tenants obligations
The lessee’s privilege of renewing a lease
The legal process by which a landlord regains possession of leased premises following a tenants breach
Actual eviction
The action by which a tenant may properly abandon premises that have become unusable due to the landlords conscious neglect
Constructive eviction
A type of leasehold estate that gives the right of possession with the landlords consent go an unspecified term is called a
Estate at Will
Given for the right to occupy leased premises, usually rent but labor could also serve this function
Recording a lease is usually unnecessary because anyone who inspects the property receives –
Actual Notice
If the lease allows the tenant the opportunity to buy the property before the owner accepts an offer from another party, the tenant has–
The right of first refusal
If the tenant pays basic rent plus all or most property charges the tenant has a — lease
In a lease agreement the tenant is the
A leasehold estate that continues for a definite period of time
Estate at years
A mortgage clause that states the lender agrees not to terminate the tenancies of rent paying tenants in the event the lender forecloses on the building
Non-disturbance clause
The arrangement when an owner of property sells the property and then obtains a lease from the new owner
Sale and leaseback
A model law that addresses obligations in leases such as the landlords right of entry, premises maintenance and protection of the tenants from retaliation by the landlord in the event of a complaint
Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
A contract between a real estate owner and a tenant