Chpt. 9 Flashcards
ἀδελφή, ἡ
sister (26)
truly, really (18)
Ἀντιόχεια, ἡ
Antioch (18)
ἀποκάλυψις, -εως, ἡ
revelation (18)
ἀπώλεια, ἡ
destruction, ruin (18)
ἀριθµός, ὁ
number, total (18)
Ἀσία, ἡ
Asia (18)
βλασφηµία, ἡ
blasphemy, slander (18)
δεσµός, ὁ
bond, chain, prison (18)
δῶρον, τό
gift, present, offering (19)
Jesus knocks on the door in your heart to offer the gift of eternal life.
I go in, enter (18)
Smeagol goes in the cave, strokes his ring, and whisper, “You are my precioussss!”
I lift up (19)
A pyro lifts up a pyre to burn a bonfire.
above, over (19)
A pawn? Oh no! You should not keep a pawn over a rook.
I throw over, lay on, put on (18)
I lay on a pin ball machine to get the ball to go into the jackpot.
I give thanks, am thankful (38)
I give thanks for the Eucharist, remembering what Jesus did for me.
θυµός, ὁ
passion, anger, rage (18)
I threw my thermos down in rage and all the coffee dumped out; more anger.
I proclaim, make known (18)
“Cat!” Angela proclaims her love for her pet over her fiancé.
I condemn, pass judgment on (18)
The big cat attacks a Rhino and is condemned in a kangaroo court.
empty, vain (18)
Ken knows nothing. His brain is empty.
I weep, cry (40)
[blubbering kid] “I not clying [cry].”
I inherit, obtain (18)
I put my daughter Claire on my will as sole beneficiary to inherit all my wealth since my sons are a disappointment.
I (fall) asleep, die (18)
“Your father and I are going to have coi—” “Ma! Ew. At least tell me you are going to sleep.”
better (19)
A salad with crouton is better than without.
κριτής, ὁ
judge (19)
Don’t judge me with your criticism.
κτίσις, -εως, ἡ
creation, creature (19)
Tisk, tisk, you are a creature worshiping the creation rather than the Creator.
κώµη, ἡ
village, small town (27)
Come to our village! We have the best water in the world!
Λάζαρος, ὁ
Lazarus (15)
Lazarus is a transliteration of this word.
µαρτύριον, τό
testimony, witness, proof (19)
The martyr on the stake bore testimony of the goodness of God despite the flames consuming his flesh.
I am anxious, worry (19)
“Merry Christmas!” “Merry?! Mmm nah… Oh I am anxious because I spend more than I can afford on gifts.”
µνηµεῖον, τό
grave, tomb (40)
Many men go to the grave, only one rose on the third day.
not yet (26) Did you pay your taxes? Oooo poo! Not yet.
old, former (19)
When Siddhartha Gautama was old enough to leave the palace, he realized his former faith in Hinduism failed his people.
always (41)
“You should always wear pants out, yeah?” “Yes, here in the UK “pants” means “underwear.”
παράπτωµα, -ατος, τό
transgression, trespass, sin (19)
Because of Pharoah’s sin, the sixth plague brought polyp tumors [boils].
I place before (19)
During the apartheid in South Africa, leaders placed white minority Africans before black Africans.
when? (19)
Mom, I need to go potty! When? Right now!
προφητεία, ἡ
prophecy (19)
The prophet tell ya a prophecy.
I come/travel together, go with (30)
“Should I wear this dress or this blouse?” “Whichever makes you ready sooner. Come, I want to travel together but we need to leave now.”
I stir up, disturb, trouble (17)
Ta rascal always stirs up the pot and troubles his parents.
I love, like, kiss (25)
I love filet o fish so much I could kiss it!