Chpt 5 Group DI Benefits Flashcards
Long term disability (LTD)
- Benefit offsets
- LTD benefit offset by other income to ensure the sum not > pre-DI earnings
- Integration with Social Security treated in a variety of ways
- 1 Only the primary Soc. Security benefit may be deducted
- 2 Any family Soc. Security benefit may be deducted
- 3 All sources integration: the primary and family Soc Security benefits deducted if DI benefit + Soc. Security > some income percentage
- Advantages of disabled individual receiving Soc. Security benefits
- 1 Reduces cost of the insurance program for the ER
- 2 EE receives higher income replacement since Soc Sec benefits aren’t fully taxed
- 3 Allows continued Soc. Security credits for the individual
- 4 Qualifies the disabled person for Medicare benefits
- Methods to reduce LTD benefits by a disabled EEs earnings
- 1 Proportionate loss formula: percentage of lost work earnings is applied to the benefit amount
- 2 50% offset: benefit reduces by $1 for every $2 of earnings
- 3 Work incentive benefit: ignores earnings during an initial period unless earnings + benefits > 100% of pre-DI earnings. At that point, benefit reduces dollar for dollar by the excess amount. After incentive period, use either proportion or 50% offset
Long term disability (LTD)
-Limitations and Exclusions
- These manage anti selection and avoid administration of subjective claims
- Special conditions limitation clause
- Pre existing condition exclusion
- Other: war, intentionally self-inflicted injury, commission of felony
Long term disability (LTD)
-Optional Benefits
- COLA (cost of living adjustment)
- Survivor benefit
- Expense reimbursement (for dat care expenses)
- Pension benefit
- Conversion option
- Spousal benefits
- Catastrophic benefits: additional amount for a more serious disability
Group DI provisions
- Definition of disability
- 1 Disability depends on insured’s inability to perform occupational duties
- 2 Own occupation definition
- 2.1 More generous
- 2.2 Makes it easier to qualify for DI benefits
- 2.3 After EE disabled for some time, use “any occupation” definition
- 3 Partial, residual, or loss of earnings definition: allow someone working part-time to qualify for DI benefits, reduced by their work earnings
- EP, BP
- Benefit amounts
- 1 A % of pre-disability earnings (such as 60%), not to exceed a maximum
- 2 EE-paid prem results in a higher % of after-tax income being replaced
- 2.1 Employer-paid premium result in taxable benefits
- 2.2 EE-paid premiums result in tax-free DI benefits
- Limitations and exclusions (DETAILS ON FOLLOWING CARDS)
- Optional benefits (DETAILS ON FOLLOWING CARDS)
Short-Term Disability (STD)
Primary differences between STD and LTD
- STD benefits are paid weekly vs monthly under LTD
- Benefit period for STD is shorter
- STD has higher frequency than LTD and shorter claim durations
- 1 Experience becomes credible more quickly m, and greater proportion of STD self-insured than LTD
STD definition of disability, benefit amounts, offset ms, exclusions, and optional benefits
- Definition if disability
- 1 Unable to perform own occupation
- 2 Non-occupational coverage: only cover accidents or sicknesses occurring outside of the workplace
- 2.1 Avoids overlap with workers compensation coverage
- 3 Partial disability benefits may be available
- STD maximum benefit amounts typically smaller than LTD
- 1 EEs have other sources of funds to meet short term needs
- 2 ER sick leave program supplements the STD plan
- STD usually not integrated with Soc Sec or part-time earnings
- Exclusions for STD are few
- Optional Benefits
- 1 24-hour coverage
- 2 First day hospital coverage
- 3 Survivor benefit: similar to LTD