Chpt. 10 Flashcards
I resist, oppose (14)
I take antihistamines to help me resist sinus reaction to allergens.
I reveal, uncover (26)
The book of Revelation reveals the apocalypse to the attentive reader.
I please (17) If you do not please the tyrant, ya risk yo life.
βρῶµα, -ατος, τό
food (17)
If you ma bro, bro ma some food.
I am awake alert, watchful (22)
I set my alarm to a Gregorian chant, I am awake every morning without snooze.
διάβολος, ὁ
devil, accuser, slanderous (adj) (37)
The devil is diabolical.
I amaze, confuse (17)
“Big foots exist, Amy!” I amaze, and confuse, my friends with my conspiracies.
tomorrow (17)
My dad let out a power yawn which means he will nap until tomorrow.
ready, prepared (17)
“Hey Thomas, are you ready to see Jesus?” “I doubt he’s risen.”
θησαυρός, ὁ
treasure, storehouse (17)
My thesaurus is full of vocabulary treasure.
ἵππος, ὁ
horse (17)
Hippos are like a river (Gk. potamos) horse.
Καισάρεια, ἡ
Caesarea (17)
Caesarea is a transliteration of this word.
and if, even if, if only (17)
If only I can fly, I can touch the sky!
I thrown down, destroy, abolish (17)
You destroyed my cattle! You owe me $50,000 or we are about to throw down at this hoedown!
I hold back, restrain, hold fast, possess (17)
κόπος, ὁ
work, labor (18)
To be a cop is hard work in today’s climate, and what’s worse is they can’t form labor unions.
hidden, secret (17)
Crypto currency is a hidden secret to financial success (or ruin).
I hide, conceal, cover (18)
I hide the fact I have crypto because it is so valuable and covered by the FDIC if it is stolen.
[interrogative particle expecting an negative answer] (18)
You got a particle in your eye, matey? No! But you got a log in yours!
I wash (17) I never watched nip/tuck because I didn’t want to have to wash out my eyes and brain.
οἰκοδοµή, ἡ
edification, building (18)
Did you hear Greece bought the Cleveland Browns and are building a new stadium called the Okay Dome?
little, few (40)
Little Ollie goes to school a few days a week in Brisbane riding a dingo.
likewise, similarly (30)
Was Jesus godly similarly to the Father? Homey was God of God, same as the Father, don’t be an Arian.
no (17)
Marry me? Ew, no.
πάθηµα, -ατος, τό
suffering (16)
For Buddhists, to be free from suffering, the eightfold path is a must.
at once, immediately (18)
Do you drink your coffee black? No, I ask para crema immediately!
I suffer (42) Jesus suffered as the paschal lamb.
I circumcise (17) Take the knife and pare it – em no! Isaac, this is the covenant sign. I must circumcise you.
πλήρωµα, -ατος, τό
fullness, fulfillment (17)
To play rummy you want a fullness of sets and runs.
ποιµήν, ένος, ὁ
shepherd (18)
The shepherds of Jesus’ day were po’ men.
πόλεµος, ὁ
war, battle, fight (18)
Polemics are verbal battles.
often, frequently, many times (18)
Paula kiss up to contestants on American Idol many times, but Simon tells ‘em straight.
πυλών, -ῶνος, ὁ
gate, entrance (18)
The pylons mark the entrance of the gate.
στέφανος, ὁ
crown, wreath, reward (18)
Stephen was rewarded with the martyr’s crown.
I bear, give birth to, bring forth (18)
Koalas give birth to joeys the size of a tic tac.
τύπος, ὁ
type, example, pattern (15)
Type is derived from this word.
I subject (38) Jesus subjected himself to take on humanity, fully God, fully man, hypostatic union.
I exalt, lift up (20)
I exalt your dad, he hoops! Uh oh, until I lift up the goal higher than 8’.
manifest, visible, clear (18)
Funner is not a word! Is that clear? Then why is it visible in a dictionary?
golden (18)
This cross is on my golden necklace.