Chpt. 12 Flashcards
I endure, bear with (15)
The ancient Celts and some modern African and Asian cultures bear with a neck “O” and endure neck stretching to achieve a standard of beauty.
ἀνοµία, ἡ
lawlessness (15)
The guard said to the murderer, “Your own lawlessness landed you here, don’t blame me.” “Ah no me uh! I didn’t do it.”
I lead away, bring before (15)
I lead away the enemy army on a pogo stick. [από + ἀγω]
I blaspheme, defame, slander (34)
Blaspheme is a transliteration of this word.
known, notable (15)
Everyone knows those silent “k”’s are known Greek holdovers into English.
naked, poorly dressed (15)
The gym “No’s” include coming to class naked or poorly dressed.
In ancient Greek culture, the gymnasium was attended naked.
∆αµασκός, ἡ
Damascus (15)
Damascus is a transliteration of this word.
I skin, beat (15)
I dare you to beat me in a game of Halo 2.
διδασκαλία, ἡ
teaching, instruction (21)
“Your teaching is boring!” “Did I ask ya, Leah?”
then, furthermore (15)
The mouse ate a cookie, then he asked for milk.
I command (15) I command the army to charge! An’ tell em I sent you.
I announce, proclaim, promise (15)
“Look up!” “Angel, Oh my!” “I announce your Savior’s birth and promise salvation!”
εὐχαριστία, ἡ
thankfulness, thanksgiving (15)
Though often associated with personal contrition, the Eucharist is best received with united thanksgiving.
I seize, attain, overtake (15)
I seize the city by cata[pult] lamb on yo heads!
Καφαρναούµ, ἡ
Capernaum (16)
Capernaum is a transliteration of this word.
I shut, close, lock (16)
Please cleyose [close] the door and lock it!
κλέπτης, ὁ
thief (16)
The wealthy woman was a kleptomaniac, a rotten thief who could afford what she stole.
κληρονόµος, ὁ
heir (15)
My only heir is Claire on Ma’s side.
I create, make (15)
I cuttedz yo card into tiny pieces, say the magic word “Ktidzo!” and voila, I create your card from pieces!
λῃστής, ὁ
robber, bandit, revolutionary (15)
The laziest person is a robber.
λύπη, ἡ
grief, sorrow, pain (16)
Grief will make you loopy with sorrow.
I commit adultery (15)
“Mike you owe me an explanation. Why did you disappear?” “I commit adultery.”
I think, suppose (15)
I think the life of a nomad is so difficult.
I dry (up), wither (15) The rhino has dry skin.
from where (15) From where do you hail? Hoth in the Hoth solar system.
οἰκουµένη, ἡ
world, inhabited earth, humankind (15)
A cue [ball] is like a mini world.
I compare, make like (15)
“Home boy you make yourself like God.” “I AM.” They picked up stones.
never (16)
“Son, use da potty!” “Never!!!”
greater, more (16)
In Paris a terrace is more than in Louisville.
filled, full, complete (16)
Play your ace and that makes a full house, Aces over Kings!
I wait for, look for, expect (16)
We expect the judge to prosecute the criminal. Now, we wait for the verdict.
yourself (43)
When you become an adult you set out yourself.
σκοτία, ἡ
darkness (16)
On average, Nova Scotia experiences more darkness than Alberta.
συκῆ, ἡ
fig tree (16) Jesus cursed the sucky fig tree.
I arrest, catch, become pregnant (16)
The sole lambo in town belongs to a drug lord. I catch him and arrest him before the city becomes pregnant with drugs and crime.
I recommend, commend (16)
I recommend you “Come and see” and “Stay with me.”
σφραγίς, -ῖδος, ἡ
seal, mark, inscription (16)
Sphragistics is the science of seals.
Yes! Frog is for dinner. I am tired of eating seal.
I dare, am courageous (16)
I dare you to tell ma yo failed your classes this semester.
I feed, satisfy (16)
I feed my sourdough starter a quart of dough, that will satisfy it.
likewise, similarly (17)
Ho’s Autos is similarly priced to Lyre’s Tires.